Who is getting bored with DAoC ?



seriously how many of you are bored with DAoC. yet play because you have nothing better to do.. or no other/better mmorpg to play ?

me personally im boed with RvR (well the zergs anyway)
bored with Xp`n

infact the only thing that doesn`t bore me stupid at the moment is crafting :/

there`s just nothing new to the game.. having to wait such long times for a new patches doesnt help at all.. no point starting another realm as that means more xp`n = boring..

what is really left to do in daoc ?


Yeah i am, not saying my reasons because i will get stupid replies so i will leave it there;)


well said Emma

exactly the same way i feel

only thing keeping me here is the lack of anything else to play

and a great deal of friends in my guild

Try doing a few BG twinks

I got my RM to lvl 20 in 23 hours, and lvl 23 in just over a day


dont play in zergs, play with mates

best advice i can give yall

When alb-zerg-mmg camping was at its worst i was bored as shite.


Originally posted by old.Emma
seriously how many of you are bored with DAoC. yet play because you have nothing better to do..
what is really left to do in daoc ?

Thats me.... :p


i feel the same way too, but then again, what do they need to add to make the game more fun ? actually most fun i had with the beta where everything was new and going through the realm actually was an adventure, had a blast at RvR then, so cool to see those armies for the first time.
In the retail it all was seen that done that been there, and to RvR... well, i never really liked it in the retail.
Everytime i have sticked with goa/mythic, but now the game has nothing more to offer for me, only reason im still here is also the lack of better games


daoc doesnt have much in it, i quit 2 months ago but came back for pvp, now im starting to get bored with that, xping is boring, and rvr gets very repeatitive.

also going around with your mates gets boring too coz most of the time your wandering round looking for people.

daoc relys on rvr coz pve is crap (compared to eq) and crafting is very crap.

and rvr aint all that great too.

also i always loved being a theif in D&D games, and this game isnt D&D and there are no theif classes.


We could use some new kind of RvR ye :) .. like new siege equipment and such, ladders to climb the wall? or something, new frontiers .. well .. SI is around soon, should be fun? guess so.

Still, XP is sooooooooooo booooooooooring :m00: , and if you dont have loads of time (if your not a hardcore player, but just a normal guy) - it tends to get very very very very boring, standing around some spot all night long pounding some buttons, even though you get some good chats.

Nerf the XP time :eek: enhance the RvR :D


the thing that has really destroyed RvR for me is the zerging.. i remember when i first went to emain for RvR must have been around april time with my 44 SB.. best fun ive had in ages.. why ? because everyone else was having fun.. no one was complaining about being zerged or class`s being over powered etc.. now adays you dont get fun fights in emain.. its who ever has the most people wins the fight.. no skill is needed infact most of the times when your in a zerg you prolly only use 1/10th of your characters usefull abilities.


Mythic should seriously consider making small RvR areas that only allow 'X' number of people in them at the same time from each realm, say for example 16 people (2fg, so thats 48 people in at one time) with varying terrain that favours certain classes (Hilly areas to favour tanks against casters, flat land to favour casters, Foresty area to favour snipers, etc) so you could port to one of these areas and have small scale RvR battles.

Of course, the obvious problems are

1. Availibily - due to the limited nature not everyone could access these areas.

2. Bitching - people would probably find some way in which to complain when they get totally owned (no i'm not looking in albions direction :D)

3. Implementation - i guess a system similar to DF could be used, but how do you fix it so that only 2fg can get in at a time?

still, thats only a short term thing. the fact is most people get bored if they do somthing for long enough depending on thier personality type, the way to retain peoples interest is to change things constantly so its always a different and varied experience.

That is after all the whole point of patches, fix bugs? my ass, most patches have had atleast one class feature/new area or some little thing that changes the game in some way to make it more interesting (go through the patch notes and see if you want)

and in this way you keep interested in things, the fact that we're a few patches behind is an advantage to GOA because we can see when will come when they finish translating the patches for the french/german servers (as far as i'm aware there are no major changes needed for the english ones) so we grit our teech and wait it out (i'm waiting for spread heals and RP for res's and after that it'l probably be somthing else)

Anyway, thats how i think it works.... Why the hell arnt i in bed yet? i don't wanna freak out Santa with my light on ;)

Brannor McThife

I am bored. I hate RvR in Emain. I've had great RvR fights in the open in Breifine, Hadrian's Wall and Odin's Gate. Great places for RvR, but oh so few people use them more.

I have to say that Uber guilds tend to make me dislike RvR more and more. The SotL/LoE Zerg in Emain just makes me leave and go PvE or just log. Sure, some of them are good. But well, being "pwned" over and over is not worth it when no amount of skill will allow you to beat people 4+ RR above you with the best Equipment possible.

I made a chanter, to have fun. I really couldn't be arsed about the PBAE, as I've used that <4 times. I'll probably bring my warrior back for 1 month when 1.54 goes live, so that everyone who wants to can duel me and be done with it.

I MIGHT get SI. Still undecided. Don't even know if I'd create one of the new classes, just to go through all that XP AGAIN. I did the 'chanter as there were a lot of places in Hib I hadn't been. Been there, killed the epic mobs, got the T-shirt. kkthxbye.

If we get PvE. I would probably move there and create an SI class, or my trusty Paladin I always RPd in AD&D.

I honestly don't know how some of you manage to go back to Emain port after port.

Bah...givf fun. :(



Originally posted by old.Emma
the thing that has really destroyed RvR for me is the zerging.. i remember when i first went to emain for RvR must have been around april time with my 44 SB.. best fun ive had in ages..

Aaah yes..the good old days of April when the only opposition to a 44 sb conned green/blue and instead of Twilight had to make do with keltoi/triebh :).

Yes, that was great fun...

Seriously though, can I ask why you are still here if you aren't having fun? Once something stops being fun then for heavens sake go. Personally I can honestly say that I am having more fun now in DAOC than I did in either the US or the Euro beta...and since Euro release. I am playing a new char and levelling alongside the alts of friends I fought with and died alongside way back in the mists of time. The banter is great, we are finding new places instead of the treadmill barrows/gobbos/trees, and my interest in the game has been rejuvenated.

Players continue to rubbish GOA/Mythic, rubbish the pve game and rubbish the rvr game and I ask why...why then are you still playing?

I think players who are not having fun need to quantify just what would deliver 'fun' for them. Believe me, April was not 'fun' unless you played in Midgard. If 'fun' is being uber and slaying under-equipped greens/blues then I am sorry but the game has moved on.

Ask yourself why you are not having fun. If the answer lies in char/guild/realm then reroll. If you no longer enjoy the game then simply stop bitching and quit.



Icebreaker <Celtic Fist>


Originally posted by dakeyras

Aaah yes..the good old days of April when the only opposition to a 44 sb conned green/blue and instead of Twilight had to make do with keltoi/triebh :).

Yes, that was great fun...

Seriously though, can I ask why you are still here if you aren't having fun? Once something stops being fun then for heavens sake go. Personally I can honestly say that I am having more fun now in DAOC than I did in either the US or the Euro beta...and since Euro release. I am playing a new char and levelling alongside the alts of friends I fought with and died alongside way back in the mists of time. The banter is great, we are finding new places instead of the treadmill barrows/gobbos/trees, and my interest in the game has been rejuvenated.

Players continue to rubbish GOA/Mythic, rubbish the pve game and rubbish the rvr game and I ask why...why then are you still playing?

I think players who are not having fun need to quantify just what would deliver 'fun' for them. Believe me, April was not 'fun' unless you played in Midgard. If 'fun' is being uber and slaying under-equipped greens/blues then I am sorry but the game has moved on.

Ask yourself why you are not having fun. If the answer lies in char/guild/realm then reroll. If you no longer enjoy the game then simply stop bitching and quit.

i enjoy the game in some ways.. but get bored as well.. the only time i enjoy rvr is just like brannor said small open group fights and just like him.. if i get zerged once in emain.. thats it im outta there.. off to odin`s or hadrians.. because tbh i`d rather wait for an enjoyable fun fight.. than get zerged constantly. with no hope what so ever of winning.. and lets face it.. midgard is no where near the RvR rulers it used to be. and fyi.. April there were lots of cons in emain... Artemis being the "only" 50 infil at the time.. lots of other lvl 50`s as well.. that for me was the most enjoyable time ive had in RvR.


I got bored and quit a while back now and for pretty much the same reasons people are stating here. Unless you really, really like PvP then the game doesn't have much for you. All of the other parts of it have been done better in other games. Also you will find that most people who really quit simply don't say anything at all; they just leave (although it is hard to stop reading messageboards :) ).

Incidentally Albion/Prydwen had its first level 50 character on the 16th of April. There were a handful of others after that but you wouldn't have started seeing them with any sort of frequency in RvR for at least another month or so after that. The first serious relic attempt (outside of Midgard) took place on the 4th June to give you an idea of timescales for getting a reasonable number of high level characters together.


emma your first post described how i feel exactly.. and probably how 80% of the games population feel aslo .

anyone tried asheron's call 2 ?:p
worth buying?


I'd like an option to start out at level 50, I've played so many characters and a lot of classes up to 40, but I never have the time to solidly level from 40-50 - it would be nice if the more casual gamers could be catered for, as RvR in my opinion is the one thing that makes this game worth playing - killing hordes upon hordes of the same bloody monsters is mind numbingly boring - and the ONLY reason most people do this is to get to RvR... perhaps levels 20-50 could be adjusted so that from then on, you don't need more experience to level each time.

As for improving realm vs realm wars - as someone above mentioned, ladders would be a great idea, and would give fighter types more to do in a siege - to stop armies swarming the keep with one ladder, ladders could be pretty frail things, so assassin classes would need to protect them from guards/defenders while the attackers came up the ladders. To balance the keep attacking/defending perhaps there could be a controllable ballista/catapult type weapon on the ramparts, or pots of boiling oil - add a bit more flavour mythic. Interactive terrain would be a nice addition too - hills take longer to walk up than down, you must take off armour to swim in water - archers can't fire in rain showers, and stealthers are more easy to spot in daytime - plus some new terrains, marshes, tar pits, etc. - this game could be so much more, if mythic wanted it to be so.


as someone said. if youre bored witless, quit.

if you like some parts, and dont like others, avoid the ones you dont like.

if you have fun for an hour, then get bored, log off after an hour.

it cant be THAT hard :p


Why don't you just fucking QUIT PLAYING , if you dislike daoc soooo much!!!! Hate this kind of threads, so useless and irritating. It¨s not that fun for us who REALLY want to play. DAoC isnt just a game u quit when u want,, its a lifestyle. DAoC in my haert forever.


im dead bored with daoc... as it is currently.. but im not quiting, im looking forward to the next patches, SI... and I still feel like this game is worth playing, every mmorpg gets boring after a while... im probably gonna play some other mmorpg on the side, like EVE... but no way im leaving hibby.


Originally posted by Svartnos
Why don't you just fucking QUIT PLAYING , if you dislike daoc soooo much!!!! Hate this kind of threads, so useless and irritating. It¨s not that fun for us who REALLY want to play. DAoC isnt just a game u quit when u want,, its a lifestyle. DAoC in my haert forever.

no need for foul language


If you class daoc as a lifestyle you need to get out more


More bored with all the peeps that are bored and bore me with boring explanations why they're bored :)

Find balance. Play Zen-DAoC ;)

Play it 24/7 race race race pwn and be pwned then get bored. Waiting for patches or even something trivial as the friday news for gods sake :)

Turn off the pc once in a while (not too much don't leave) or play another game. Pinball, patience, Commander Keen :D


Originally posted by liste
as someone said. if youre bored witless, quit.

if you like some parts, and dont like others, avoid the ones you dont like.

if you have fun for an hour, then get bored, log off after an hour.

it cant be THAT hard :p

The "beauty" of this game is you need to play through the boring parts (xping) to get to the fun parts (RvR) - a server where you started out as a level 50 would be nice...


Nope, not bored yet.

Sure I get pissed off with the game sometimes, but theres still plenty to do.

If I get bored levelling alts, I take the 50 out for a stroll in rvr, if theres nothing but zergs, try the pvp server, if thats not to your taste, go for a stroll in parts of the zones you havent seen before, and lets be honest, I bet theres some areas in some zones your havent seen yet, I know off lots of areas I never checked when I was levelling I keep promising to go back and take a look at, even if its all grey there.

Still plenty to do and I havent even tried crafting yet.

And the expansion pack is in feb, which isn't as far away as you might think, even if it gets delayed.


Originally posted by Kagato.
if theres nothing but zergs, try the pvp server
if you don't like zergs and emains zerged why go to the pvp server where there's more zergs t.t?


Originally posted by Kagato.
go for a stroll in parts of the zones you havent seen before, and lets be honest, I bet theres some areas in some zones your havent seen yet, I know off lots of areas

pfft seriously who has done that? daoc isnt the best game to explore. and everything is so empty.



If you dont like the game, don't play it.
I would be damned if I paid to do something I wouldn't enjoy.


Originally posted by Ezeine

If you dont like the game, don't play it.
I would be damned if I paid to do something I wouldn't enjoy.

didnt say i dont like the game.. just im bored with the game as it stands now... RvR is no fun, Xp`n is boring as hell... hell the only thing left for me todo now.. is craft and farm loot :/

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