Which woman would your football club be?



Arsenal - Angelina Jolie
Look good, a bit maverick at times and you know they have the potential to really f*ck you over

Aston Villa - Dido
One big hit. Fairly inoffensive really

Birmingham City - Maria Carey
Occasionally interesting, frequently annoying. Supporters are thick

Blackburn Rovers - Melanie Sykes
Common as muck Lancastrian.

Bolton Wanderers - Natalie Imbruglia
Always looks like she might go down but never does

Charlton Athletic - Martine McCutcheon
Chirpy Cockney with the ability to spring a few surprises

Chelsea - Rachel Stevens
Every bit looks good from all angles. But what is she doing with that fairy

Everton - Barbara Windsor
We've been laughing at the tits so long we forget that once upon a time they actually looked quite good

Fulham - Andrea Corr
Not bad to look at but not much of her. Seems a bit awestruck with fame

Leicester City - Patsy Palmer
Generally a bit****and second rate really, but some people like her

Leeds United - Lisa Scott Lee
Dirty Lee

Liverpool - Sophie Ellis Bextor
Individually all the components look fantastic - somehow the whole just not really working at the moment

Man City - Madonna
Have been big at times - now lost the plot a bit - ageing stars. Nice new home though

Man United - Jordan
Dominated by tits. Quite repulsive really

Middlesborough - Tara Palmer Tompkinson
Can look quite good at the back - but nothing at all up front to speak of

Newcastle United - Christina Aguillera
Can look good. Various unsavoury elements though

Portsmouth - Chrissie Hynde
On the face of it a has-been but you're quite interested in what she's going to do next

Southampton - Kylie Minogue
Sometimes you feel sorry for them, They're not huge and you've got a bit of a soft spot.

Tottenham hotspur - Hannah from S Club
Always in the shadow of better looking neighbours

Wolverhampton Wanderers - Debbie Dean from Hollyoaks
Relative newcomers - attracting some interest


Originally posted by Serbitar
Man United - Jordan
Dominated by tits. Quite repulsive really

Middlesborough - Tara Palmer Tompkinson
Can look quite good at the back - but nothing at all up front to speak of

Man U description quite funny but i gotta disagree about M'bro!


Christie, Job, Maccarone, Nemeth, Ricketts

Middlesborough strikers... how many people just thought 'Who?'

personally i think the description is quite apt


this is a good post to put some smileys....

:D :) :twak: ;)


Originally posted by Serbitar
Christie, Job, Maccarone, Nemeth, Ricketts

One sprinter, one pasta dish served with cheese, one gay off Corrie, one bane of my life, and I can't think of anything funny to say about Nemeth. Some good quality stuff there!


And can you explain the Lisa Scott-Lee thing? I don't get it.


hmm good question...

Lisa Scott Lee - that woman from steps.

Dirty Leeds - standard insult for leeds

As to why lisa scott lee is considered dirty i dont know.

(i used to share a student house with a bloke from leeds, always called him dirty </chuckle>)


Should maybe be Aguilera, she's Dirrty ain't she?


I know who Lisa Scott-Lee is :p I just don't get it at all.

Incidentally, Lisa Scott-Lee's brother is a contestant in this weeks Pop Idol heat. His name is Andy. He's crap.


Steps were the greatest band of the past 5 years! Such classics as 'Stomp', 'Heartbeat/Tragedy' and 'Last Thing on My Mind' - who could possibly deny it?!

I can even name them: Faye Tozer (who I went to dance school with when I was little!), Lee Latchford-Evans (the one with the colgate smile), Ian 'H' Watkins (the H stands for Hyperactive apparently), Claire Bitchface (that's not her real name, but she certainly is a cow), and Lisa Scott-Lee (the short welsh one, who now manages her brother in his bid for Pop stardom).

Seriously, they are the best band ever ever ever ever ever. With S Club Juniors a close second. And my opinion is not biased at all, despite the fact I know them :p


Originally posted by Vell
Steps were the greatest band of the past 5 years! Such classics as 'Stomp', 'Heartbeat/Tragedy' and 'Last Thing on My Mind' - who could possibly deny it?!

I can even name them: Faye Tozer (who I went to dance school with when I was little!), Lee Latchford-Evans (the one with the colgate smile), Ian 'H' Watkins (the H stands for Hyperactive apparently), Claire Bitchface (that's not her real name, but she certainly is a cow), and Lisa Scott-Lee (the short welsh one, who now manages her brother in his bid for Pop stardom).

Seriously, they are the best band ever ever ever ever ever. With S Club Juniors a close second. And my opinion is not biased at all, despite the fact I know them :p

lol, i went to school with claire richards :p

seems we have something in common. 'mon then, who else went to school with them ;o we can prolly form a bizarre tribute band. 'Steps Schoolmates :p'

LOL at the list though Serb, though foad about Blackburn. We play Sexeh football!!111


Originally posted by Vell
I know who Lisa Scott-Lee is :p I just don't get it at all.

Incidentally, Lisa Scott-Lee's brother is a contestant in this weeks Pop Idol heat. His name is Andy. He's crap.

He won though :(


Originally posted by Serbitar
Arsenal - Angelina Jolie
Look good, a bit maverick at times and you know they have the potential to really f*ck you over
hehe :m00:

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