When Raiding Relics...



1) Do as the man with MoCapsLock says - tonight we had dozens of albs all clustered around the main doors and very few at the sides, which was where the hibs got in from

2) When covering the sides, stand close to the doors and watch all around you - people dont just come straight at you from the sides. The hibs tonight mostly came from the north and from the west - from behind the keep at the zone boundary.

3) As a caster, if you're covering the sides and the tanks are dealing with the guard pop well enough, target the gatekeeper, keep the damn lock, and if you so much as hear of incoming, start firing. If you're an ice wizzy, stand on the gatekeeper. I was wandering around tonight trying to keep people in shape and when the hibs charged in from the west, I was the only person AEing the south door keeper. This after I had given specific instructions for everyone to AE them.

4) If pbaoe casters get into the tower, AE the friggin keeper again. As with point 3 I seemed to be the only person dropping AE bombs on the doorkeeper to stop those big nasty bubbles coming from inside.


These points aside I thought everyone did great this evening, as it was a spontaneous raid :) Thanks to delrith for getting the rams together and for asking me to lead. I took the opportunity to try a couple of new ideas tonight, both of which worked great and will definitely be incorporated into future raids. Thanks to the hibs for putting up a good fi.........ah hell, I'm not gonna sugar coat it, thanks for the void spam :p


eh wtf do you know?

that aint how you do it.


You wanna teach your boys how to use rams, cos the 2 they had up inside didnt seem to work ;)


The lack of rams did not go un-noticed, I'm curious where exactly those went. The greater problem was however that the side door defenders had let in a couple of mana chanters who were PBAEing away happily on the inside :rolleyes:


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
The lack of rams did not go un-noticed, I'm curious where exactly those went. The greater problem was however that the side door defenders had let in a couple of mana chanters who were PBAEing away happily on the inside :rolleyes:

The infiltrators inside did a good job of killing everything as soon as it ported in actually. most that killed the zerg at the front came through the front door.

Bleri McThrust

Rams on 3rd door... The problem as seen by Bleri.

1) Huge lag, made getting into postition difficult.

2) So many people, made passing of the wood to me virtually impossible.

3) PBAE, ment I kept dieing.

Hibs were allready inside by the time we got to the 3rd door. The resultant numbers made the task very difficult (lag wise). However we managed to get one of the groups rams up and operational. Ony a few strikes at the door though before I was down in the dirt. Rezzed, up , take control of nearest ram, strike 1 and dead :(. Rinse and repeat.

3 problems, didnt keep hibs away from the area, didnt give ram builders space to manouvere and didnt keep them alive.

However as spontaneous assualts goes it was a good one :). As to putting CoA on the 3rd door, next time give it to a group with p4 supercomputers with mega ram and masssive gfx cards :p.


The problem told by Loxleyhood:
Half the guilds on Excalibur weren't told. Again.


As I understood it, the manachanters inside tower were dead and eblessair got inside and rezzed them. Its a real pickle to stop ANYTHING from getting inside the tower since alot of hibs can rez. Only way to do this is like wiffle says, aoe the fecking doors and keepers as much as you can. :)
Great performance by most though, except my computer ofcourse. This game engine can choke any high performance machine. :(


Personally I found it rather amusing that by the time the call went up for 'everyone to help with the hib relic raid right now' in our alliance the raid was already doomed and just about over.

Maybe if people asked for help sooner or told some of the other guilds or alliances you'd have more support. I can understand the need for secrecy but even a pm once the raid was under way would still get the needed support in time to help without compromising security.

No point giving instructions on BW about how to do a relic raid when the majority of people here don't get to be involved.


100 % agree with kagato and lox

nice raid all the same


Odd innit when we have the second biggest alliance in Albion

Next time Wildfire, contact Draven, Bowen, Kagato, Lox or myself. we'll get you a load of high levels there..

(Sorry if I've missed people, but these are the people I remember off top of my head who I 100% know and trust)


I would say that we certainly had enough people to combat the insane guard spawn (I think we had no or almost no Hib keeps in Albion hands), but that the real problem was that the Hib relic keep was well scouted. Some stealthers tried to deal with the numerous scouting bards that were running around, and Iziz was sat inside Dagda itself. So, the problem was not really that we didn't have enough bodies (the lag inside Dagda was insane, slowing down ram assembly by at least 50%), but that we were found out as soon as we (=me :)) pulled guards.

Anyway, good job Delrith for organizing this and to Wildfire for leading it (and for letting me once again have the honor of pulling the relic guards).

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Shame nobody else was told about it. If DDS alliance had been informed, even if only 2 of the people in DDS alliance had been told, you could have had at least another 20-30 high level people there bashing the door down or trying to hold off the Hib Zerg.

Apparently Calamore was involved in the raid but when he offered to get people from the alliance involved he was told to keep it quiet. Good reasoning there chaps. Marvellous.


Use a speaker instead

The lack of rvr skill will always nerf albs no matter what.And alot of other totally fuckedup examples.

Yesterday when i stod on pad this newbie speaks out loud and clear that he also plays hib on excal*cough* about rule number 1 broke there,I heard about wildfires little deal with the relic raid cuz a dick spoke about it on pad aswell and about 2 mins later i did /who and newbie's name.

And guess what i really think logged to eat...Point is i dont know who this idiot is but i do know its enuf he got to hes damn hib pad and yell albs relic bla bla and we fucked again..

I know hes probably not alone about dual play realms either.

I dont hacksaw all albs offcourse i know some numbers know very well how to play while other seems to have the a brain about the size of a peanut.example mezzed ones is not the targets for tanks just cause they stand still and cant do shit.

I know another idiot who moan constantly about hippies mezz,But who gives a shit really hibs can be owned and do get owned to. Just alot never play with same persons there teamplay is bad and there for there ownage is equal to nothing without the alb zerg,I play for some time now with same grp we coverd most aspects cleirc,friar,sorc,thurg,2tanks,wizz,mincer.

I see we just get better and better i can see rvr from another angle now we faced llaw most albs probably know them we wiped them in about 10-15 secs a caster died from us...

All who rvr on regular basis i think you should try set up grp's make friends learn how ya team mates play and your ownage will come...Just quit bitching about all mezz and bla bla offcourse it suxx to be mezzed,but moaning wont help ya for shit.

Anyway i probably reapeat something most already know but do nothing about,So if they implant rps for crying,bitching,moaning let me know i help you moan like you never heard before:p



Listen up idiots, If we have every single level 50 on a raid we are screwing ourselves over.

That will leave us with ZERO useful defenders at Excal, It would also give us no chance of keeping Emain clear for the relic which would have to pass through there.

It's all very very simple, try and get your heads around it.


Thats all well and good cronn but most of us we're out doing other things anyway, I had a full virtually all 50 group in Odins at the time and there were several other similer groups there whilst the rest we're in Dartmoor or wherever, if we knew there was a raid on we could of been in Excal or Hadriens or wherever we were needed, but we need to know we're needed, otherwise its just another day oblivious and unprepared. We're well aware theres more to a raid then being at the keep thanks, but we still need to know theres a raid.


<dons madonna-esque cone bustier>



It was a spontaneous raid, and the majority of people invited were those that I had been able to contact - people that I had on my list from my previous raids that are proven to be able to get the job done. If I'm heading up the raid, I will work with people that I know will work. It's like survival gear. You take only what you need, because any extra will weigh you down, be uncomfortable and cause problems. Live with it.


What raid?

What's a relic raid then?

:sleeping: same old same old


I did actualy know that a relic raid was going to happen. GoL were more agitated than usual, but by now I've learnt its pointless to actualy ask if a relic raid is happening.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
<dons madonna-esque cone bustier>



It was a spontaneous raid, and the majority of people invited were those that I had been able to contact - people that I had on my list from my previous raids that are proven to be able to get the job done. If I'm heading up the raid, I will work with people that I know will work. It's like survival gear. You take only what you need, because any extra will weigh you down, be uncomfortable and cause problems. Live with it.

Ah... well hopefully one day we'll be good enough to be included on your list of people 'Who can get the job done'. We all need at least 1 mil RP's each to prove that though...:rolleyes:


was a nice try wildfire i think a welldone is deserved.


Originally posted by loxleyhood
The problem told by Loxleyhood:
Half the guilds on Excalibur weren't told. Again.

- we had enough ppl to take it, we got spotted from the first sec
- avoid spy's
- we didnt want an empty emain
- we didnt want a sudden zerg in emain with all /stick to 1 person


If people believe they can run these things better, then, well, there is an obvious solution. Try organising a raid using your own method.

Grats to all involved for making the effort - and for denting the hib economy with all that door repair.



talked to a guildy of ours who has been playin hib/exca for fun lately
the evnin of teh raid he was playin in hibbie land
seems hibz were allerted 1,5hours previous to raid lift off
being around 22,30
even heard some rumors about allerts on mirc channels
heard most hibz thought it was a false alarm
big gtz to teh organisers of this raids
nice attempt

mayb just a lill idea for the next attempt:
immediate departure
loggin mains seperatly somewhere far behind amg with all the rams etc
sphyz internally(/as /gu) can be easily dealed with
havin 150peeps sitting around in CS or movin tru amg at teh same time is a huge alert
major component to a succesfull rate is rather swiftness and speed imho

Herbal Remedy

always funny the people who bitch about they wherent informed have never ever once lead a relic raid in there life



the defence rest m'lud

ffs somebody call a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmbulance!


It's a cruel fact of life that if you want people to take notice of you, you have to give them reason to. Success breeds success, so get out there RvRing and give people reason to put you in-the-know.


DVE wasn't there, because both Matje and me hate relicraids organized few hours before start (and I had something else planned for the evening). Why? Because we joined dozens of those, and they don't work (well maybe at 0500 cet :p). No offense to the organisers offcourse, glad at least some try, but please do inform at least 1 day before, so we can get some groups assembled and rams ready.

Tumbs up anyway for an attempt.


I was only told about it at about 5pm :p started working on organising it at about 8 which is why I'm not listing or claiming it was one of my raids :D hehe

It was fun and it put a minor dent in a few hibs' wallets, plus as I mentioned elsewhere it allowed me to try out a few things that I wanted to test, and they did :D so we have some good moves to pull on hibs/mids in future :p


Re: Use a speaker instead

Originally posted by starsnuffer
I see we just get better and better i can see rvr from another angle now we faced llaw most albs probably know them we wiped them in about 10-15 secs a caster died from us...

lol you wiped us in 15 sec? you and what zerg :D

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