Who is reactivating eu accounts?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 9, 2004
wouldn't get too excited just yet ;) unless u wanna pve lots :/


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Main acc down in a day or 2 , if no date im gonna let it rest for abit and play eve online with my mates tbh as this is getting old :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 24, 2004
ye i prefer play another games than this dead one till we get confirmated date for the transfer


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The chances of me re-subscribing lessen each day.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
I'm staying subbed, cause i'm slow when it comes to cancelling. :\
Haven't played WAR in a few months, but didn't cancel untill this week. Haven't played Aion for a few months either, so guess i should cancel that as well.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I'm staying subbed, cause i'm slow when it comes to cancelling. :\
Haven't played WAR in a few months, but didn't cancel untill this week. Haven't played Aion for a few months either, so guess i should cancel that as well.

If ye feeling you have too much money you can always pay my wow subs :p

Lorimez Shadowblade

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
If transfer had happened within the free month, I think I'd have found myself playing again.

However, the incident with the money is enough to keep me clear for good.

At least, I'll always have the memories of how good this game was (Well before ToA :fluffle:)



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Not after the recent billing fiasco, definitely not right now and maybe never again.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Just cancelled my US subs.. with the lost of 1k players primetime on Ywain the last few months, i dont bother playing the game anymore! The EU transfer is a fail, it should have been transfered right away to Ywain, they could easy have done that before the free month where gone!

But now they earn more money on the EU players, there still have EU accs open and waits for freexfer, and still have a US account open!

But the game have tured to a point i dont like and dont wanna remember the game for since all these years since EU beta where i started!

Macro teams, chinese farmers, they are everywhere and destroying the game! EA make it even easier to get teh good items, so they hope the chinses teams quit, but they keep going selling PL, scales etc! Instead of just ban them since it i against the CoD, but i think EA let them do their business, since EA would miss like 100 acounts if they ban the chinese teams.

And the rvr i like, is dead and gone, it is keep/tower zergs! and maybe a fight on agramon from time to time.

DAoC was the best game i have ever played, but it is going the wrong way now also for the US servers!

Have fun on US when u gets there :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 24, 2004
Tbh, people quitting because of the money fuck-up from mythic is just looking for an excuse to quit. Truth is, if you quit a game for something like that, you have been wanting to quit for a while. This just pushed those people out over the edge.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
how can u transfer your eu chars to usa ? the europe website is down and i can't remember my password :)


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
how can u transfer your eu chars to usa ? the europe website is down and i can't remember my password :)

You can transfer your chars when we hit 'early april', but not yet


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
ok il wait for that then :)

But another problem i've been having is on that eamythic accounts website it says my username/password are invalid ?

+ when i try to make a new account with my email it says i already have an account on that website (which i think i did when i played WAR ?) can i cancel that account or something and use email for daoc ?


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
For logging in you have to use the game login and pw, not your original subscription details


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 9, 2004
maybe we got it wrong.. transfers early april 2011 :p


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Tbh, people quitting because of the money fuck-up from mythic is just looking for an excuse to quit. Truth is, if you quit a game for something like that, you have been wanting to quit for a while. This just pushed those people out over the edge.

Yeh losing $1600+ is not a reason to quit a game at all. Yes it was refunded but it shouldnt have happened anyways.

Game is getting its coffin ready.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2005
You can transfer your chars when we hit 'early april', but not yet

Early April was for more information, no one ever said transfer at that time.....

We now has US acct info transferred/transferring that was always required prior to any char transfer.


Fledgling Freddie
May 24, 2004
Yeh losing $1600+ is not a reason to quit a game at all. Yes it was refunded but it shouldnt have happened anyways.

Game is getting its coffin ready.

You are right. It shouldn't have happened at all. But do you honestly expect everything to be perfect? Shit happens, if you can't deal with that, fine. But then you really shouldn't play ANY game where you are dependant on other people. As you said, it was refunded. And yes, I would probably have been pissed as well, I don't have 1000-2000$ to spend on a problem Mythic had, but as you said, it was refunded. And it's not like it's something that happens every other week or so.

I still stand by what I said, if you quit because if this, you were just looking for a reason, a push over the edge. And it's fine tbh, game isn't for you anymore, and that's basicly just that. If you don't like the game, fine, move on etc. Just saying, that imo if this is the ONLY reason for people quitting, they will have a tough time finding another mmo they can play.

I'm not calling people idiots etc for quitting, just my oppinion. Believe you me, I haven't been all happy about Mythics performance either. But my main problem is lack of information from Mythic regarding everything. Issues, transfers, whatever it may be.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Yeh losing $1600+ is not a reason to quit a game at all. Yes it was refunded but it shouldnt have happened anyways.

Game is getting its coffin ready.

refunded? i lost 25 euro on the exchange rate only

so, no thank you

Everz, i want your babies and eat them:wub:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I still stand by what I said, if you quit because if this, you were just looking for a reason, a push over the edge.

Well, no not really. I am all set and ready for the xfer, items farmed, templates made and whatnot. I already have 3 accounts on Ywain and transferring my EU main account over with the intention of using my EU main account and my US buffbot account. I was quite excited about the prospect of playing my old hero again, a year ago I had all but written off the chances.

With this massive cock up it has made rethink what I will do, I certainly won't be giving them any of my financial details so if I do play it will either be prepaid visa cards or game time cards. Its a very big if at the moment though.
I have been on US servers for the best part of a year, generally I have been very happy with the service I have received and I am grateful for the work Mythic_Andy has done trying to keep us informed and listening to the community. I have not been happy at all with the way they have handled this though. Far to little information and little in the way of an apology it took a week to get my money back and even then I had to get the bank to get it by VISA charge backs, there was no support for EU players, if you wanted to speak with them you had to pay international call charges. While I realise they probably can't afford to give out free game time they could at least tell us what happened and what they are doing to make sure it doesn't happen again, all we have had is a wall of silence. There are rumours on VN (whether true or not) that this is still happening in warhammer, though I doubt lightening can strike twice in this way. They basically need to man up and stop hiding their heads in the sand.

Anyway, summer is coming, its good to be outside. I don't know if I will renew or not, it depends on how fast they do the transfer and how they tidy up the lose ends to their mess. If it drags on for much longer I don't think I will bother.


Fledgling Freddie
May 24, 2004
Well, no not really. I am all set and ready for the xfer, items farmed, templates made and whatnot. I already have 3 accounts on Ywain and transferring my EU main account over with the intention of using my EU main account and my US buffbot account. I was quite excited about the prospect of playing my old hero again, a year ago I had all but written off the chances.

With this massive cock up it has made rethink what I will do, I certainly won't be giving them any of my financial details so if I do play it will either be prepaid visa cards or game time cards. Its a very big if at the moment though.
I have been on US servers for the best part of a year, generally I have been very happy with the service I have received and I am grateful for the work Mythic_Andy has done trying to keep us informed and listening to the community. I have not been happy at all with the way they have handled this though. Far to little information and little in the way of an apology it took a week to get my money back and even then I had to get the bank to get it by VISA charge backs, there was no support for EU players, if you wanted to speak with them you had to pay international call charges. While I realise they probably can't afford to give out free game time they could at least tell us what happened and what they are doing to make sure it doesn't happen again, all we have had is a wall of silence. There are rumours on VN (whether true or not) that this is still happening in warhammer, though I doubt lightening can strike twice in this way. They basically need to man up and stop hiding their heads in the sand.

Anyway, summer is coming, its good to be outside. I don't know if I will renew or not, it depends on how fast they do the transfer and how they tidy up the lose ends to their mess. If it drags on for much longer I don't think I will bother.

Well, short version: :iagree:

I haven't been too happy about Mythics performance as of late myself. And I am in no way trying to defend them. I'm still sure they are working hard to make this work, and I'd rather wait 4 more weeks for the transfer, and make sure they get it right.

I have never really used game cards before. I've ALWAYS used VISA card. I'm going to continue using them now, ONLY because I don't want to end up like so many others. And I don't really see why people complain about the game cards. You buy the card, enter copy/paste the code, and voila! Easy peasy.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 12, 2004
Tbh, its looking very doubtful that im gonna resub!

Not that anyone will miss me! :p

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