White lines and stretch marks


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I'm working on this site at the moment: http://www.nrsglassconstruction.com/

The guy who owns it uses a laptop with a wide screen, which makes the logo and the inside curve near the top a little blurred. I'm guessing that's because of his screen and/or display setup? Also though he gets these thin horzintal white lines that go across the menu, not all the time just on the ocassional screen refresh, but I can't replicate it myself on a PC with Internet Explorer (what he uses) or Firefox so I don't know what it is if it's not also because of his laptop.

Any ideas anyone?


Fledgling Freddie
May 11, 2005
I refreshed a few times in Firefox and IE and saw no white lines.

I can't really see a blurred logo and the inside curve looks fine to me. I guess it could be a result of his setup - perhaps resolution? Unless it's just that particular bit thats blurry on his screen and nothing else .. *shrug*

One thing, slightly OT. - It bugs me slightly that the nav buttons switch from images to white blocks when hovering. :p Just a thought.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Maljonic said:
The guy who owns it uses a laptop with a wide screen, which makes the logo and the inside curve near the top a little blurred.

There are only two possible reasons for this that I'm aware of.

If he has a widescreen (16:9 aspect) display but has incorrectly set a 4:3 resolution (such that his LCD screen is stretching the pixels horizontally), in which case it's user error and he needs to correctly configure his computer or _possibly_ (though more unlikely) if he has a very high end laptop with High Definition resolution, he might have set his DPI higher than the default (96DPI on Windows or 72 on a Mac).

Certainly in Internet Explorer setting higher DPI causes images to be stretched (in both directions), a massively flawed action when using bitmap images. Of course, IE doesn't support any standardised format vector image so, err, well just add it to the 'sucks' list. This is something to note by the way, as apparently the latest generation of Dells widescreen monitors are supposed to be set as 120DPI and lots of people are complaining about web pages looking shit afterwards.

I believe that switching on 'Large Fonts' in Windows also increases the DPI.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Thanks guys, that's pretty much what I thought. Just wanted to make sure. :)

P.S. I like the button thing myself.

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