Whats your most hated class in daoc!?!? and why!

Apr 20, 2004
fettoken said:
And how often doesnt that get purged ?

Ahhh but thats not the point RA's aside down to what they have and havent got rangers cant slam and shoot someone to death or get close to it before it wears off... scouts can :/ on rangers behalf they do get nice melee i admit.. as do hunters... not quite as nice as rangers but still good enough.. and the other archers dont get a 9 sec anytime stun ;o


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 30, 2004
fettoken said:
Give scouts some utility ? Hib rangers got a freaking DD, what the fuck. And hunters got their freaking pets that they put onto you and interupts, even if they are grey.
Grey con mobs shouldnt even be able to interupt 50:s, but they do.

ok how about mythic give scouts beastcraft and take away shield spec, and do the opposite for Mid, then lets see you squeeling!!

Oh and also give you mids bow range while we are at it


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 17, 2004
CstasY said:
Edit - Midgard: The melee realm with the best casters!

You know thats not entirely true -Cause in reality all realms have
casters with their advantages. The dark sm is probably harder to
kill than most other casters for tanks, 'cause of the intercept+LT combo
(for some moc in addition). Still this does'nt mean they are
OP in the bigger picture. --> Meaning that if you put some
caster classes up against the sm, ex: Sorc, light eld, caba
-They will all have clear advatages over the sm,
either because of range or something else.

But don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the sm is in any way underpowered - I'm just saying that while they have the edge
against some heavy/light tanks, they do have their disadvantages
( like casters with better range ) - Like all other classes do.

Oh and remember: There still is some suppression
sm's out there. And if the intercept rate was to be
lowered, it would affect this group of players much
more than it would the dark specced ones.

On topic, I would say that I don't hate/dislike any
classes in paticular. But I do think that the banshee's
damage is too insane sometimes. Ex: The caoe effect hitting
people for 700 and more. Now this would'nt be too extreeme
if it was'nt an ranged aoe spell. 700 damage is closeing on
pb-pbaoe damage, which is just way over the top. Also their
quite "new" ability to caoe through milegates/walls
needs to be fixed.

If you can't be arsed to read all the crap i've written above, here is a summary:

* Dark sms might have an edge against some light/heavy tanks compared to other casters, but if you put "the other" casters up against the sm - The sm is no longer that "OP".

* On topic: Banshee needs fix.
Apr 20, 2004
Every caster needs a nerf imo... cast speed is just stupid atm... unless you've got charge/mezz/stun/insta/huge range/stealth/nearsight you can't get near a caster these days you might aswell just sit down by the time you run upto a caster ur either about to die off the next nuke he/she casts or your on 1-10% life... in which case the caster just runs off turns and nukes.. only way casters could be made more balanced is if you completely removed passive pierce imo would plop resists back up there on the map and help melee'ers out alot and maybe tone cast speed bonus down to 5% or so... would be a very hard nerf but bloody justified imo


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
Ten things that would make Glacier a happy puppy!:

1. Up the recast timer of Brittle Guard, or put it to a maximum of 1-2.
2. Serious nerf in BL-shout radius.
3. Disable Shift+Right clicking the Phaseshift.
4. Make MoC affect Theurgist pet timer.
5. Lower baseline stun timer (to about 6 seconds)
6. Double the delay between wich you can release a Warlock chamber.
7. Remove the Instant Cast warlock lifetap, and make it be dex determined instead, still same timer.
8. Reworking Bainshees.
9. Rethinking healer's Instant stuns. Having the enemy CC'er instant stunned for 9 seconds while you can quietly and safely lay off your nice AE mez, without thinking about that the enemy CC'er dropping out of the mez 5 seconds later (Like you will with Insta single mez)
10. Up celerity radius some, and cost greatly. (A Healer being able to hold it up an entire fight and at the same time healing, is wrong, imo)

These opinions are opinions of my own, from a bard's point of view in 8 vs 8 RvR.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Case said:
Warlocks: No class should be able to insta kill a fully buffed tank no matter what realm rank they are.

Balance: Remove chambers and put everything on normal cast times like other casters, oh and sack the idiot who designed them.

Would you prefer them running around with a 413 delve bolt and 284 delve DD on normal casttime? ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2004
di bots and strafing bastards, its hard enough killin a caster without di bot.
die a most painfull death you bastards.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
GrisomWarshadow said:
Every caster needs a nerf imo... cast speed is just stupid atm... unless you've got charge/mezz/stun/insta/huge range/stealth/nearsight you can't get near a caster these days

every class in game got something from the mentioned above?

anyway , so much whine about sm/bd's, nerf the fukin sorc/theurg/cabby shit mmmk?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jul 23, 2004
Afran said:
Armsman - Just way too much utility, Mythic should do some serious thinking in terms of this class and 'nerf' it down to status of other classes.
WTF???? armsmans got too much utility:eek7: ? u must have typed wrong here :twak:


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
GrisomWarshadow said:
Ahhh but thats not the point RA's aside down to what they have and havent got rangers cant slam and shoot someone to death or get close to it before it wears off... scouts can :/ on rangers behalf they do get nice melee i admit.. as do hunters... not quite as nice as rangers but still good enough.. and the other archers dont get a 9 sec anytime stun ;o

Aye. But they got other alternatives to stun, Ml´s Ra´s etc. And my point is, Scouts dont get any better alternative to do more melee damage. You get my point ?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 30, 2004
fettoken said:
Aye. But they got other alternatives to stun, Ml´s Ra´s etc. And my point is, Scouts dont get any better alternative to do more melee damage. You get my point ?

Sorry mate trying to say Scouts need love ahead of Ranger and Hunters, well i aint buying it, you need to sell it more cause i think your comments are a joke tbh, scouts are by far the most powerful bow user class period.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
mid: gaydancer, retarded since release. warlock no cmment, i would prolly hate spiritmaster too if i were a tank
alb: all of them as i got no nearsight and they got better ranged stuffzor
hib: bainshee must be ghay with interrupt shout, also stun nuke nuke feels shit from the other side

fack ya all in short.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004

Mids: Warlock (insta kill tank) , SM (intercept)

Hibs: All classes with Stun with a output of 2000 dam while ppl stuned and cant do shit

Albs: Sorcs might be a little op yes (moc, pet debuff) but its actually the only class that can fight off the other op chars from other realms. (give some old classes more utility....wiz, armsman)

resuming: yes each realm has 1 or 2 op classes so i say even old/new classes or reduce the the new op classes


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
remi said:
every class in game got something from the mentioned above?

anyway , so much whine about sm/bd's, nerf the fukin sorc/theurg/cabby shit mmmk?

dont see how an armsman gets anything from the above :|


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Elitestoner said:
dont see how an armsman gets anything from the above :|

well, there are a few classes that got fubared by TOA, arms and sav to name a few ;p


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
remi said:
well, there are a few classes that got fubared by TOA, arms and sav to name a few ;p
Aye, poor, poor savages :<


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
hate nothing more than infiltrators and minstrels. infils are way to overpowered, and don't say they are not you auverpoward alb scums!


on a Bow weilding class topic,

do any other hunters find it extremely frustrating being so terrible with a bow, compared to the Alb/Hib classes?

Fix, so I'm told: Spec a Spear Hunter. I say sod off, I'm a bloody hunter for gods sake, I should be equally as good with a bow as the other classes, but alas we are terrible with bows, and don't even get dual weild :(

Shame, I will have to play my sb forever :O


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Most hated class, gotta be warlocks, the only supposed downside is a lack of power after blasting their chambers+UI casts....oh wait power pots and tarts gift. yeah cause thats fair.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
big_ish said:
..........good one....

is that keyra's bum? i think they should make a fourth realm and its her bum everywhere.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 30, 2005
all casters need nerfing badly. How would you like it if you were a caster and a tank hits you for 400 dmg every 2 seconds? fair enough, tanks usually have higher hp. but by the time i usually get to a half decent caster on my vamp (unless i hit charge- then i still have to hit IP also) im on 10-20% hp, with the 2.5k hp ive got. completely OP. should make it so the nukes do 50-60% of the damage now but maybe have a chance of interupting on a weapon, say...30-40% chance of interupting. would give the tanks a chance.


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2004
big_ish said:
on a Bow weilding class topic,

do any other hunters find it extremely frustrating being so terrible with a bow, compared to the Alb/Hib classes?

Fix, so I'm told: Spec a Spear Hunter. I say sod off, I'm a bloody hunter for gods sake, I should be equally as good with a bow as the other classes, but alas we are terrible with bows, and don't even get dual weild :(

Shame, I will have to play my sb forever :O

dont find bow dmg that bad if thats what u mean, have 35 base bow and still critted for 900 odd on a bm, and few stealthers who let u get a crit off.

Tho i hate the fact my range is much worse that both a scout or ranger. And that even as a melee hunter ur stun compared to the useful ones ranger/scout get is rear positional and mostly defunct in solo situations.

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