Where's the Friday news?



15th August is a big bank holiday in France, some religious thing, dunno what exactly but I know it is one of the most important ones in France...


so what was tehre excuse for not putting the news on on saturday or sunday... or does no member of goa work saturdays etc


Well if friday is a big holiday why not prepare the news on thursday and just post them on the friday? but guess thats to much for the french


<wouldnt be suprised to see the news on french or german sections and the english translators have taken a week off or soemthing... goes off to check>


I'd guess it being a long weekend most people went away with families/friends etc. Add to that the fact that anyone who's been in Paris for the last two weeks has been slowly roasting in the 40+ temperatures, getting no sleep 'cos of the heat and generally having a miserable time and you've got lots of good reasons to get as far away from work as possible ;).

Besides, working weekends means being paid big overtime, especially in France where it's a 35 hour week by law, and we all know how France Telecom likes hoarding it's cash... I heard that their debt is greater than the debt of Canada... =/


<writes his own friday news>
Friday News with a witty title

We cant be arsed to write this one.. happy hunting


Originally posted by Cybwyn
Maybe they can't be bothered telling us when the sound will be fixed. Maybe they can't be bothered telling us when Hib/Prydwen will get /level 30. Maybe they can't be bothered telling me when they'll fix the Scurceol's Sturdy Belt bug (which I asked about on Rightnow last Thursday and have yet to receive an answer).

Whichever one it is, it looks lazy and unprofessional.

What bug with the belt, thought I had got it just fine.....


Originally posted by acei
GOA won't be working off whether Hibs can compete with the other realms they will be working off the population %'s

how do you know what goa will be doing?:) Besides excal dont need more people on its server, if goa would want to help excal hibernia they should create a reason for mids/albs to leave excal for prydwen. So hibernia got the same amount of players active and albs/mids got less. So I highly doubt that any realm on excal will get /level 30, as it would just overcrowd a rather crowded server.


Great yall, but I don't give a shit about fekking french holidays, hell, even if Christmas was on a Friday, the news would be posted if GOA was placed in Denmark ...
But then again, who needs updates every day???


FFS !!!!


Just got the patch and now they whine...ahem.."want" the friday news. No wonder GOA kicks back and doesn't give a fuck when all they get are whines after whines even if they gave out uberstuff for every little munchkin this game has.

A little thing called "thank you" goes a lot further then a "you fucked up again" :p


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Just got the patch and now they whine...ahem.."want" the friday news. No wonder GOA kicks back and doesn't give a fuck when all they get are whines after whines even if they gave out uberstuff for every little munchkin this game has.

A little thing called "thank you" goes a lot further then a "you fucked up again" :p
erhrem ... let's compare it to something more real, then "just" a game ... ok?

Let's say that U just bought a brand new car, this car isn't like the newest and best, most comfort etc. but atleast it can run proberly ... great ok, got U on track ...okidoki.

The car has to get some check-ups every now and then, fine with you, cuZ U'r at work .. great!
BUT, once in a while, the car hasn't finished after a checkup, so u´ll have to use another transport to get home (ie. play another game untill server is up). U take the train home.
Well, starts to piss U off abit after it's happend like 3 times in less then 6 months, and all the promises of new features in your car is either delayed, or haven't arrived from the factory yet... (or ever will)...
AnywayZ... the car isn't the only one on the road, so the traffic is a bit slow, and sometimes there is an accident on the interstate, that takes several HOURS to get back in order, so you abondon your car and take a stroll with your dog (server crash, RR or Dragon Raid).
and this isn't enough, no no ... your windscreen is taking some rough cut's so you can hardly see out of it, and sometimes you have to get that fixed aswell (relog, due bugged GFX)... some windscreens don't fit your car (Radeon) but you buy one of these, cuZ the salesman told you that it DID fit into your car... but it DOESN'T!!!(thanks alot GOA)...

and the best thing is that you pay loads of money for the gas... and if that wasn't enough, then U have to buy the newest car to keep up with all the other drivers... (new game, SI, Expansion etc.)

I mean .. come on!?


I agree they have put the patch in.
But how hard can it be to keep us informed about what they are up to ? It takes like two minutes to write a friday news, but nobody in an entire company can do it ?
Thats also a bit over it, dont you think ?


So what you're saying is that if they wrote this you'd be happy:


So we haven't had any decisions on things we are planning on doing but we'll let you know later.


Maybe the news are late because there is no news.

Perhaps giving the community such a cookie as "friday news" was a mistake but, not sure here, they didn't say that they'll put them every single friday.

Comparing cars and games is first off, old as hell. Secondly annoying and thirdly not that effective. Let's compare games and sex. You don't whine to the prostitute that things weren't perfect now do you? Well maybe you whine but it still get's you shit rather then effect.

EDIT: English dictionary sometime...or take a course in it...*slaps self*


Friday 15 Aug is holiday in France.
Maybe a Monday News today.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
bla bla bla prostitute bla bla bla bla *slaps self* bla

hate long quotes

anywayZ ... yes I would like something like friday news on monday .. or even EARLY friday news .. (happend before, U know.. ) ...

and if there was no newz .. then write that they are still working on current problems, and therefor there will be no news untill current problems have been fixed etc.

take less then 5 minutes to write (for a french guy) .. I mean .. come on!? .... get ya arse togther GOA !

We ain't payin ya for nothing!


Originally posted by Javai
What bug with the belt, thought I had got it just fine.....

The fact that the scout version of the 'belt' actually takes up a wrist slot.


Another Friday nearly over and still no news, guess they are busy with various problems at the moment, would be nice to get some kind of official update tho.

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