Where in the World is Colonel Gadaffi?


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
Not just selfish but counter productive.

The last 30-40 years all that we have been doing is storing up problems in all these countries, consistently supporting governments that have only been interested in suppressing there own peoples aspirations by whatever means necessary.

All the while loading up their own bank accounts and plundering the wealth of the nations. It has to be said though that Libya is probably the one country that has not had outright support for a very long time, however, in recent years this has also changed.

I know i have said this many times on various discussions and threads about Palestine and the ME in general but people are just fed up of all the double standards applied by the west in this part of the world.

Anyone now at this stage saying "oh my!! i am worried about who is going to take over or what type of government it will be" should have been more concerned and vocal when their own home governments were carrying out policies (foreign policy) that were diametrically opposite to what they preach at home.

For me personally i hope that all these governments do go down the democratic route, heaven knows we don't anymore tin pots but at the same time, people and governments in the west must respect the peoples choice, even if it means some form of Islamic government.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I am more worried about who replaces all these guys. One thing we had with the dictators is 30-40 years without war, with new governments and potential radicals we could end up with extremists running countries alot closer to home than Iraq or Afghanistan ever were.

Where there is extremism there is profit!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Tierk i think people are quite entitled to be worried, people are by nature going to worry more about their own backyard than a country that is quite far away, so when its run by a dictator who is too busy oppressing his own population to bother the rest of us it means its one less thing to worry about

but the thought of a volatile, Iran style islamic republic just a few hundred miles from europe frankly scares the poop out of people in the West (hell some of the stuff they come out with scares the crap out of us even when they are so far away!)

Sure we have to respect the peoples choice, but I dont have to like it ;)

incidentally, China and Iran are apparently rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of anti-Western regimes taking over, then they can have their turn propping up some crackpot and leeching all their oil :)

lets hope they dont jump out of the frying pan and into the fire!


Dec 26, 2003
I agree with Tierk - these countries where a despot rules are inherently unstable and ride roughshod over the rights of their citizens.

I wish them all the best of luck - they have paid a price for their new freedom (none more so than in libya) and hopefully with a fairer distribution of wealth the average man in these countries should be better off.

I wish the UK wasnt ruled by elites and practicing corruption in search of arm's/oil deals - perhaps one day we will follow the middle east's example.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
I wish the UK wasnt ruled by elites and practicing corruption in search of arm's/oil deals - perhaps one day we will follow the middle east's example.

Dont think so, as long as we are comfy in front of our computers, cozzy in our sofa watching the last episode of our favorite serie, and well dressed and fed.

We live in a mesmerized society.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
He was at the Travelodge in Kings Cross today. Blonde wig, short skirt. Goes by the name of Susan now. Almost unrecognisable. Except for that silly moustache, goatee, & 400 armed bodyguards


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Have to ask; how did the UK/US/other iraqi "liberation front" countries help these protesters etc when they fought for their democracy?

To be honest, haven't followed one iota of it all outside some late night jokes.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
so despite the UN voting on action, no action has been taken, just lots of rhetoric. Meanwhile Gaddafi has faked a ceasefire, with widespread reports of continued military action.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Yeah but Chavez is a cnut though (anyone who calls Robert Mugabe "a brother" is a cnut by definition). Gaddafi isn't in Caracas, but there are strong ties between to the two and they're fond of using the same "anti-imperialist" rhetoric.

And Hugo's little socialist enterprise will fail; its only a matter of time because the best and brightest in Venezuela are all fucking off to Panama. It also amuses me that he's swapped one set of imperialists for another; Venezuela is choc full of Chinese engineers and businessmen these days.

Chavez says capitalism may have ended life on Mars | Reuters

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