who are the big guilds then on pvp



Yeah got to say, that as a Prydwen player these days I am a bit disgusted with Prydwen Invaders on Gorre. Bottom line is to be an uber PK guild on Camlann (Gorre is just a playground, its best not to get a reputation there really, as when Camlann starts your gonna be targetted) you are really up against quality opposition.

Theres a difference between PKing and griefing that many PI just don't get yet....

And to that little enchanter who was hanging around the entrance to TNN griefing. Mate, you get f**k all exp/rp for behaving like that, all you do is drag the name of your guild down. BEHAVE!

Prydwen Invaders my arse!

Generic Poster

PI is only a guild for Gorre, afaik it won't be formed on Camlan.

That's probably why a few players don't really care about behaving or giving the guild a bad name, they know it's only a short-term playground.


Nah I got 'pwned' by Celtic Fist (nice teamwork and tactics guys), some dodgy Spanishy sounding guild (great trap) and a few others.

Get pwned doesn't bother me. Its a PvP server. Getting griefed always has, and always will piss me off though. Looks like Silverwolf and Brunore still can't tell the difference.


PI KOS wheather gray or purp ill still have a go :D

gotta love that 2 greens and 6 gray's i solo'd at gna about 2 hours ago :D


Originally posted by -yoda-
the ones i saw reguler or know will be reguler are

Cutting edge "non pk guild"
Nolby "pk guild"
Read hand "i think thats what it was"
Millenium "non pk guild but huge!!"
War Legends "pk guild i think"

probably a few more i just put the ones ive seen ,

Hmm i just got ganked by a purp from CE (and no I didnt attack him 1st =)... non PK? hmm :p

Well it is a PvP server so not that I wouldnt expect it! =)


During the test the anti stance isn't being enforced, and so some people are taking the chance to get ganking out of their system before the real thing. Several other guilds are doing similar stuff.:)

Also, you don't need to have attacked us personally, if you were in a KOS guild or seen PKing or if you were just running around unguilded that itself makes you a target, apk guilds in the U.S stretch the meaning of the term often killing guildless people, especially if they are worth a reward. I don't think its been decided yet whether we follow their example or not, so its abit of a grey area in regards as to what we should or should not do.


ppl dont take gorre seriously...

ive been soloing there many classes just to check em... and everytime u get zerged by 4-8 ppl squads... wonder wheres the fun ganking that blue con kobold exping there but still... its just gorre. CAMLANN will say.


i don't think thall all big guilds on gorre now will be the same at camlann... we will see.


Who gives a rats ass if PI are lame or whatever, we are a test-server only guild and really... most are just screwing around for now afaik...
I for one am not going to do any serious levelling to have my character wiped. I fear for myself though because I highly doubt I can keep up with the levelling pace when the servers open, ESPECIALLY if they open the damn server in the middle of the week, dumbest thing to do tbh.


Originally posted by agreiloth

Hmm i just got ganked by a purp from CE (and no I didnt attack him 1st =)... non PK? hmm :p

Well it is a PvP server so not that I wouldnt expect it! =)

Ce are NOT pk :) if a purp killed you "you could of been GREEN" you might of been in a kos guild . or been seen to be pk'ing .

i dont pk but if i saw a lamer camped outside a main city pbae all the lower cons . ill boink him on the head with my sword . imo i wouldnt call it a pk i call it helping the lower lvl guys get inside main city to train . imo there are to many fg's who just sit outside main city entrys or bindstones just killing low cons that are solo with a fg .

yea some Ce might as vandgard stated be running around doing the odd pk . but when server goes live AFAIK killgorde has stated people who are in Ce that pk will be remove from guild . Ce are putting killing others on the back burner due to us having long term goals . not just be a newb guild of pks who run around all day killing low cons .

KG im sure will post soon stating Ce's status for live pvp . so keep eye on forums :)

p.s @chesnor i agree 100% griefing and pk'ing are 2 TOTALLY different things ,

imo Greifers =lamers :)


Prydwen Invaders are big assholes on Gorre, yea... it's a guild that invite as much people as possible, and then go crazy pk'ing...its join us or die kind of thing... I got half of my chacters in that guild, because I want to XP with those characters, and PI will leave me be if i do...

Tho the guild is filled up with lamers, and german/french people speaking their language (not saying the germs or frenchs are lamers), even if its against the rules... so that guild sucks bigtime, hardly no teamwork at all when it comes to xp'ing, but in PK they all join in if needed...

But i got my other chars who are totally unguilded because he wants nice targets (PI guys, many low lvl'ers) and to avoid having that tag Prydwen Invaders under his name, since that tag is a Post-It note on your back saying: "I'm the biggest asshole in the world so gank me now!".

Ofcourse, there are nice people in PI too, but there are lamers there aswell.

Anyway, Prydwen Invaders will not be created on on Camlann, that's a fact...unless someone else make a guild with that name.


Originally posted by SilverHood
can't beat us, then join us

99% Prydwen Invaders are greys... and whine when you kill em :rolleyes:


Yeah crossposting has begun, finally we'll know what the Broc forums look like :)

Welcome Nyk, mais on ne peut pas parler français ici hein?

Please link/point for us the most amusing / stupid threads of Broc forums and we'll be happy to point you to see the weirdest forum litterature Excalibur and Prydwen got to offer!


It's impossible
All threads are more stupid some that the others.
Lot of noobs and whinners.
I think it's similary everywhere..


Huh Cryptic message!!

What the difference between a Forum?

R : One of its threads are both the same...

:p :p


@szechuan: that Guild from Stonehenge (Red Hands from Stonehenge and a Guild from Avalon) wont have 400+ Members. They wont go together to Camlann anymore and thats for sure (at least atm, hehe). Red Hands will become a strong force on Cam for sure though.

The current Names of the german guilds you will face often on Camlann will be:
Arans Circle (AntiPK)
Ars Necandi (not really sure about them)
Cursed Crusaders (PK)
Red Hands (they don't know yet)

Personally I joined <Hired Blade>, a guild that will act like Mercenaries and help for cash :)
I'm not a big fan of the "uberguilds"...

EDIT: uh, stumbled over a guild called Stonehenge with about 450 Members, sorry, didn't know that such a thing exists, as far as I heard they didn't manage to organize for Gorre yet, guess they will form in June next year or something... *eg*

Ela, 45 Friaress on Andred
Morian, 37 Healer on Andred
Wulven, 38 Shadowblade on Stonehenge (retired)

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