Brolundar said:I hate these groups of trolls and dwarfes in Hadrians Wall, ok they are grey con to lvl 50, but on distance they may pass as small mid group.
also troll thane but only Troll! ;oatos said:Not thanes? :eek2:
Kalthorine said:When in Emain, I mostly fear being in a group with too many RvR n00bs. It is always nice to see new recruits to the Alb cause, but I still lose sleep at nights with the following in my head (all real examples from bitter personal experience):
Me: "All meet mmg"
"wot does mmg mean?"
Me: "What level r u?"
Me: "..."
Me: "Get casters and healers, and spread out to avoid mez"
"how do I tell which the casters are?"
Me: "..."
"mezzed :-("
"rez plz"
"rez plz"
"rez plz"
"rez plz"
Me: "whats ur loc?"
"over here"
"rez plz"
"rez plz"
Me: "WHERE is here? use /loc"
"Emain, by the road"
"rez plz"
You "<sigh>"
"LFG! Got 6 artifacts!"
Me: "Nicely done matey... what are they and what levels are they at?"
"what do you mean, levels?"
Me: "With that many artifacts, how good are they at the moment? What level is each artifact at?"
"I am level 50"
Me: "Yes I KNOW THAT. What level are your ARTIFACTS, and what are they?"
"Same level as me aren't they?"
(I broke off communication at this point...)
"I is uber level 50 pally! Raaaar!!!"
Me: "Endurance chant please!"
"Oh... Okey"
You "Twist it with Heal Chant & Damage Add plz"
"wots twisting?"
Me: "<sigh>"
"hey, what are these mushrooms for, they weren't here last night"
Me: "er..."
"me dead! :-("
(rest of the scene too horrific to describe, as was the language in group chat...)
Araudry said:stealth zerg, ts, pet trace, add, bg, grapple, moc, fg camping amg..and more
Kalthorine said:"pulling"
(rest of the scene too horrific to describe, as was the language in group chat...)
Exactly my thoughtLannovar said:Oh and I fear the whole of albion going fotm caster after my merc finally getting and leveling some decent kit, becoming a RvR Pariah.
Can I really be arsed to roll another 50
Kalthorine said:When in Emain, I mostly fear being in a group with too many RvR n00bs. It is always nice to see new recruits to the Alb cause, but I still lose sleep at nights with the following in my head (all real examples from bitter personal experience):
Lannovar said:Can I really be arsed to roll another 50
Derric said:<forces cgr to do PvE>
cougar said:<removes 19 of derrics quickbars>