When Raiding Relics...



Re: Use a speaker instead

Originally posted by starsnuffer
The lack of rvr skill will always nerf albs no matter what.And alot of other totally fuckedup examples.

Yesterday when i stod on pad this newbie speaks out loud and clear that he also plays hib on excal*cough* about rule number 1 broke there,I heard about wildfires little deal with the relic raid cuz a dick spoke about it on pad aswell and about 2 mins later i did /who and newbie's name.

And guess what i really think logged to eat...Point is i dont know who this idiot is but i do know its enuf he got to hes damn hib pad and yell albs relic bla bla and we fucked again..

I know hes probably not alone about dual play realms either.

I dont hacksaw all albs offcourse i know some numbers know very well how to play while other seems to have the a brain about the size of a peanut.example mezzed ones is not the targets for tanks just cause they stand still and cant do shit.

I know another idiot who moan constantly about hippies mezz,But who gives a shit really hibs can be owned and do get owned to. Just alot never play with same persons there teamplay is bad and there for there ownage is equal to nothing without the alb zerg,I play for some time now with same grp we coverd most aspects cleirc,friar,sorc,thurg,2tanks,wizz,mincer.

I see we just get better and better i can see rvr from another angle now we faced llaw most albs probably know them we wiped them in about 10-15 secs a caster died from us...

All who rvr on regular basis i think you should try set up grp's make friends learn how ya team mates play and your ownage will come...Just quit bitching about all mezz and bla bla offcourse it suxx to be mezzed,but moaning wont help ya for shit.

Anyway i probably reapeat something most already know but do nothing about,So if they implant rps for crying,bitching,moaning let me know i help you moan like you never heard before:p


er... k.


Ya wuren was about 15secs

Maybe less....

Dont know what point you trying to prove,if its a zerg u mean we need to wipe you lol

You just like garbage and you know i pick out the trash on daily basis..Anyways i take screen's next time..


Please do so, wiping a fg in 15-sec-maybe-less requires alot of pb if fg vs fg, unless the "ownage" you speaking of comes from zerging a group with 50 ppl.

And I would love to know your ingame nick since the _only_ albs who gives a good fight are FC & GoL, rest are utterly crap free walking rp's who panic and breake mezzes the few times they managed to land it.


I might be wrong wf m8 :p But didn't you yell "ALL GET INSIDE" or something like when the second door was down?:p:p I might be wrong so don't flame =p

If so it's your fault too about the hibs getting in from the sides because till the second door falls we were keeping the hibs outside pretty good I think. (there was about 2-3 fgs albs at right side and 3-4 fgs albs at left side guarding if I remember well).

Anyway it was a good raid and an extra experience for future raids.

Cheers, we still cost em a few Platinums repairing their doors^^


My point is its useless posting here whining about lack of relic tactics or people AOE'ing on the doors etc when the vast majority here reading the thread werent there, didn't even know it was happening and with your tactics probably wont even be there the next time.

And if you did have enough people to take it like you keep saying then how come I don't see merlins staff back in myrrdin ? Oh yes thats right, nobody followed the tactics your posting here for everyone who wasn't involved in the raid to see.

If thats how you want to do your raids then great, more power to you, but don't bitch here when it fails cause people didn't know what to do.


Originally posted by Sisifos
I might be wrong wf m8 :p But didn't you yell "ALL GET INSIDE" or something like when the second door was down?:p:p I might be wrong so don't flame =p

If so it's your fault too about the hibs getting in from the sides because till the second door falls we were keeping the hibs outside pretty good I think. (there was about 2-3 fgs albs at right side and 3-4 fgs albs at left side guarding if I remember well).

when the second door falls, everyone gets the fuck in.

unless you are 5000 or so, cus then you can spread more outside, but in hib relic raids, numbering around 100 or so?

everyone gets the fuck in

pbae nonstop at the gatekeepers inside

wf - teh correct


Originally posted by Kagato.
My point is its useless posting here whining about lack of relic tactics or people AOE'ing on the doors etc when the vast majority here reading the thread werent there, didn't even know it was happening and with your tactics probably wont even be there the next time.

And if you did have enough people to take it like you keep saying then how come I don't see merlins staff back in myrrdin ? Oh yes thats right, nobody followed the tactics your posting here for everyone who wasn't involved in the raid to see.

If thats how you want to do your raids then great, more power to you, but don't bitch here when it fails cause people didn't know what to do.


this was one of the best relic raids i've ever seen (even tho it failed)

2nd door down and entire hib is shitting itself at losing a relic?

at the short notice it was done on, it says a lot for the people running and participating in it


lets see you do a relic raid
and get that amount of albs to dagda without being spotted and having 100hibs on your back on friday night primetime

till then
shut the fuck up


Originally posted by Kagato.
And if you did have enough people to take it like you keep saying then how come I don't see merlins staff back in myrrdin ? Oh yes thats right, nobody followed the tactics your posting here for everyone who wasn't involved in the raid to see.
Like I already stated above (please read all replies before posting, k?), I believe the problem was not that we didn't have enough people, but that we were spotted the moment we approached the gates. In addition, a number of PBAOErs got inside the relic stronghold itself and were making life difficult for the siege engineers. In fact, an additional 50-100 people in the raid would have pushed the amount of lag to insane proportions, as it was I could barely manage to transfer my ramparts to our ram builder.

Also, please understand that this was a very spur-of-the-moment relic raid. Don't assume malice just because you were not invited; Wildfire talked to the people who were online at the time and who he knew he could trust. Even if your guild had online members, I am sure he wouldn't contact members he didn't know for fear of spies, even if they were the alts or officers of your guild.


muahha wuren roflmao ur a newbie?

15 sec is alot in rvr.And btw newbie stop talking shit like albs are free rps,just sounds like ur so uber.

Albs contain 90% of newbies and if u think ur good cuz u kill a alb think again.

Have fun mr uber killing rpg guys lol


Agree with an early post of Ramas :
Try organising a raid instead of complaining. From my experience, Wildfire not only knows how to do it, he also does a great job at it.
Even though last minute organising/executing of a relic raid must be hard to pull and may have a smaller chance to succeed, it was another try and if we keep it up, we will get our 4th someday :)


I agree with Kagato somewhat, but more due to Wildfires attitude than anything else...

it's not "Sorry, tried to get as many as possible, but there's too many guilds, I can't remember them all."

it's "You're not good enough for me to remember you."

At least that's how you're coming across :) it's pretty insulting.
[Edit] You might not intend to, but you do. Maybe rephrase things a little ;)[/Edit]

I can sympathise completely with not being able to motivate the entirety of albion into action and control that to being something useful.... but at least acknowledge that you don't know all the guilds out there etc. and don't blame it on our lack of RP farming.

The PBAoE is what got us in the end - but there's a few simple counters to that you know :) one pre-1.52 that's a pain in the arse to set up, the other post-1.52 that's easy. Next raid hopefully we'll bring some with us.


15 sec is alot in rvr.And btw newbie stop talking shit like albs are free rps,just sounds like ur so uber.

Albs contain 90% of newbies and if u think ur good cuz u kill a alb think again.

Have fun mr uber killing rpg guys lol

i think you'll find that

A) you didn't kill Llaw or any other FG of hibs in 15sec seeing as its well practically impossible

B) Wuren kinda has a right to be proud of his guild seeing as they probably are the best RvR guild in hib.

C) alb IS 90% newbies, we seem to get 2/3 new people and the other 2 realms share the other 1 :eek:

D) you = n00b


Re: muahha wuren roflmao ur a newbie?

Originally posted by starsnuffer
15 sec is alot in rvr.And btw newbie stop talking shit like albs are free rps,just sounds like ur so uber.

Albs contain 90% of newbies and if u think ur good cuz u kill a alb think again.

Have fun mr uber killing rpg guys lol

stupid f***

First of all, congrats for doing 12 000 - 15 000 dmg in 15 sec fg vs fg and thats not counting insta heals and RA's.

I assume you are one of these 90 % newbies you speak of, who port to emain and run with 6 other groups to camp mmg. So I ask you again, what is your ingame nick?

Madonion Slicer

The problem with all this is GoL and FC seems to be driving a divide in the Realm of Albion, you have put yourselves up as the Elite of the Guilds in Albion yet i only ever see you Guilds being bad mouthed.

I dont really know a single member of the GoL or FC, cant say i have XP with them or RVR, i only know of you guilds through seeing the Whines and Complaints against you in the Boards and Alliance Chat that the Red Dragons are a part of.

If you are not careful you high and mighty attutude will lead to your alliance having to support yourselfs in all Raids and Defences, maybe this is the way you want it. But i know the Mid/Hibs will be knocking on Excal doors in the knowledge that 80% of the Albions wont show.

I dont mean to flame or have ago at anyone, but dont you think it is a shame that some Albions will only know of you Guild through the hate stories of others, because i can tell you i have heard more bad than good.



FYI there were even some friends' guilds that I wasn't able to contact in time. I have a lot of very long-standing friends in Ferus Legionis who weren't online at the time when the raid was being planned, and so I had to apologise to them and ask if they could possibly aid the effort by trying to control emain, as the force was already at dagda.

p.s. I don't quite understand the FC/GoL flame... explain this part again please...

"If you are not careful you high and mighty attutude will lead to your alliance having to support yourselfs in all Raids and Defences, maybe this is the way you want it."

Madonion Slicer

Not sure whats not to understand but i explain again, from what i am reading and hearing about FC and GoL, your not a very well like guild/guilds, in that i read more bad than good.

This will only lead to other guilds and alliances not wanting to help you with Raids or defences. Now maybe you want to handle all Raids and Defences on your own/alliance, but would it not be more of a benfit to the realm if you invovled as many people/guilds.

And this is not a flame, i just see things going from bad to worse, i dont care about guilds/alliances pety arguements, what i do worry about is the our Realm. (Not that i actually worry as this is a game)

Wildfire, it now comes to me that i have grouped with you a few times in RvR and from all account although i have not spoken to you much only killed and been killed with you, that you are an ok guy and good at destorying the enemy.

But we as a Realm should be doing our best against the scum(Hib/Mid), which can only be easier if we involve as many as possible.

Anyway this is kind of going of the beating track of this thread, and is not just something aimed at you but is a realm wide problem.


Wow, people are really shallow and selfish enough that they would do that? :rolleyes: That would be rather hypocritical as you seem to be lambasting us for not helping others...

I'm curious, what exactly do people want from guilds like FC and GoL? Bearing in mind that we're not public servants, uber-rvr-gods (well I am but the rest are l0s3rs) or walking door-bashing machines.

The Dragon

LOL these silly little rants on whose the noobie make me laugh, im sorry please dont stop you keep me entertained with your slanging matches. Its like being back at school again hehe. I feel young again hehe.

Blame game aside.

Kudos Wildfire for making the Hibs spend some more cash on their doors.

Anybody interesting in having another go let me know.

Madonion Slicer

I dont quite see what i have said as being slanging or shallow, i simple stated how people feel, seems to me a few people here are a little to highly strung, maybe this is part and parcel of being Elite in which case i'll skip it.

Simple put if you asked for more help then maybe there would be another relic this side of Albion today, try it not all of use a noobie spies.


couple of things

1. Great attempt and despite not getting the relic i had great fun and that (i think) is key.

2. I learnt that i shouldn't go on anymore relic raids running at 1600x1200 resolution lol

and thirdly:

havin 150peeps sitting around in CS or movin tru amg at teh same time is a huge alert

Afaik we moved in seperate groups to then lay low around the relic keep, our group moved seperately and had a little camp near the keep until we got the call. Dunno if all the other groups did it but that was my impression....

Bleri McThrust

I just love doing nthese things :)

Roll on the next one :clap:


Not sure whats not to understand but i explain again, from what i am reading and hearing about FC and GoL, your not a very well like guild/guilds, in that i read more bad than good.

The reason for this is simple....

1) They have more RP than you, and all the other guilds you talk to,

2) They are large enough to be able to go into RvR every night and immeadiately join an effective guild group - and so you they don't join your pick-up group, or the pick-up groups of anyone else you talk to.

3) They don't reply to your questions at the tk, because they are simultaneously involved in /gu /o /as /c and /g conversations, and, rightly or wrongly, they've made an honest judgement that you question is less important right at this particular moment.

This is not a new thing - the biggest guilds in every realm/server/game go through bouts of this sort of thing. It really isn't personal, and Albion would run a lot smoother if people realised that the rest of the realm is not out to get them, does not look down on them, and does not think of anyone as noobs, as inferior, or as weaker in RvR. Mostly the rest of the realm thinks of you, (and everyone else) as 'someone not directly involved in whatever issue I'm dealing with right now, and with whom I have no information I can usefully share'.

As I and others have said before - relic raids do not have to be run by Wildfire, if you don't like the way he does it, then run one yourself. Pick a time, contact 10 or so GMs, and get them to bring at least 2 fgs and rams each, and away you go. Why not organise it tonight?


Originally posted by Herbal Remedy
always funny the people who bitch about they wherent informed have never ever once lead a relic raid in there life

Ah, so you do relic raids with about 20-30 people?
Will be hard to find 100+ players with relic raid leading experience :)


Madonion Slicer

Think this is dragging on a bit now.

Rama's i see you using the word YOU in your statement so i take it they are aimed at ME, why would i not like guild because they have more RP than me bit stupid as i would have to dislike half the realm.

Not once have i said that i could run a raid or lead one, not being 50 no one would take me serious if i tried anyway, my only gripe is that we should fight a realm and not a split alliances.

Some of you take this all a little to personal and no doubt like a little flaming to get started, well sorry i dont play ball like.

I dont plan on leaving this game for a long time to come, been here almost a year and still enjoying it.



'You' in my post above is actually true for everyone other than whomever the reader is considering moaning about lack of consideration from.

So I suppose 'you' is aimed at 'the reader'. But yes, I guess you would qualify as one of the readers :) .

why would i not like guild because they have more RP than me bit stupid as i would have to dislike half the realm.""

Not going to disagree that this would be a logical way to look at the situation, but hey, you look at the numbers, you look at the posts on this and other boards, and what do you find....

(not specifically on this realm/server/game, but in every damn realm/server/game)

They with more RPs = RP camping whores with no respect for smaller guilds.

Us & our closest friends = The nice people.

Them with less RPs = the people we don't think much about either way.

This really isn't specific to you Madonion, and your posts aren't even espeicially personal, unlike many that have appeared on these boards. But the tendancy for people to come here and post...

Albion sucks.

The problem is that bigger guilds and better known players didn't do exactly what I was expecting them to do last night.

... is getting a little dull.

And on your point about needing to be 50:

While 41 an RR2 is perhaps a little low to be running RvR raids, you don't really need to be 50, and certainly I've joined raids before when I've been throughly unaware of the level of the organiser. What being an organiser really requires is a plan from someone who has done it before, and a willingness to do nothing all night bar deal with pm's from people trying to work out what to do and getting offended without any real justification, or just trying to tell you that the plan is all wrong and we should be doing it *this* way. It may require the patience of a saint, but it does not really require level 50.

Madonion Slicer

Fair points made Rama's, i have been RVR since 35 but got fed up with the mez one hit deaths routine now i have two lvl40+ i find it a lot more fun.

Wow we have had a conversation and as of yet not a single flame, am i on the right forum :D ;) j/k

Seems two people can discuss matters with out using the word Noob or Sux :D j/k

Anyway here to a lot more raiding and alot more killing of Mid/Hib scum, and give me a few months to get decent RVR skills and i have a raid going i promise.


Ramas some guilds have more RPs cause while we have 2/7 keeps they dont leave emain. They do these "relic" raids to gather attention and to feed their ever growing ego. If they were really here to help the realm they would not let us go down to 2 keeps only.

Whats that??!! Tired of keep retaking ??!! Mids/Hibs arent here to give us an easy time.

Thats why ill always respect more CE than NP. Killgorde`s crew was always trying to retake their keeps and get ours.


And we all saw what happend to mids when NP left for Camlann


Originally posted by Wuren
And we all saw what happend to mids when NP left for Camlann
Hehe, dunno if this was a tongue-in-cheek comment, but CE also left for Camlann.

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