Whats your fave memory of beta



Ok, with beta now finished, what was your favourite memory of the time you spent testing?

Mine would have to be the time i found an NC ant in a warp bubble, after a few minutes of waiting a cloaked NC trooper turned up to take it. Think he was a lil confused to see a TR Harasser sat next to his beloved ANT and took about 5 minutes before he uncloaked infront of me.

Now, what would you do? If you drive the ANT out there is a strong chance the guy in the harasser has some AV weapon he'll pop you with, then again, you really need that ANT...

After 5 more minutes spent face-to-face in a stand off 2 NC vanguard tanks come through the warp gate, the cloaker musta called for backup, or the chance happening of a vanguard squad arriving on the scene, either way check-mate NC!

So the wiley cloaker hops into his ANT and is escorted out of the bubble by the Vanguards, merrily on his way to save nearby base that is about to go neutral and return to his squad a hero.

Shame they forgot to check for the minefield i had set a few yards down the road :)


My squad assulted a base ... we got into the courtyard and then slowly all died ... i was last man left 15 hp no armour and pinned down by like 4 ppl and a few maxes. Fuck this i thought pile out, before i did i asked for back up not expecting anyone to get here in time.
So as i ran back round the corner all guns firing BANG! they got there and not only that they bought a Vanguard enforcer and several men :D A then non squad but friendly galaxy started chucking out its hot droppers, all combined i survived with 2hp and we proceeded to dig in and capture the base... only to be massively assaulted for 20 mins after that.


Me peacfully driving my Reaver, suddenly 3 enemy Reaver joump up behind me and start firing.

Althou there attack seemed well planned they sucked while in air, after taking them for a small sight seeing tour over the mountains and vallys I then lead 2 of em to hit each other and then I killed 2 of em off, the tird one decided to run back into a base and I was to damaged to follow him into it :)


Hmm - mine was I suppose ejecting from my galaxy when it said I had lost control.

Or maybe it was the time i drove my sunderer over a large hill to come crashing down on some poor friendly trooper.


Walking through a forest with Cryzze. It was a lovely sunny day, bird were singing, rabbits were hopping around, and we were making our way to a base to assault it.

We saw one of our VS MAXs in the distant, frolicing in the woods. Then we spotted a cloaked Wraith tearing it through the woods, disturbing the Bambi-like scene.

The Wraith driver wasn't friendly, and on top of this, I assume he had played way too much BF1942. He speeded up, heading straight for the MAX. "Look out" we cried, but it was way too late.

The Wraith bounced and then exploded, and the MAX plodded on.



Oooh i forgot one ... in my sunderer full of ppl following yoni over some mountains .... but i was stuck near the top so Horus bumped meover with his reaver only for me to end up bombing down the hill and smack into a tree. I beat here over the mountain though :cool:


Well I have two favourite memorys of the beta.

First was the final day, a long struggle with some TR guys over a single base. First it was theirs, then we hacked it, then theirs again, hacked again, power knocked out so it went neutral, hacked by us, hacked by them. Then my squad managed to get into the base, after a few revives we got to the CC, killed the Max on guard and I got to hack it for us. Managed it with 15 seconds to spare on the timer!!! Talk about tense! We managed to hold onto it for 15 minutes too capturing the place though with many revives doled out during that.

The second was a few days beforehand. I'd just come out of a tower we were using to assault a base when this TR Harasser drove over thinking it would be a good idea to run us all over. I dodged a few times getting in some shots but then he pretty much got a clear run at me. I crouched down, unloaded my clip into him and as he got close he hit a slight bump and the thing just to say sailed over my head! He got me after another pass or so but watching that buggy miss me that closely was worth it. Think a Max got him shortly after.


Scooba Da Bass

My favourite memory is messing around with Cooker in a MAX and a Reaver, I tried to boost over him as he came bombing along the road only for lag to drag us back about 5 seconds later and the game tell us we collided and both died.

Skills \M/

[PS] Glaive

Hot Droping into a base and landing bang next to a Max. Time to die from drop was about 5 secs. lol died before I could pull my gun out.


My favorit memory was when my NC reaver squad went over the top of a mountin to then come face to face with 4 gals fully loaded up with a reaver escort we all thought we were in for it. I dont know what happend but sumhow we managed to survie from cloiding with the convoy and swing around behind them. they must not be very good at flying becasue 2 reavers crashed into one of their gals when we opend fire and another bailed when we didnt even hit him lol.

from then on we took them down one by one we had a few casulatys but we won the battle and stoped 4 heavly loaded Gals from reaching their targets. we were pleased with ourselves.


sniping on oshur / ceryshen
TR were moving from their tech plant to our tower
None made it, +300 kills in 2 hours

Also, a bridge battle on Cyssor (yes, that looooooooong one)

Was about about 100 VS peeps on one side, and ~70 NC guys holding the bridge head

was the biggest firefight I *ever* saw, the sky was full of lasers, shells and bullets


Not a beta memory, but yesterday there was serious fighting on Ishundar, when all of a sudden a huge sandstorm swept up, and lasted for about 3 hours. This was absolutely amazing - multiple squads on either side battling for a base, in the middle of a giant sandstorm, reducing visibility, increasing the chance of friendly fire, and generally making it one of the most hectic and tense battles I've been involved in so far.

Fantastic - talk about immersive.


hehe, like the snow storms on ceryshen... makes sniping a right pain in the arse


And driving a wraith.

You try driving a wraith cross-country at high speed when a sandstorm comes up..

Ouch is all I can say. I must have hit every single tree in about half the continent! :p


IMO they should make more use of the weather effects, it's not often enough you run into it.

It is supposed to be fairly hostile terrain afterall.


Great stuff guys keep em coming, tales of heroics, selfless acts, monumental cock-ups or anything that happened to you (in game ofc) that you want to share with others from Beta or Release.

Post it here, NO flaming pls or ill close the thread :)


Best thing that ever happened to me (this is not Beta sorry) was with my little hacker. This was in the first day or so of retail so practically no-one had darklight. We were trying to hold Mont and the NC kept hacking it.

I kept sneaking into the base up to the CC and re-hacking (and didn't even get killed sometimes until they brought up the 1 person with darklight they had) when they had about 1 minute to go. After three times of this, I got a message from one of the enemy saying "damn you're good" and next time I went up there, they had 20+ NC in and around the CC to try and stop me. I managed to sneak up to within hacking distance before the top NC player on the server shot me :)

Was so very proud of myself because I've never been all that good at these games before. Still, since everyone and their dog's now got darklight I'm a bit screwed but it was fun then :)

I've got a screenshot of when I died that last time with about 8 or so enemies around me, but you can't see the others behind the screenshot and outside the room, so it doesn't prove anything, which is annoying :p


Heh, speaking of darklight, it always warms the cockles of my heart when I wander into a CC with my darklight turned on, to run into a stealther.

There's usually a moment where we both weigh each other up, before the stealther realises that a pistol + infil armour versus my lasher and reinforced exo isn't going to do him much good.

Catching an infil hacker at a random tower with his back to you is always fun, too :)


Personally I think darklight is too powerful, but that's probably because I play a stealther :p

And yes, there's been a number of times where I've been quickly hacking a tower and got blasted out of nowhere.

You play VS don't you? So it won't have been you (I hope) :p

And yes, if someone spots me, I know I'm going to die.. most of the time I don't even have my pistol in my pistol slot...



I want to share... :)

Last night I was in a Reaver chasing down an enemy Galaxy as it headed for a warpgate. Behind me were two other enemy Reavers shooting at me, but I judged that I might just be able to bring this Gal down with missiles before I exploded.

The fight went on a little longer than expected and we reached the protective shield of the warpgate. The enemy Galaxy landed for a guy to hop out and repair. For fun, I landed in front of him, facing head-on. The other Reavers landed too.

We all got out and waved and hailed each other in a shared moment of peace. Much like the Christmas football game in the trenches of WWI, I imagine. If we could have shared cigarettes, we would have.

We admired each others uniforms, waved and hailed a bit more, then when I judged all pilots to be out, I jumped back in my Reaver and afterburned out of there. I was laughing before they even noticed I had gone. No easy kill for you losers! :D

This was a lot funnier if you were actually there. :(


My fondest beta memory involved this totally awesome mexican gal pilot with a limited grasp of english. We'd shakily flown at approx 15kph from a gate to a tower, and taken it unopposed. All piled back in to the gal, awaiting our slow but steady big hat wearing buddy, only to find he'd run (as in, on foot) nearly halfway across the continent, chasing a reaver he'd spotted and was intent on shooting down.
Sooooo funny.
There were prolly some epic battles/last minute interventions too, but bleugh, my meh-hican rambo civilian airline pilot owns all!

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