Which Console -- PS2 or Xbox



hey guys,
i have a lovely high spec pc but never really works properly so i am going to get a console this xmas, but which one???
The only two choice for me are the PS2 and the Xbox. I personally think the xbox looks better and has the better games, apart from GTA3 Vice city and the Getaway.
I would consider getting ab xbox but i honestly dont think it will survive to the end of 2003. Have microsoft committed themselves to the future of their beloved brick.
What is everyones opinions of the two systems. and should i go for PS2 or Xbox.
Decisions and decisions

WC-Game Studio


X-BOX : Halo
PS2 : Every other good game imaginable.

Tough choice. :p


There's bucket-loads of superb X-Box games now and the X-Box beats the PS2 hands down in terms of graphics and general capabilities. Also X-Box Live is great, cheap, reliable and simple (plug it in. It works. That is all).

Only reason I can see to choose a PS2 over an X-Box now is if there's some specific game you simply have to play that's only available on PS2.


Originally posted by granny
Also X-Box Live is great, cheap, reliable and simple (plug it in. It works. That is all).

Ahh but the PS-2 version has no anual subscription.


Originally posted by Elvewen
Ahh but the PS-2 version has no anual subscription.

Is the PS2 one up and running now? How's it working? Is it any good? Just interested to know.

Live subs = £42 for setup kit, headset, 1 year's subs, pretty good deal if you ask me :)


TBH.. dont know. I have not got ADSL yet (this month.. WHOOOO).

As for which box (forgot to mention this) I have both and here are MY views on the hardware (games are so subjective and tend to be out on all platforms anyway)


1 - Need to by an Advanced SCART lead to get digital audio output !!

2 - Control are a lot bigger and clunker. Triggers are nice but the white and black buttons are a pain to get to. The cables are much longer and have saftey connectors so you dont pull the X-Box onto the floor.

3 - Box is bigger and clunkier.

4 - You dont have to hold the power button to turn it off.. good or bad ?


1 - Digital Audio out of the box.

2 - Shorter leads on the controlers and extensions have a tendancy to stop the rumble working.

3 - Can be stood on it's side.

4 - Much less tackey logo and not plastered all over the place.

At the end of the day head down to a game store and have a play with the controlers as this is what will annoy you the most about the console. Yes I know you can get after market ones but in my experiance they are never as good as the original.. unless you want to cheat with ultra fire etc..


basically.. if you are a casual lamer, i mean gamer then Ps2, otherwise X-Box is really cool.. hitman 2, morrowind,proj goth, halo, DM2. and more.. i love them all.. costs next to nout either


i like xbox my self. everything about them is better -
more "adult" games i.e. splinter cell
better controller
controls are also very accurate
only a matter of time before loads of good games come out

The Real Redi

PS2, everytime...

The soul fact that it has Sony backing it and not Micropenis <coughs> soft (damn, that was soo childish :lol: ) says to me it's shelf life will be a hell of a lot longer.

What with the imminent release of the Harddrive and all the other periphs for it, the long term appeal does it for me. X-Box is just a bargain priced, limited spec PC with a shed load of money poured into a lot less research than has gone into the PS2, and besides, you said it: GTA ViceCity :clap:

I agree with Elvewen though - go to your local store and try them out - i think the PS2 controllers are the nicest ive held, the XBox ones being too chunky and a little too 'busy' if you get what i mean? just aesthetically even, the PS2 wins hands down (or on) :)


Xbox, purely for Halo. Although it does come out on pc this summer.


Originally posted by tindel
Gamecube ;)

You sicken me ;)

I have both an Xbox and a PS2 and as far as it goes I'm torn between both as far as any favouritism goes. As far as graphical and performance capabilities go, the Xbox not only walks all over the PS2 but it gives it a swift kick in the bollocks and DDT's it into the ground.

However, the PS2 has a massive supply of gaming goodness out on it compared to the Xbox and has more classic games (Final Fantasy 10 alone makes purchasing one worth it)

Speaking of Final Fantasy, anyone else here seriously considering buying a Gamecube once the FF rights are sold to Nintendo just to play the newer FF games? I am and I'm wondering if I'm insane...


I prefer the small xbox controller to the PS2 tbh, the large xbox controller sucks. Apparently MS have discontinued the large one though so more should be shipping with the small controller.
PS2 has more games.
XBox has better hardware.

Your choice really.


Originally posted by F.I.V
You sicken me ;)

I have both an Xbox and a PS2 and as far as it goes I'm torn between both as far as any favouritism goes. As far as graphical and performance capabilities go, the Xbox not only walks all over the PS2 but it gives it a swift kick in the bollocks and DDT's it into the ground.

However, the PS2 has a massive supply of gaming goodness out on it compared to the Xbox and has more classic games (Final Fantasy 10 alone makes purchasing one worth it)

Speaking of Final Fantasy, anyone else here seriously considering buying a Gamecube once the FF rights are sold to Nintendo just to play the newer FF games? I am and I'm wondering if I'm insane...

Exactly right that man!

If you can afford but won't buy both then you should fuck off and start acting like an adult for a change.

(Oh and the new Zelda game is a work of art, wish i could afford it and a gamecube right now but can't :()

These aren't Football teams you know? They are machines made by extremely wealthy corporations intent on one thing, their profit.

Your loyalties, if any, should lie with the games themselves and you should simply buy as many of the best, most enjoyable games you can afford.

I care not one iota what logo sits on the machine.


imo both as good as each other, PS2 has final fantasy and all the othe stuff like tomb raider

X-box has Halo, Jet set radio future(is this on PS2 as well?) er, runs like a PC too if you hack the bios like my friend did ^^


PS2 - GTA 3: VC
Xbox - Halo

Do they sell other games on these consoles ? I thought all other games sold only on the PC :)

Nuff Said


PS - tekken tag!

Still, i have played a lot of ps2, and i belive i would rather buy a xbox .D

Or wait for playstation 3 ;)


The next gen console wars was won long ago on sales figures.
PS2 won and is the only sensbile option.


If I didn't have/need a Pc, I'd buy an X-box.
But since I do have a Pc, I'd probably buy a PS2.



Originally posted by old.TeaSpoon
What he said. Purely because I am a huge Zelda fan.

They've destroyed Zelda! How could they?! Art work is for a child with weapons bigger than a house, and spins like 20 times in a row? It's just silly and childish... And the story, FFS! They really blew their game, but as long as it sells right? :( :( :(

Tomorrow at the release will be a day of sorrow to me, I grew up with that game...... :(


How have they destroyed it? All I ever hear is people judging the game from screenshots and a cliché script, gee wow, way to go actually playing the game first.

Yes its cel shaded and yes the hero is a boy, to me it looks like a link to the past interpreted in three dimensions, that looked great on the snes, still does now, and to describe the graphics in Wind Waker as anything other than flawless is a lie, or people just don't appreciate a good thing when they see it.

Gameplay, great, I really like the addition of tingle and the little things while playing, the kids following me about in the second town acting like bullies, the minigames such as the battleships or being asked to take pictures of various things (a little voyeuristic maybe ;)).

The new zelda is nothing but an amzing game, and just because the hero is a boy (wasn't the hero also a boy in link to the past and parts of oot, both proclaimed as excellent additions to the series themselves) people all cry and say it's for children, then they see the graphics and cry again that it's a childs game, does the lack of blood or swearing make it completely unviable for adults? is it because there's no nudity or link isn't a buxom 18 year old girl instead with huge knockers plastered all over the front of the box ála sin, shadowbane, BMX XXX or any other game that sells itself on promise of naked women running, jiggling and giggling like tarts.

All it is now is graphics and marketing, rarely do people care about gameplay any more, Yes Zelda isn't perfect, I'd be a fool to claim that, instead i claim it to be a good laugh, fun even, and anyone commenting about the entire series being ruined simply because it wasn't created in rendered art and fancy final fantasy-like CG, simply hasn't played the game to enjoy the game for what it is, fun.

Oh and I'd probably buy a PS2 over an X-Box, but mostly because it has a larger library of games to choose from, some better than others :chortle: , although then again, it has been out much longer and X-Box shows promise :)

The Kingpin

Zelda died after the first N64 zelda...

Every other Zelda game after that, Sucks,


If u want a console with future..... XBOX
Brute Force
Steel batalion: online
Ninja Gaiden
MIdtown Madness3

...... another pointless GTA clone

Yeah im a fan boy :p


Re: hmm...

Originally posted by Zebolt
They've destroyed Zelda! How could they?! Art work is for a child with weapons bigger than a house, and spins like 20 times in a row? It's just silly and childish... And the story, FFS! They really blew their game, but as long as it sells right? :( :( :(

Tomorrow at the release will be a day of sorrow to me, I grew up with that game...... :(


Why? Zelda is without a shadow of a doubt one of the best games I have ever played. period.

Complaining about the graphics? Play the game. No I mean it, play it! You'll change your mind :D


i bought a dreamcast as soon as it was released and then sold it 6 months later. i haven't had a console since.. though after term finishes this year and we get a flat in london with 7 students under 1 roof we have promised that there will be 1 xbox, 1 ps2 and 1 gamecube :D

at the moment all we do is play mario kart 64 since its the only N64 game the girls can have fun at too :rolleyes:

in response to the poster, imo ps2>xbox because of the games. final fantasy, metal gear solid, GTA and tekken. all you need forever :p


I had a dreamcast, well it was my brothers and he said he was selling it i told i would buy it off him to keep it, buit he sold it anyways...Dreamcasts are an underate console imo, i really liked the games on it


Re: Re: hmm...

Originally posted by Whisperess

Why? Zelda is without a shadow of a doubt one of the best games I have ever played. period.

Complaining about the graphics? Play the game. No I mean it, play it! You'll change your mind :D

Ok, I've played it.. Looks like shit imo, no game feeling at all... Noting is propotionel (spelling?) and the items/weapons are WAY too big to handle. And yeah, when you kill enemies they just have to blow up into a little black and purple cloud, lol looks depressing...

And btw, Spinky the fact that the main char is a child had nothing to do with me calling the game a childrens game and I never stated that. He has been a child in allmost all Zelda games so whats the problem..? The things that I stated earlier in the post is why I think like that, but maybe you think it looks cool and are well done when monster you kill with your sword blow up into a black and purple cloud and when you spind your sword you spin 20 times before stoping. And beeing able to swing a sword thats 3 times bigger than yourself. Looks silly imo and disrupt the game feeling and the mystique. And whats up with the story? Sister? clearly outstanding... :(

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