Which is the best archer class in all 3 realms?



erm, in albion: Scout, in midgard: Hunter, in hibernia: Ranger ?


Hunter appears to have higher weaponskill if I remember rightly making them more viable if they need to go melee. Also having an insta cats pet is a dream come true against casters.


Hunters have a long time been regarded as the weakest of the archer classes and the scout the most powerful, as to if any recent changes has changed that I don't know. I don't play any hunter as main so I don't claim to have any special knowledge, but I don't think that the instacast pet is enough to make them the most powerful class. Scouts still have a few abilities that probably makes them the most powerful archer. Among them having the longest range on the bow and the ability to spec shield to get slam.


Those insta-pets are pretty damn effective against infils too.

The infil PAs the hunter, the hunter casts the insta-pet and sprints.
The infil now has two choices:
1) Chase the hunter - meanwhile the blue-con pet's hitting you for 100 damage a time on the rear (no evade) and nibbling down your health very fast
2) Deal with the pet - hunter stops sprinting and makes you into a pin cushion.

It is possible to get out of that situation, maybe a lucky DF on the pet then chase the hunter, or you might be lucky enough to have had the snare poison equipped. Either way, hunters are no longer the assassin fodder they used to be.

PS: This assumes it's a smart hunter, dumb ones are still piss-easy.


Hunters got a quite a bit of love lately, they seem much more capable than they used to be. Don't underestimate an insta-cast pet either. It interupts casters so much that you can't cast unless you use MoC, it has even interupted my quickcast before now which is a complete pisstake.


yep its hunter

selfbuffs, a spear which in many cases outdamages alb polearms and decentish bow ability, and stealth tracker pet


On the VNboards(If I remember correctly) there was a poll about what's the best stealther....Ranger won, Infil on 2nd


i'll go for hunter for the interrupts being a caster ;)

think i've played on all these chars on some m8's acc for quite a long time and u gotta love slam with scout its a godsend :D

but not much beats a instant pet then sprint if in trouble and watch your foe die by a pet u can just kill and recast to full hp in a few mins. Rangers are nice though... imo hardest hitting bow by a LONG way but unless u make sure the attacker isnear enough dead by the time he/she reaches u u're dead in a nutshell (that goes for infs jumping u too... not a chance in hell)

hunter imo better (but not by much) than the other archers ;)


Originally posted by Tucke-Wai

hunter imo better (but not by much) than the other archers ;)

I would say ranger, as their melee is the best and bow is almost as good as the scout. Pet is nice, but it also breaks your speed buff.
As hunter vs infil you need to purge dot and stun on you, then just sprint a few feet away then hit speed buff and then put pet on him. So you got a lot of ground on him, when your speed buff pops. Btw any tick of the dot or some hit pops the speed buff aswell.

The pet has its nice points and give a lot of utility, but in pure fight I would still say that a ranger is better. Allthough having someone extra for interupting is nice.

selfbuffs, a spear which in many cases outdamages alb polearms and decentish bow ability, and stealth tracker pet

uhm our spear does NOT outdamage a polearm, we have the poorest bow ability, but still decent and our self buffs are laughable. AF buff does almost nothing (as it doesnt exceed cap) and dex/quick buff allthough useful does not give us alot, the speed buff is nice aswell with the pet. But does are not really self buffs.


imo scout is best, better defence than others, and dont have to reveal postion every 15 minutes to rebuff.

also has guard which is more useful in a group than anything a hunter or ranger has to offer.

if only scout had a run buff, id think its a perfect class :p minus the fumble and miss rate.

and the block block block, evade evade shitz


Originally posted by -fwapp-
yep its hunter

selfbuffs, a spear which in many cases outdamages alb polearms and decentish bow ability, and stealth tracker pet

Yeah, hunters are really uber...

1. Teh super selfbuffs.

The AF buff doesn't go over AF cap, which makes it useless.

Then we have the super insta speed, that breaks on everything. I bet that most non-hunter don't know that the insta speed breaks if any group member or pet is in combat. If a hunter uses a bleed style, the bleed dmg will break insta speed. Getting rps will also break insta speed. Insta speed is good for two things: 1. running to the teleporter guy in Aegir. 2. Hunting down fleeing ppl.

The dex/qui buff is semi-useful. At Beastcraft 30 you get a +34 dex/qui. (Most hunter spec to 32 for best insta pet.) At Aug. 21 a Shamans buff is +39 dex/qui. A cleric with lvl 20 enchant. will buff better then most hunters.

The only really useful BC has to offer in the insta pet.

2. Teh uber spear that "in many cases outdamages alb polearms". I guess you never got a good hit by a polearm. Sure the damage might look high, but it has speed of about 5 sec. Most hunter use trust spear, so if you trust resist is gimped then you are in trouble. Slow weapons are also more vulnerable to pbt and evade then fast ones.

3. Bow is fine, but worst then both ranger and scout.

4. You also forgot that hunters only has evade 2, and def. penalty on all styles except detaunt.

I havn't played a high lvl scout or ranger so I can't say if they are better or worse. But I can tell you that a hunter is a quite mediocre char.


mixed opinion bout hunter here ;)

ppl rating them the best others the worse... guess it depends on experience tbh but i'll still stand by my rating of them as better by a tiny bit than the rest... only cos of my good experiences of palying them


Originally posted by old.Silence
and dont have to reveal postion every 15 minutes to rebuff.

well yes but i'd like the choice to

scout's option is to level achemy, make loads of expensive pots and then destealth every 10 mins to use a set.


Originally posted by -fwapp-
well yes but i'd like the choice to

scout's option is to level achemy, make loads of expensive pots and then destealth every 10 mins to use a set.

scouts get shield instead of buffs and got slower bow(still get versus hunters) and get longer range.


rangers, better bow damage then hunters, and very nice melee


Originally posted by klavrynd
rangers, better bow damage then hunters, and very nice melee
Can only have one or the other :rolleyes:

Melee rangers a good at melee but crap with bow.
Sniper rangers are ok with a bow and crap at melee.

Hunter > Ranger but that's pretty much the case with most mid classes > Hib classes.


Originally posted by Omniscieous
Can only have one or the other :rolleyes:

Melee rangers a good at melee but crap with bow.
Sniper rangers are ok with a bow and crap at melee.

Hunter > Ranger but that's pretty much the case with most mid classes > Hib classes.

uhm a ranger can be better in bow and better in melee than a full melee hunter or full bow hunter :p.

Hunters only got insta pet on the ranger, but it also procs ablatives, which rangers damage add doesnt ;). Neither does ranger DA breaks speed buff if you forgot to release the pet or put him on passive :p.


well,imo rangers :)
ive got 50+11(+rr) bow
and 39+11(+rr) pierc
with this i can easy pwn any hunter or scout melee and cause of my 35+11(+rr) stealth i usually see them first so i can crit em and then theire dead..well,i have a bb..but wich good hunter/scout doesnt..


Hunter vs scout ... hunter will win with insta pet...
Hunter vs ranger ... hunter will win with insta pet...
Ranger vs Scout ... I beat a couple I lost to a couple but it does seem to hang towards the side of the Scouts there

So in 1 on 1 it's :
1. Hunter
2. Scout
3. Ranger

But in keep defence/attack scouts should do the most bowdamage... hunters can interupt casters with their pet... so there it is
1. Scout
2. Hunter
3. Ranger

In Emain rpph4rm1ng all 3 s00k :)


Best archer......Scout
Best melee...... Hunter
Good archer and good melee.......Ranger

All r good they just got diferent things....ppl that play both 3 well do ok...hunter got a good advantaje with spear but when they fight vs shield tanks or infs/ns buffed they got lot of block/miss each 5 sec and it makes spear not good as CD for rangers.


the archer classes are actually well balanced now.

Tbh theres very little difference in all 3.

I would say ranger though.

I am not one to blow my own trumpet but I cant remeber the last time I lost 1v1 to another archer.

Scouts hits like girls in melee and rely on landing the slam to get a few shots off. This usually misses or gets evaded and they can blow a lot of end b4 it actually lands.

BB have made the self buff spec lines for hunter and ranger very poor.

In pure melee Rangers have the edge but hunter hit harder on paper.

The insta pet is a gr8 tool to have as a hunter. Imo its a bit unfair but hey.

If I had to call it I would say ranger.


Hunter is best if u prefer a more melee based archer, ranger if u wanna snipe, both are better than a scout.

Hunters melee is far superior to a scouts, even with 50 thrust they dont do great damage, yet i was hit for over 600 by fatbelly's spear. Hunters have faster bows though and slightly less range but the pet renders the scouts slam almost useless.

Rangers have the same slow 5.5 speed bows and only 100 less range than scouts(last time i read) but rangers also get access to self buffs and CD.

One interesting thing most people have left out is that both hunter+ranger get access to AP unlike the scout.

Atm in a 1v1 situation hunter=>ranger>>>scouts


as an infi i find hunters more annoying than rangers. they hit hard with bow and with spear and if things go wrong, forget about getting away with that damn insta pet on your ass

Repent Reloaded

imo, Ranger.

for melee Hunter i suppose
Sniper is Scout due to its longer range but for a mix of the two Ranger, they have better range than hunters and hit harder then scouts.

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