Which do i join: Planetside or Eve



We had something like that yesterday morning nicky - assaulted a base that was neutral being hacked by terrans, booted the terrans out, got attacked by a MASSIVE NC force, held it, got booted, got it back, and the NC managed to get a hack in when we had 2 mins left. Gutted. We tried and tried but couldn't smash through the immense defending force. Ah well. Major fun for about 3 hours trying to take it :D


Originally posted by old.Xarr
You're not patient and currently not enjoying planetside? Are you stuck in the VR training grounds or did you mean EVE mayhaps? :]

15 MINUTES FOR A HACK zZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :)


RAWR! last time i'm ordering from cdromshop. even payed extra for that dhl express option. only good that did me was a clearence delay for 5 (five!!!!) days at the dhl facility. GIVF planetside.


Originally posted by old.Kram
15 MINUTES FOR A HACK zZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :)

Yeah, the 15 minutes can be a pain, but theres loads of ways round it. Not following the zerg is a good alternative, or picking well defended facilities to attack. If you've been fighting for two hours to get a hack in, odds on the enemy aint going to sit by and let you just take the facility without a fight. So it often ends up with 'Bloody hell.. enemies everywhere, defend the CC, DEFEND!!!!' which is loads of fun.

Following the Zerg is really crap though. You arrive at a facility, theres about 100 of yer comrades wandering about, wait 15 minutes, collect crap XP, and off you go again. But thats what all zergs are like I guess.


Originally posted by old.Kram
15 MINUTES FOR A HACK zZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :)

Yeah, the 15 minutes can be a pain, but theres loads of ways round it. Not following the zerg is a good alternative, or picking well defended facilities to attack. If you've been fighting for two hours to get a hack in, odds on the enemy aint going to sit by and let you just take the facility without a fight. So it often ends up with 'Bloody hell.. enemies everywhere, defend the CC, DEFEND!!!!' which is loads of fun.

Following the Zerg is really crap though. You arrive at a facility, theres about 100 of yer comrades wandering about, wait 15 minutes, collect crap XP, and off you go again. But thats what all zergs are like I guess.


anyway HG on planetside pwns SG! (in the being cooler sense of pwning... SG only have about 10 million times our outfit points... hrm maybe thats in the 'not doing quite as well' form of pwning?)

anyway we pwn*! rah!

* - in the sense of not pwning at all.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
anyway HG on planetside pwns SG! (in the being cooler sense of pwning... SG only have about 10 million times our outfit points... hrm maybe thats in the 'not doing quite as well' form of pwning?)

anyway we pwn*! rah!

* - in the sense of not pwning at all.

Let's merge outfits <grins evilly> by which of course I mean all your members come join us :p


Going back to the original topic, I found Eve when beta testing it a tad too complex for my liking.

PS on the other hand was fun at first, trying out all the weaps and vehicles - and theres a nice range too, but after a while taking diffrent bases over and over again with nothing else to do kinda gets repetitive and doesn't warrant a sub imo.


Going EVE here. That's just 'cause i want something different all the time.

I first played Tribes/T2 day in day out, then went for AO, popped to DAoC and now it's time for some good ol space opera.

It's all in what you like, at the moment(atm for the l33t) i'm interested in EVE 'cause it -SEEMS- like the best space massive around.

I -don't- know if i'll like it.

I -don't- know if it gets boring.

I -don't- know if it has a long term lifespawn.

I -do- know i'll give it my best shot.

Planetside is the next best thing after the possible failure of EVE in my book, sounds excellent and from the feedback i've seen it is the first good MMOFPS. Just not up my alley on this particular game need day.

One fact remains, both will have a loyal gaming base. Both will be changing and upgrading. Both will be different in 6 months time.

And to end this little side to side, one on one rant i'll place my favorite quotes from C&C: Red alert...

"Stop playing with that thing!"

..and the one that matters:

"Time will tell. Somehow, time will tell."


For anyone who hasnt played Planetside, the best way to describe it would be to compare it to Battlefield 1942 with more depth crossed with DAOC (in a way ;)).

You've got all your surface features like different types of grunt specialisations (sniper, walking tank, etc.) and different vehicles to drive (Reaver assault plane, Assault Basilisk 4 wheeled bike, etc.) but then you've got to certify for those by gaining experience when you kill enemies. Every time you gain a Battle Rank (BR for short) you gain a Certification Point (CP). Different certifications demand different amounts of CPs, for example the Reaver Pilot Certification would demand 4 CPs while the Marauder buggy (I think that's its name) only requires 2 or 3 (cant remember off the top of my head.

Then you've got implants, chuck in 10 continents to battle across, the ability to take bases with some effort and you've got yourself an all out war to fight the second you step out of the Spawning tube.

Also, unlike DAOC, you dont have 50 levels or boring ass leveling before you can defend your realm, or in this case, Empire. You can get straight out there and fight and you can kick the ass of someone 10 ranks higher than you or more if you dont do something stupid like run up infront of him/her waving your gun like a fool.

Just a little run down, if any pros wanna add stuff feel free, I've no doubt missed something :)


Originally posted by F.I.V
for example the Reaver Pilot Certification would demand 4 CPs while the Marauder buggy (I think that's its name) only requires 2 or 3 (cant remember off the top of my head.


Just a little run down, if any pros wanna add stuff feel free, I've no doubt missed something :)

Very good sum up imo.

Only point, Marauder is a terran specific vehicle (I think, it's certainly one empire's specific vehicle, and not vanu), I think you might mean Harasser, which is a 2 point cert.

By the way, if you do want to join Sovereign Guard let me know (unless you've already joined and I haven't realised it's you) :)


I'll prolly be getting it on this coming Monday, mate, if I can encourage my lazy ass to head into town to get it after college ;)


OK np, just let us know what your char name is then and we'll sort out an invite :)


Have they lowered the xp rewards for capping bases??

Think my BR12 char in 1 day is a tad to fast. If you like zergs go play PS. I hope they fix the lag and lag ghosts. Nice feature when you can kill people by shooting their ghosts.


Originally posted by Fafnir
Have they lowered the xp rewards for capping bases??

Think my BR12 char in 1 day is a tad to fast. If you like zergs go play PS. I hope they fix the lag and lag ghosts. Nice feature when you can kill people by shooting their ghosts.

They've overhauled the exp system, that much is for sure, at the moment if you play a game all day and do well, you might get BR7 or 8 in a day, not 12.

And yes, some people do zerg, but it's not always zergs, depends where you are, we've had some pretty damn good fights so far. As for lag ghosts, I don't believe I've seen any, but then again I might not realise :)

Nicky Nook

Nice feature when you can kill people by shooting their ghosts.

Never seen a Lag Ghost ever in PS ... Maybe its just me.

Regards Nicky / Xode .


Originally posted by Nicky Nook

Never seen a Lag Ghost ever in PS ... Maybe its just me.

Regards Nicky / Xode .

I don't think I have either, but you might not be able to tell it's a lag ghost. I've seen some things where you get a lickle red dot on the map, think there's an enemy, rush to that place to kill them and can't find them, but I'm sure there's other explanations for that...


in beta, people lagging through walls was not uncommon.


Orderd Eve, played it 6 day's cancled sub's. Orderd Planetside but it has'nt arrived yet :( I've heard good things about Planetside. :D

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