Where do YOU play now?

Where did you go to from Dyvet?

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Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Something occured to me regarding the state of Dyvet and the long line of bleeding hearts blaming GOA for its demise, without considering also pointing the finger at the community itself, some who left for either German or US servers or just left the game.

From what I read on here and other EU based forums, loads of Dyvet players went to German servers. OK, they went looking for more action which is fair, BUT did they consider the consequences of doing so? Mainly the langauge barrier putting many of their Dyvet buddies off joining them, I for one wouldnt bother (yes I do speak reasonable German, but still couldnt be arsed!). Also, did they bother to think that those left behind, are now missing a portion of the player base and therefore would also get bored and either leave or jump stateside?

Then those like me, I followed my guild US. I left behind 28 level 50s in various guises, some great memories and a lot of /played time. But I did follow my crowd of freinds. Like the gerry jumping peeps, I went for action and to continue the fun being had with the game I enjoy. In a way I too said bugger Dyvet and GOA too, but without realising it, also the players I was leaving behind.

I am not saying GOA are not responsible for Dyvets demise, but wonder if the players hadnt left, just what the population status would be in comparison.

Something to think about eh?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
I am not saying GOA are not responsible for Dyvets demise, but wonder if the players hadnt left, just what the population status would be in comparison.

Something to think about eh?

I still enjoy this game more than any other game I've ever played.
But I'll be damned if I'll pay money to a company that lies to it's customers.

Therefore I'm off in the good ol US of States.

Where's the emoticon for a 10 gallon hat wearing insular nationalistic buffoon shooting two smith and westons into the sky? ;)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Playing WoW atm, outside of the pve raid team (3 evenings a week) there isn't a lot to do really, WoW PVP is mind numbingly shit. Considering reactivating my US accounts and messing about on hunter.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
My rvr grp (Team Conclave) left dyvet for similar reasons to you Whoodoo - we wanted more action/fun with MORE PEOPLE. I'd not say we jumped ship tho tbh as i think we were the very last set grp running on Dyvet when we left (late August-ish iirc). The last few nights we played on Dyvet there were never any other set grp's on to fight and we just zerg surfed which can be fun but not all the time tho :(

Despite it being incredibly hard to leave our favourite chars behind and many millions of rp's (7 of us were all mid or high RR11's) we were faced with 2 choices, moving to US or German servers and as we had already had a small dabble in hib on Limors around jan-feb time we decided to go back. We already had a few chars each there - most around rr4-5 and a base to start from. We discussed starting from scratch on US servers but the added expense and starting completely from nothign again wasnt too appealing tbh especially considering we were already used to the german language on Limors and knowing it had a large population in euro prime time.

I certainly dont consider our grp leaving one of the contributing factors to the demise of Dyvet - hell we stayed longer than most but theres many varied reasons that have caused Dyvet to be in the state it's in now. GOA and the way they have handled the server and the players (at many times and in various situations) cannot be ignored as imo, they are responsible for the biggest proportion of blame. So many other reasons are also big contributing factors: WoW had a big impact, Prydwen crash, player attitudes (apathy/boredom/elitism/arrogance/etc), gameplay changes, other MMORPG's (new shiny graphics etc)

All those reasons (and more) combined with GOA's management of "english" DAoC (or lack of at times) is the reason Dyvet is the way it is now. Something I find interesting tho is how the Temair and Limors German clusters are still going strong and even tho their population is decreasing its still probably well over a year behind Dyvet in terms of it dying out. Maybe because Germans prefer to play a MMORPG in their native language is the reason for its populatity still, I don't know, but i can say for certain tho that the two german clusters are still very healthy and fun to play on.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
"Where do YOU play now?"

The WAR Beta server :clap:

Played WoW for over a year, got bored after I realised that WoW's endgame is one long gear-shopping trip where you spend 1,000 years grinding the same instances over and over and over to try to get better gear so you can do exactly the same thing in harder instances. Yaaaawn. Tried EQ2 but something was missing from that game, it was beautifully done but didn't enthuse me in the end.

I had over four years of great times in DAOC, my first MMO, but can't see any point in coming back now; it's time to look forwards, not back.
Hope to see you all in WAR, which - believe me - is going to fucking rock.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Svart you shiny old bollock basher - nice to see you posting again :)

I had heard you were WoW'ing - quite surprised it took you so long before you got bored tho lol

Oh btw in DAoC Scouts are still the evil longer-range-than-you-can-fucking-see leeching lame-ass fucking scumbag fucksticks they always were but now they're improved and do more damage lol - ahh i remember those uber vent rants of yours about anything with longer range than 1500 units - fucking class m8y and greatly missed even if it did wind you up to boiling point :D


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
As I remember it was Sorcs I used to rant about more than Scouts...:D

WAR is so good even now in Beta...DAOC veterans are going to love it. No, really.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Gonna have to come find ya in WAR beta svart, be good to team up with ya, and yes I totally agree, it is going to be great!

Blue m8, you are one of the last greats to give Dyvet your all, but reading even early results on this poll, its becoming obvious that if those who did move hadnt, it might have a fighting chance. Still a damn shame you didnt come US, weve been here a year now, and have 3 RR10s, at least 1 RR11 and many other high RRs. Hey ho, I guess we will be smashing goblins in WAR real soon again together lad :)

Lets see how this poll turns out, so far interesting reading.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Left cos of low population. Don`t speak Kraut so wasn`t n option, cba with xp grind either so that ruled out Yankland so playing PS3 COD4 and TF2 online for now until WAR i guess.Shame really cos i miss the DAOC good times :(

Btw i don`t think people who left to find more action should be made to feel responsible for Dyvet.Thats what a GM should be doing.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Btw i don`t think people who left to find more action should be made to feel responsible for Dyvet.Thats what a GM should be doing.
I do think they(we) are partly responsible, as said I do think GOA are to blame for the most part, but I cant help feel the whole "rats leaving a sinking ship" thing has not helped those left behind.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
The problem wasn't with the people leaving, it was the lack of new people joining.

Go to US classic and hang around a newbie town. You'll see 10 or 15 players a day completely new to the game wander past. Do the same on Dyvet a year ago and there would be no-one. Complete ghost town.

When people stop joining a MMPORG there's only one end, since people will leave as they find other stuff to do. All that remains is the question, how quickly will it end.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I used to give any new players i bumped into 100g, didn't happen very often :p


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
i'm going between WoW, Tabula Rasa and EvE online, waiting for WAR and Age of Conan to arrive so i can find out wich one i wanna spend full time on.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Btw i don`t think people who left to find more action should be made to feel responsible for Dyvet.Thats what a GM should be doing.

a GM isnt a PR man you know. GM's exist to sort out ingame problems/run events and stuff. not recruit new players. unless told to do so on whatever gaming convention they get sent to. and afaik thats what they did when they were out promoting the game on E3/whatever.

and why not partially blame the ppl that abandoned the cluster? they are the main reason it is how it is now. if all the ppl thats currently playing on the german/french or US server got back to Dyvet i'd bet it would break 1500+ ppl again. if not more.

but no its so much easier to sit around on their fat arses whining about the population insted of helping do something about it by returning.

its just like the condemned house thread. ppl bitching that their 2+ year inactive account aint getting to keep their house. but they sure as hell doesn't want to fork up the what, 8£ a month? to keep it.

ppl are just looking for excuses to bitch and whine. yes some of it IS justified. but until they realize its not ALL GOA's fault as they claim, not many ppl are going to take them serious.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Why haven't I gotten an invite to the WAR beta? :( I signed up on both EU and US sites when they both launched, I've paid for DAoC for alot of years, I should be begged to join! :p

Bah, I want to test WAR too :(


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
I still enjoy this game more than any other game I've ever played.
But I'll be damned if I'll pay money to a company that lies to it's customers.

Therefore I'm off in the good ol US of States.

Where's the emoticon for a 10 gallon hat wearing insular nationalistic buffoon shooting two smith and westons into the sky? ;)

Oh noes, he's in my guild on Bossiney, ruuuuuuuuun (to the hills etc.) =))


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Oh noes, he's in my guild on Bossiney, ruuuuuuuuun (to the hills etc.) =))

worst thing is
the last three or four nights
It's been ex-Dyvet players that have zerged me down the most


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Lord of the Rings Online. The PvP there is just like daoc in the Year 2001. Easy fighting. Mass battles.Keep sieges I like that!


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Lord of the Rings Online. The PvP there is just like daoc in the Year 2001. Easy fighting. Mass battles.Keep sieges I like that!

To bad the leveling sucks :(

Didn't really enjoy any of the classes there.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
The problem wasn't with the people leaving, it was the lack of new people joining.

Go to US classic and hang around a newbie town. You'll see 10 or 15 players a day completely new to the game wander past. Do the same on Dyvet a year ago and there would be no-one. Complete ghost town.

When people stop joining a MMPORG there's only one end, since people will leave as they find other stuff to do. All that remains is the question, how quickly will it end.

Why are genuine new players still joining the game and why did so few join Dyvet?

After having a quick look and a few searches it seems fairly obvious. Look at the main DAoC site for the 14 day free trial, it mentions that it's compatible with US servers only but it doesn't even tell me where I'm supposed to go as an EU player. Compare this to the WoW 10 day trial and LOTRO 7 day trial, it's quite obvious that they recommend their European partners instead of just allowing anyone to download.

This is something I'd be slightly mad about if I were put in GOA's shoes. The main DAoC site should redirect players according to their region. Especially considering that if you try "dark age of camelot free trial" in Google and camelot-europe.com doesn't even appear until the 6th page. I suppose that's what happens when you create a Flash site which search engines can't use and you can't get extra publicity by uploading your free trial to 3rd party sites for people to download.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 18, 2004
yes, they exist :)

I'm one of the few ppl that still play daily on Dyvet. (Either Alb side or Mid side)

I still have daily fun and lots of friends ingame, even though lots left already. But I'll on Dyvet as long as those 2 factors remain on Dyvet.

I'm sure that if ppl didn't left "en masse", the situation would have been much better then it is now. I don't post much here, but the ppl who already saw some of my posts know that I party blame the community and partly GOA.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Playing Uth***d
Leveling a Chanter on Hib, like the good ol days..lovin it.


Even downloaded the old frontiers for a run around, nearly made me cry.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Uthgard's ok, but if you wanna play PVE, Olbivious is where its at


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Playing US Hunter, Hellgate London (but getting bored now), and WAR Beta when i get the time - which aint much nowadays - damn work :/


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Playing US Hunter, Hellgate London (but getting bored now), and WAR Beta when i get the time - which aint much nowadays - damn work :/

whats Hellgate like? been pondering about if i should buy that or not. heard they had some issues at lauch (well thats nothing new when it comes to new games tho).

how's the online part doing?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
whats Hellgate like? been pondering about if i should buy that or not. heard they had some issues at lauch (well thats nothing new when it comes to new games tho).

how's the online part doing?
Its great to go through the missions to destroy the Hellgate, then you go into a nighmare mode (around level 30), and you repeat it all in a harder mode. Sadly, thats where we all got bored with it. But, you dont have to sub and tbh paying for subs is really not worth the money, a few extra slots in your backpack and some supposedly unique content (no one seems to have seen that yet).

Its great to burn time away for a month, but after that you may loose interest, 10/10 for content but 1/10 for longivity.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
As I remember it was Sorcs I used to rant about more than Scouts...:D

WAR is so good even now in Beta...DAOC veterans are going to love it. No, really.


I played WAR and AoC recently.

I then made a character on DAoC US classic after realising the game I've been waiting for since I quit is DAoC and sadly noone is remaking it or making anything better than it in the forseeable future.

I don't want to play WoW or any WoW clone with cartoony graphics and gameplay for retards, to any vet waiting for DAoC2 my advice is go roll on US servers, with the new expansions the game even looks pretty damn sexy.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
I do still love the game but sadly threw in the towel some time back. I basically got to the stage whereby I was having less and less fun in PvE, pugs or zerg surfing so TT was the ideal invitation some 18 months back and after having been there, I don't think I'd want to start elsewhere so late in the games lifecycle. It wasn't so much down to not wanting to play, it was just that I didn't want to constantly have to say 'sorry guys, work to do tonight, deadline in a few days' as it'd be unfair.

I currently play single player games for the time being as uni work is being piled on, even if it was just a couple of nights a week ;)

Am guessing I'll still be trolling the forums for some time to come as it's a good time filler and there are occasionally topics worth while responding to.

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