When Fighting Jamiesmallicus in Alb frontier

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Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
You can distill this down to one thing:

Help realm buddies, kill realm enemies.

So simple.

Regarding Jamies 1v1 thing, I've never encountered him when I've ran solo unbuffed and he hasn't been with at least 2 others though he is a fan of standing *appearing* to be solo while a bard and druid are hanging around off camera. Nothing wrong with that - ambushing is a good tactic.

However, it does make the l33t arguments above completely fatuous.

Try to remember to help each other when needed. You will ALWAYS find that there comes a time when you want help in return. Keep that uppermost in your mind instead of posturing in what is (as has been said) just a game.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Never seen him solo either ;( Still would let him kill mandi tho :eek:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Well if certain albs won't attack Jamie then I think we all know who should be relic carrier next time hibs decide to mount a relic raid!


Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Jonaldo said:
Well if certain albs won't attack Jamie then I think we all know who should be relic carrier next time hibs decide to mount a relic raid!


haha =D Nice one =D


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
People play whatever way they want, it's not a life or death matter if someone does not help you and you die in RvR...just /release and go back or do whatever else you want :)

Some people are looking for fun fights in RvR, not killing everything with whatever method possible, just because it's the "opposing realm".


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 12, 2004
Some people have to understand that there is a 4th realm in this game long time now and is called IRC. If you have freinds on irc , nomatter what are you doing you are good player, you play solo, you are the best and you will have at least 4-5 people to defend you on the forums if needed.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 12, 2004
Oro said:
You can distill this down to one thing:

Help realm buddies, kill realm enemies.

So simple.

Regarding Jamies 1v1 thing, I've never encountered him when I've ran solo unbuffed and he hasn't been with at least 2 others though he is a fan of standing *appearing* to be solo while a bard and druid are hanging around off camera. Nothing wrong with that - ambushing is a good tactic.

However, it does make the l33t arguments above completely fatuous.

Try to remember to help each other when needed. You will ALWAYS find that there comes a time when you want help in return. Keep that uppermost in your mind instead of posturing in what is (as has been said) just a game.

Totaly agree, i never had a chance to meet jemie solo, every time i found him in OFwas grouped at least with a bard or an other champ. I dont know how this is called solo realy.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Vermillon said:
Some people have to understand that there is a 4th realm in this game long time now and is called IRC. If you have freinds on irc , nomatter what are you doing you are good player, you play solo, you are the best and you will have at least 4-5 people to defend you on the forums if needed.

AoD guys on IRC?


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Vermillon said:
Some people have to understand that there is a 4th realm in this game long time now and is called IRC. If you have freinds on irc , nomatter what are you doing you are good player, you play solo, you are the best and you will have at least 4-5 people to defend you on the forums if needed.

Dunno about AoD, but jamies certainly dont use IRC or have any contact (afaik) with anyone from other realms except for the occational post on 'jamies blah blah' threads on these boards.

From what I understand AoD always used to let jamies live wayback from the days he used to solo in sauvage. Guess they thought it was pretty pointless killing a solo after he spent 15mins walking down there.

Re: playstyle, it's pointless lecturing peeps how to play, cos no only have you no right, but they'll never listen and play how they like anyhow.

Mael, 50th ment.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Vermillon said:
Some people have to understand that there is a 4th realm in this game long time now and is called IRC. If you have freinds on irc , nomatter what are you doing you are good player, you play solo, you are the best and you will have at least 4-5 people to defend you on the forums if needed.
Nobody ever defends me :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
to thread starter: newbie, who cares?

i respect those who solo, mael group have not killed james a few times( tho we killed him more then we spared him...)



Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
7 pages of whine for one death? Retarded... hope you don't plan on playing any other PvP games in the future.. stick with roleplayng & PvE

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
remi said:
to thread starter: newbie, who cares?

Thank you =D I consider being called a Newbie a compliment, because it means the game is still interresting to me. That I can still find places where I have to stop and marvel at grafics. That chars are not random pixels who pass my eyes on my monitor, who's main purpose is just to help me get xp or Rp, but fellow players.
And it means that I still care ( aparently)

sko said:
7 pages of whine for one death? Retarded... hope you don't plan on playing any other PvP games in the future.. stick with roleplayng & PvE

To both of you it seems to me that the Deeper meaning of this thread has passed by you unoticed.

Ill try 1 final time:
A Healer/druid/cleric is in a fight with a Light tank of a enemy realm. A group from the healers/Druids/clerics realm mates is standing close by. The healer/Druid/cleric calls for help and the Group standing there says no, we have a Guildrule not to attack this particular enemy.

Guildmaster of Uranicus Phalanx ( for 3 years and still a newbie :clap: )
Leader of the Disciples of Aldur Alliance


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
They gave the cleric in question the chance you back off, she didn't and got powned. Stupid for a cleric to attack a light tank, being rr9 just adds to the problem. Enough said.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
remi said:
to thread starter: newbie, who cares?

i respect those who solo, mael group have not killed james a few times( tho we killed him more then we spared him...)

You really do seem to love the word newbie x<
And I've hardly ever seen you show anyone respect on the forum, solo or not :eek:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Jamies could probably solo 1fg Maelstrom anyway so no worries there.

Most of the people here are crap pl'd chars anyway and use radar and macros tbpfh.
The whole thread makes me laugh but it has a point, that people don't care about their own team, just the rp's and titles they have.

Pathetic little people really. :D



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Straef said:
You really do seem to love the word newbie x<
And I've hardly ever seen you show anyone respect on the forum, solo or not :eek:

well, there is alot of them(newbies), and i cant stand them.

anyway, i call everyone newbie, only real newbies(like streaf) gets upset xD


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Dimse Dut said:
To both of you it seems to me that the Deeper meaning of this thread has passed by you unoticed.
No, my dear.. it's you who misunderstand.. I don't claim to take either side, but I tend to agreed that AoD are gayassmofosIRLtbh .. but you missed my point also

Just ignore them and move along, rather than create this focking thread that is only worth reading cause the WoW servers are down....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
When did Jamie solo? I've never seen him solo for many, many, MANY months.

And if he apears to be solo he probably has a NS or ranger or a full group up his sleeve.

Just my two cents.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Just a few things.

1. Ive known Dimse for a very long time she is not a newbie. She is one of the players who i respect the most in this game. She is one of the nicest players on this server and would do anything to help anyone, so please dont slag her off.

2. Dimse is not Mandi, 2 different people all together.

3. And Steveh, I have been around for along time just as you have, and i have the up most respect for you and your guild. But putting Dimse on ignore please reconsider that.



One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
hello all

aod and other few guilds in game quite often dont kill me tbh...
reason been we have met each other so many times on the battlefield that we have earned each others respect..believe me aod have killed me many times and fair game to them as has been pointed out i am not always solo..i would just say majority of the time i solo...everyone can have there own view on this matter..u get killed by 2 a few times u will invite someone else to even out the fight..get killed by 3 might still only invite 1 and try..
as for the buffs thing yes i do use them know when can get them which is most of the times these days..
i respect aod for not joining in on that fight was the other albs there that engaged me..and they clearly tell mandi to run to which she doesnt take any notice just expects them to gank me....
the awkward bit is that i let the pallie live b4 which will of made aod think i might spare mandi..
but on this occasion was more than just mandi so had to kill the cleric asap..

hehe and as for the matter we all been m8s my hungarian isnt very good and cant even get into toa nevermind iirc or what ever it is called..
again respect to u aod and non aod in group and sorry mandi but these things happen..

all the best jamie :cheers:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
remi said:
well, there is alot of them(newbies), and i cant stand them.

anyway, i call everyone newbie, only real newbies(like streaf) gets upset xD
Would hardly call it upset.. -.-


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Jonaldo said:
The whole thread makes me laugh but it has a point, that people don't care about their own team, just the rp's and titles they have.

Aye, agree.

I have friends who play other realms, and we all know that when we are in game we are committed 100% to killing each other any which way we can. We know that when we encounter each other in game no quarter is asked for or given.

I truly don't care about this l337 honour thing: when I'm playing in rvr I am there to screw over the enemy any way I can within the rules and don't give a flying monkeys about this respect to soloers nonsense in days of prevalent buffbots etc.

If someone from the team I play for needs help, and I'm in range (and able) to do it - they get it. Hehe, only time I'm ruthless to my own team is if I'm running a raid but I generally don't do those any more.

If you play for the other team, I don't care if you have wall to wall charisma and are hugely entertaining to me. Hell, I don't care if you're a big breasted blonde thats just given me the best sex I've ever had:

You're eating dirt first chance I get.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Oro said:
Hell, I don't care if you're a big breasted blonde thats just given me the best sex I've ever had:

You're eating dirt first chance I get.

What if she says, if you kill me in game your never gaving great sex with me again?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Bubble said:
What if she says, if you kill me in game your never gaving great sex with me again?
I would kill her, I prefer brunettes :p
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