Slug32 said:Appelsinjuice = lag abusing retard
/end whine
PS forgot Everlast Shamen, doh, what did i expect
/ignore whine
Addlcove said:provide evidence or FOAERIRL
Slug32 said:the is no point in providing evidence. . . . has been done before and is always explained away, ISP issues, downloading and lagging, I dont know how to cheat etc etc.
This is just a blatent whine, simple really. He knows what he did, good enough for me.
Unfortunately FRAPS keeels my machine.
Appelsinjuice, I was the solo, unbuffed stealther you encounterd AMG, having a bit of fun just like you, and me sitting down was not an error, I dont see the point in fighting when someone abuses bugs.So might as well get it over and done with.
So next time if u see me, wave, get my attention, I'll sit down again for you, maybe then you wont have to abuse, or am i Asking too much??
Slug32 said:Appelsinjuice, I was the solo, unbuffed stealther you encounterd AMG,
Eroa said:Inf jumping a shaman without using snare = dead inf
Slug32 said:Appelsinjuice = lag abusing retard
/end whine
PS forgot Everlast Shamen, doh, what did i expect
/ignore whine
HI DER AOL.COM Typical newbie, no doubt downloads off kazza while playing then gets lag blames others.Slug32 said:Appelsinjuice = lag abusing retard
/end whine
PS forgot Everlast Shamen, doh, what did i expect
/ignore whine
Too freaking right doggy, Grobo i have known now for 7 months +, never wants to cheat never lame and cares very much about the game.Heffer said:looooool hahahhaah roflmfao ..
fuckoff you cock Grob is the most respected mid player in my eyes! i respect him lot too! kiting skillz are different from lag abusing your fool! so dont stfu with whine!:worthy: Grobothir :worthy: :wub:
Zapsi said:Grob what did u do now ?
Did u bring the snake charmer to Emain ?
Slug32 said:Appelsinjuice = lag abusing retard
/end whine
PS forgot Everlast Shamen, doh, what did i expect
/ignore whine
snoz said:Too freaking right doggy, Grobo i have known now for 7 months +, never wants to cheat never lame and cares very much about the game.
Top guy.
Puppet said:Playing shaman-class with insta PB-disease shout without immunity every other blink of an eye aint lame?
:wub: :wub:
Puppet said:Playing shaman-class with insta PB-disease shout without immunity every other blink of an eye aint lame?
:wub: :wub: