When are we





translation: dont hold your breath


nope, albs accepted hibs having pwr and mids having str.

gives more excitement in rvr. 1 fg alb ganking 1 fg hibs or mids makes the victory that even more better :) (if that ever happends tho ;) )


As soon as someone comes up with an effective way to reduce the effectiveness of Alarm Clock raids....

Perhaps some sort of system needs to be introduced whereby the level of Relic Keep number of uber guards is affected by the online population of the realm at the time.

ie; if the realm population is over 500 (normal primetime levels?) then everything remains as it is now. Then, for every 100 that the population drops below this level (401-500, 301-400, etc), an additional uber guard is provided per home keep and the level of the Relic Keep is increased by 1.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Tomorrow morning at 9:00am!



i remember the time when we had str and powah relics :D


Originally posted by alithiel50
As soon as someone comes up with an effective way to reduce the effectiveness of Alarm Clock raids....

Perhaps some sort of system needs to be introduced whereby the level of Relic Keep number of uber guards is affected by the online population of the realm at the time.

Hmm trying to remember last alb relic raid.... erm..

yes i remember..... i set my alarm for.......

Zag Barr

Originally posted by zlair
nope, albs accepted hibs having pwr and mids having str.

Hmmm ... why don't mids accept, we have str relics?

The problem is: Whenever Alb's take the str relics, Mids take them back 1 or 2 weeks later. Then we go idle for 6 weeks plus, till someone is bored enough to organize a retake. Only to loose the relics again after a short period of time. So we get the feeling, it's not worth all the trouble.

But what really is the trouble?

Since you can only take Relics in morning raids, it should be a ritual for us, to take them back the next morning after we lost them. It should be as easy as a dragon raid. Just meet, quickly go over rules again and get it done.

Give the mids the same feeling, that it's not worth to go thru all the trouble!

And after housing patch, when u can place teleporters to Snowdonia Fortress in your home, we could even aim for power relics every now and then.

We just have to get used to the fact, that relics do change hands, cause you can't stop morning raids. But you can increase the intervalls, our realm owns the relics.

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