When to put points into Stealth ?



My scout is level 17 and i have bow at 17,thrust at 12,stealth at 5 and the rest on shield and i'd like to know when to start putting more points into stealth....either now or at later levels.I'm aiming to be maxed on bow and stealth (do'nt know if enhancements will take skills over 50 or not) when i reach lev50.
Any help greatly appreciated :)


You're aiming to be maxed on stealth, and you've only put 5 points into it at level 17?

Stealth is one of a Scouts primary, if not THE primary attributes, and as such should be your first concern when allocating points during training.


imho, stealth ISN'T the main attribute, but long bow is ... Keep your lbow at your level (if not more) and your stealth as high as possible (ideally).

Although I never followed my own advice as soloing sucks ...

Aty lvl27 I have lbow 28, Stealth 23 and thrust 21 (each of thse including the added stats from armour/weaps) ...

Back to Sars comment, I'd personally say lbow was FAR more important with high stealth from lvl 30 onwards ...

Again, personally I'm looking at getting lbow to lvl 34 or so (when i'm lvl 30) and then maxing stealth up to about 28/30 ...

Also as I'm drunk i'll argue the point that buffed scouts can do phenominal dmg (I was hitting purps for 160+hpwhen i was the sole buff onf a lvl 33cleric) using their bow.


Originally posted by Sar
You're aiming to be maxed on stealth, and you've only put 5 points into it at level 17?

Stealth is one of a Scouts primary, if not THE primary attributes, and as such should be your first concern when allocating points during training.

Also, to be argumentative ... bollocks. Habe you played a scout and sen ho difficut it is to lvl with out a grp ? (which withought one will determine how you create yiour char)?


Well to be counter-argumentative, could you learn to speak english please?


Well seeing as i have a hunter i'll get into this little argument, max stealth aint that important imo, the ppl you dont want to see you wont if you get it to around 25, the ppl who will see you after there are going to be higher speced hunters/rangers/scouts or the nasty assasins. As they have detect hidden its going to be hard getting your stealth to a lvl where the assasins cant see you unless you come up against an assasin char who doesnt have a sodding clue how to use his char properly. I didnt put too much into mine at early levels but as I was getting closer to RvR lvl that was when I started putting points in it.


Originally posted by Sar
Well to be counter-argumentative, could you learn to speak english please?

Heh, I was a bit drunk and typing seemed OK for the first post, weird :/


Ah well.....i just muddled my way along anyway.My bow is now 26 and stealth is 16 (both with items) at lev 21......it seems to be working out ok in terms of levelling when i have to melee,which i havnt raised in a while,so i'll continue doing 1 bow,1or2 stealth and the odd thrust.
Thanks for the input guys :)


Well I was thinking of going:
50 longbow
42 shield
36 stealth
15 thrust (already have it so hard to take less)

The 50 longbow in my opinion is a must :D
Apparently the 42 shield is great since you get slam, a 10s stun which can be done anytime and then you can get in a nice few hits, a crit.
36 stealth.... well I don't know really, I'd like more but the the bow/stealth ratio might change as I think about it.


Originally posted by SFXman
Well I was thinking of going:
50 longbow
42 shield
36 stealth
15 thrust (already have it so hard to take less)

The 50 longbow in my opinion is a must :D
Apparently the 42 shield is great since you get slam, a 10s stun which can be done anytime and then you can get in a nice few hits, a crit.
36 stealth.... well I don't know really, I'd like more but the the bow/stealth ratio might change as I think about it.

I'm gonna go;

44 stealth
29 thrust
23 sheild
50 long bow

prolly, and fucking hell SFXman oyu've been a bit busy with posting :D


I'm gonna go;

44 stealth
29 thrust
23 sheild
50 long bow

prolly, and fucking hell SFXman oyu've been a bit busy with posting
50 longbow and 44 stealth... well about my template I was thinking of bringing down my 50 longbow since items will get me there and bringing up stealth to 40+. But I hear the 42 shield style slam is very important if someone catches you since you can stun them for quite a while letting you escape or maybe kill them with a critical.
29 thrust will give you pierce but for that you have to behind the enemy and since you don't want melee combat well... hehe, I suppose it has some point :D
23 shield will give you paralyze and again you must be behind the target.
The slam you can do whenever you feel like it which I find great. Not having max bow or stealth isn't a problem since items can get you there and in these skills you don't get styles besides the critical and then running speed in stealth.... but I am not sure of all this since Character Builder doesn't want to work right now.


Originally posted by SFXman

50 longbow and 44 stealth... well about my template I was thinking of bringing down my 50 longbow since items will get me there and bringing up stealth to 40+. But I hear the 42 shield style slam is very important if someone catches you since you can stun them for quite a while letting you escape or maybe kill them with a critical.
29 thrust will give you pierce but for that you have to behind the enemy and since you don't want melee combat well... hehe, I suppose it has some point :D
23 shield will give you paralyze and again you must be behind the target.
The slam you can do whenever you feel like it which I find great. Not having max bow or stealth isn't a problem since items can get you there and in these skills you don't get styles besides the critical and then running speed in stealth.... but I am not sure of all this since Character Builder doesn't want to work right now.

Yeah true but the plan is to RvR with my minstrel buddy so ... stabbing from behind should be fine (I hope :D).

Not sure if you can have over 50 in a spec, and if so if it makes a difference. Guess I'll find out :/


44 stealth might be a bit high as you will be able to get to 50 with items. There's no benefit to having stealth above 50 afaik. This is from what I've read when thinking about my shadowblade, if it's different for other classes then ignore me :)


You can have up to 60 if I remember correctly, with items of course.
So if my original idea was 50 longbow, 42 shield, 36 stealth and 15 thrust I could reduce the Longbow to 40-45 and then raise stealth with the freed-up points.


Uuuh, nice one. Bookmarked that post and the forum site.... gotta start posting there too, seems like a very good archer network and it could help me quite some bit.


Hi all, I have been asking this sort of question on the (Now deceased) official forum.

As scouts do we get the styles that points into stealth bring or do we just get the increased speed and decreased detection range ?

If this is the case then why put huge levels into stealth instead of thrust or shield ?


Long Bow 50 ( this is probably worth it for when they introduce volley and long shot)
Stealth 30
Thrust 34
Sheld 35

Would this not give a stealth enough scout (let the infiltrators do the really dirty work), and one who is not going to die instantly when jumped.


Why take bow or stealth over 39? you will get 50 anyways. if u take them to 39 that is..


The reason for longbow of 50 is for when the additional Longbow skills are added to the game (due in 2006 i think :)) .


I started taking stealth already. With my level 19, 20 and 21 spec points I have taken (per level) 1xLongbow and the rest stealth. This is because I want to go to RvR quite early for the the hell of it.


i dunno wot i be goin there are a few suggestions here ill be looking into . im thinking of goin lots in stealth/shield/bow
i dont plan on melee much if any at all .
i wouldnt bother adding into sheidl except for the stun style . so if i do get jumped i can stun run stealkth and get away oif crit n kill "hopefully"


back to the question that was asked, imho its not worth putting points into stealth until you feel ready for RvR. Its hard enough to level solo without putting points into something you wont use til later levels.


I am pretty confused still as to what my final specs will be and as to when I will spec in each...
I am still going for 50 longbow, 42 shield, 36 stealth and 15 thrust.... approximately at least. Only thing that might change is that I reduce the longbow spec amount and raise the stealth.


39 on longbow then u get items that raise it to 50. 39 on stealth items raise it to 50.


I went slightly dif with my scout .
Decided to take a briton and go slash . As a result , atm ( currently lvl 15 ) i don't have a problem soloing , and can do yellows pretty easy .
For my final stats i am aiming at :

Stealth 45
Slash 34
Bow 50
Shield 12

Too be honest , i'm not that bothered about shield as i know i will die a lot in RvR , probably in places where i can't be ressed , so i woul rather raise the others stats higher , than go all out in shield .
With regards to putting points into stealth early on , i only have 4 points in it atm , and don't intend to put any more in till i hit 19th lvl , then i will alternate raising slash , and stealth while keeping lbow maxed to my lvl .


Originally posted by ElDiablo
39 on longbow then u get items that raise it to 50. 39 on stealth items raise it to 50.
I suppose that is quite good but still, maybe sometime next year we got those promised new archer skills like the volley shot and stuff... since items do not give you the new skills that actual spec points you might not get these skills if they are given in the high 40's. But I doubt that they will be given that late.

Orin Askhammare

I see everyone here speccing thrust and not slash. (I'm only a level 6 scout so all is not lost ;) why is that?


I'd go higher in slash and lower stealth

stealth over 50 does nothing, and you can easily get the remaining points through items/realm ranks
while slash modifies your base damage and more damage = good
(and works past 50 as well)


Soulcatcher, but then again items do not give any bonuses even if they give more skill, but then again stealth doesn't have any things such as styles so I guess it does not matter.
I guess I could reduce my 50 longbow plan so I get more base stealth.


Originally posted by SFXman
Soulcatcher, but then again items do not give any bonuses even if they give more skill, but then again stealth doesn't have any things such as styles so I guess it does not matter.
I guess I could reduce my 50 longbow plan so I get more base stealth.

It has. It reduces fall damage etc.

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