Who got Red Alert 2?


old.Johnny Jackal

Originally posted by [MOD]Psycho
Why are 90% of players on the net crap, I've now had 53 games and not lost one, either I'm good or they're shit or a bit of both. Thing is I haven't spent huge amounts of time playing it online, those wins are easily achieved in the first 20 mins of the game, cos everyone always goes for nukes etc, so ignores building up early base defence, fools!!

Also if you were good at other C&C games you'll be good at this one, simple eh?

So what rank are you? You must be high up. I'm in the top 1000 but it's hard to stay in there when if you lose you drop 3x more points than you gain from winning a match.

The main problem is that the soviet terror drones are so over-powered that allied players don't stand a chance.


Well having got Homeworld Cataclysm the other day I can only say I like it more than I like RA2.


Innovation is risky for games companies. Time & again it's been shown that good, innovative games won't sell as well as tried & trusted formulaic rehashes.

Look at BattleZone, Homeworld, Shogun etc etc etc - all of them superb games with piss poor sales. Then look at the sales of games like the Tomb Raider series, C&C series and most notably in America, the Deer Hunter games.

Why should a company innovate until people stop buying the latest tired old copy of a game that was great 6 years ago?

Sucks I know but that's the way it is...


-dvd style boxes: this will almost certainly become standard as game publishers were ordered to reduce packaging sizes by <insert un-rememberable regulatory body here>. traditional chunky cardboard boxes are v. wasteful as far as packaging goes in relation to what u actually need, and also they take up too much shelf space :)

-performace seemed pretty slow on my system, p3-866/128meg/v3 in 1024/hi detail, really chugs when a lot of action is going on (like when u storm the pentagon playing the soviets and paratroopers are dropping down all around u, must have been getting like 20fps there...). a d3d patch would be nice, just to maintain hi fps, i dont care if the gfx dont look ne better. playing co-op on network the load times seemed ridiculously long for my housemate on his p3-500. network messages were also printed EXTREMELY slowly on my screen at time, sometimes as low as 1 or 2 char/sec meaning it didnt have time to b fully printed b4 it was removed! the 1.01 patch has made this marginally better it seems...

-Air attacks arent overly effective against an opponent with a few patriot/flak defences spread evenly across the base (on higher difficulty levels the computer does this). on the easier co-op campaigns we would just send in 8/12 planes and level any building we chose :)

-terror drones can be dealt with fairly well by rocketeers, send a squad of 4 or 5 scouting about and dispatch them from the safety of the skies.

-a chain of prism towers, backed by entrenched infantry and a bunch of prism tanks can hold off pretty much any soviet tank assault. the computer doesnt bunch enough prism towers/tanks together to benefit from the combined firepower attacks.

-tech buildings and the small regenerating ore patches help to avoid the problem on some maps of running out of ore (this happened to me a lot in ra/wc2 on some maps).

-in general its one of the most balanced rts' ive played (RA and WC2 being the only ones i played a lot of). when constructing defences, u need a chain of prism/tesla turrets backed up by some tanks/infantry, and also patriot/flak cannons to deal with harriers/kirovs. in red alert i basically just built as many "rock 'ard" tanks as possible and let them defend my base while i massed up a task force to assault the enemy. so on the basic level it seems pretty well balanced; altho imo the soviet superweapons are way better than allied, and also the national specialties range from pretty decent (upgraded tanks/planes) to pretty useless (desolators, snipers). of course with more practive i may learn how to use them better :)


Desolators & Snipers are pretty fucking good against the AI especially if they're playing a Soviet force.

Desolators make great base defence against spies & engineers, just put a ring of them around your base and deploy them... of course you'll have to make sure any other infantry you have are well out the way first ;)

Oooh and this is my 100'th post :p

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