What's your "tedious limit" in games?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Been working on a boardgame(hoping for a summer proto) on my free time and was looking for some feedback in an area of gaming. That and future reference really. So, what do i mean?

Example; i hit around 40h(or so) on dragon age 1 and around that point i was a god versus any enemy i met. Loot became irrelevant, fighting became mundane repetition and overall i just started to run through the game to get to finish it. Even was tempted to lower the difficulty level to plow through the enemies. I had, for lack of a better term, hit my tedious limit.

Personally i find the limit comes when there's no challenge anymore and things become adding +1 to your stat 100+, or adding a gold to your fortune of thousands.

It's an open forum on the issue, so i'm not asking for spesific hours or anything like that, more towards your feels on it. Feel free to say it as short or long as/if you wish, there's no real argument to be had here, just looking for some viewpoints so i can incorporate them into the balance/ruleset/etc.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
1 hour depending on..

Some games I expect not to be hand held, but if it sticks you in the middle of a clusterfuck with no information or guidance within the first hour or so then.. Bye.

Else till I steamroll the game.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
It really depends on the content as you say. For me it is quite hard, because games that I spend countless hours on but does not give me any real reward bores me... Example would be a game where enemies scale to match your own level(That way you will never get the God feeling, that nothing can stop you). At the same time I also agree with your point, when a game has no challenge(Like DA3 now which I have played 60hours) I either rush through just to finish it, or stop playing.

My limit on singleplayer games I'd say is around 40+ hours, after that I'd need something fresh to not become bored! Multiplayer games I do not really have any limit, seeing that defeating another player is something I find satisfying and can keep doing over and over and over again. :) (League of Legends, DAoC, Hearthstone).


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2011
Well I'm almost on 30 hours on a single playthrough on The Evil Within akumu difficulty. 1 hit from anything and you're dead, the monsters senses such as sight and hearing is improved along with their intelligence, lowered ammo find chance etc. Been some points in that game where it took 3 hours to do a 5 minute part of the game. If there weren't any checkpoints I would have binned it a long time ago.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Well I'm almost on 30 hours on a single playthrough on The Evil Within akumu difficulty. 1 hit from anything and you're dead, the monsters senses such as sight and hearing is improved along with their intelligence, lowered ammo find chance etc. Been some points in that game where it took 3 hours to do a 5 minute part of the game. If there weren't any checkpoints I would have binned it a long time ago.

I respect that effort.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
tbh I have yet to find a computer game that scales up in a manner that keeps the game's fun and challenge components balanced. In Skyrim I have a char that is basically a god compared to anything else in the world, including dragons, and ramping up the difficulty basically ridiculously unbalances the game. Imo that's the thing working against any game that has character progression through skill trees.

Out of the board games I have played, most of those kept the player avatar equal to everything that was encouterable. In the lost mists of time I have on occasion played D&D, but I never progressed up the levels to experience anything like balancing issues. My only issues with games now, is that (out of the fun ones) they are either stupidly complex/steep or long learning curve, take a long time, or both. I don't have time or inclination to play something for three continuous days over a weekend (like I used to).


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
These days I get pretty bored after a couple of hours of a game unless its a real gem...which are few and far between these days.

Skyrim was probably the last and I sank about 150odd hours into that, never finished it though (if you can even really finish it!)

Other games played recently, State of Decay, excellent for about 10 hours then I hit a wall, there is only so much looting stuff you don't need that you can do. Prison Architect, good fun, built an OK prison, bit bored after 10 hours.

I find other games just take too long to get into, or they put in unnatural slow mo sections in that spoil it a bit. I just want to get into it and enjoy it, I don't want to see cut scene after cut scene.

MMOs are a bit different though, as I type I am playing WoW...However, I have Bates motel on the second screen and chatting to people online and in game...not really playing it as such.


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2011
Finally completed Akumu difficulty, 33 hours 35 minutes along with 549 deaths. Really enjoyed it, the difficulty setting changed the game from your typical horror survival shooter to a horror survival strategy game.

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