Who is getting bored with DAoC ?



Originally posted by old.Emma
infact the only thing that doesn`t bore me stupid at the moment is crafting :/
How true, how true!! And how sad when you consider how stupid crafting is!

The best part about crafting is: you can read a nice book (or watch tv) while standing in Bled and hitting your "craft an item button" every 2 mins.

I am currently browsing the web for a new MMPORG, but looks as if I will be forced to buy SI and cope with it for one or two month'... :(


I CANT actually say im bored with DAoC, its just when im bored there is always something for me to do. HOWEVER the emain zerging is boring shite. A bunch of RP crazed people getting thrils out of 2 minute battles? anyways i think alot of the grief will be taken away if the mile gates are removed. That way fighting is alot more 'open' unfortunatly in the US RvR seems to be diffrent, god knows how they do it but BGs 2 and 3 are just as full as thid and it seems normal RvR is just as much in hadrians and Odins as it is in emain. Hopefully we can all work together to try and avoid the zerg and maby create other oppertunities for people. Its like Malmo, its so booooring and soooooo repetetive, yet still everybody keeps going there from 40-50 and doing the same ole thing over and over untill they can join the masses and go RvR. whatever will happen ill still be playing my G.I.M.P. and having a laugh with me guild as having friends in a game is a big thing actually and can make your game a whole lot more fun :)


Originally posted by Euthanasia.
emma your first post described how i feel exactly.. and probably how 80% of the games population feel aslo .

anyone tried asheron's call 2 ?:p
worth buying?

I've bought it - seems ok so far but I'm only level 5:)

It would appear that you need a beefy machine to run it - my Athlon 1.4ghz 64mb GE2 MX struggles (recommended setting is Low detail) but medium seems to run fine so far.

The skills and character progression has some bonuses over DAOC and you can untrain skills if you make a mistake at any time which sounds nice.

The biggest problem I have with it is I met one person in the hour I was on line and he was just logging out although it was Boxing day night i guess. Also the english server seems to be just a coop server - I think USA has KvK (RvR to you and I) and PvP servers so I might poke around on there later.

Graphically its nice - looks very much like DAOC but the screenshots i have seen in high resolution compare to SI screenies. Character animations are a little odd - my lumbering Lugian char runs funny but then he is blue and twice as big as a human:) Crafting sounds better aswell but I've not tried it yet.


No offence meant Emma but I cant help but notice your sig..I guess you have spent a fair few hours playing this game :)

I guess I'll get shot down for suggesting this on a daoc forum but well <cough> there are other games you might try... im playing morrowind at the moment and altho it doesnt have the online appeal of daoc, it is a hugely 'massive' immersive roleplaying experience all the same

I got it for 20 quid and no subs so not that much to lose if you dont like it



Ive seen 2 SI dungeons so far 1 mid 1 alb and both where very well done, I was bored then SI came along :D

Im sure after a while I'll stop playing again, but by then something new will be out

Oldbone O

Im bored, but that have to do with all the l33t ppl, that need to have speed boots, buff boots, powerleveling, accounts so they can farm rp to there new main, radar.. etc.

Almost impossible to find a good group at lower lvls, everyone have boots, and PL'ing. It have become like a race, everyone need to reach L50 and get lots of rp in short time.. otherwise you are out of the game :(


Ever noticed how many high levels the "bored" people have?

I've been going to various pubs for 14 years and am still keen to go back - why not have some fun there ;) I know i do ;)

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