What's wrong with the skald class?



Tbh I didn't write this myself, got it from someone on the skald tl board. I wanted to write a similar post like this, but I couldn't have found any better words than the original poster did, so it's just a copy of his post. :)

What's wrong with the skald class ?

These days, a lot of skalds threads are appearing on various messages boards, and a growing sentiment of weariness seems to appear among the skald community.
The criticisms are not "new" however ... you can follow the history of the Team Skald boards, and of our TL's report to realize the same problems have plagued
the class for 6+ months. But it just seems that, now that many of the classes that were considered as below average received a bit of loving during the passed months,
the state of the skald is even more of a problem. However, a significant portion of the player community (and supposedly among Mythic's designers) seems quite convinced that the skald class is perfectly fine and has no outstanding problems, thus widening the gap between them, and fed up skald players. So, I will attempt to clarify things, and explain what is wrong.
This thread will not much deal with facts, because you can simply find all the factual data you need on the TL report and other various threads, logs and sources. This is more of an opinion, a perspective.

1) What the heck is a skald ?
A good number of skald issues today are that the class has never been truly defined as a category. Is the skald a pure supporting class like the warden or bard ? Is the skald a melee hybrid like a paladin or champion ? The most distressing thing when discussing about skald's problems, is that, whatever the subject of the discussion is, the skald falls always in the "other" category. Skalds complain they are outmeleed by almost anything that can wield a club ? "You are support, you are a music class, you are not supposed to melee". Skalds complain that they have only one support song with many flaws worth running in battle and ask for a revamp of their battlesong line ? "Bah, you are a melee class, you are not supposed to have that much support anyway".

It is pretty clear that the skald is all too often conveniently forgotten.
For example, the 1.51 patch (the "caster" patch) added much to many support classes, including additional CC for minstrels and bards, and love for friars, wardens ... The whole "melee balancing process" (from 1.51 to 1.53 patches), besides giving a lot of love to "pure" tanks, also strenghtened the spell line for each other melee hybrid (paladin, thane, champion) as compensation.
In both cases ... the skald was forgotten. Not even mentioned.

This lack of definition is clearly one of the most serious problems skalds face, and it makes the task for the skald community and our team leader, almost impossible. Should we get more of this ? More of that ? Less of this, but much more of that ?
Staying in a status-quo of mediocrity is not a good solution. Even if it "disappoints" half of the community, Mythic has to take a definitive stance, and improve one of the aspects of our class, whichever they choose.

2) A static class in an ever evolving game
Since the first weeks of release, there has been two "major" changes done directly to the skald classs (not counting general changes like resistances, various CC nerfs, snare fix/nerf ...) :
- the introduction of resist songs
- the consequences and side effects of the minstrel's rebalancing last patch (normalized costs on shouts, rest song now scales properly at higher levels)
That's it. Sure, there has been no real direct nerf, that's a good thing.
But, honestly, if you have a look at all the patches since the beginning, do you realize how much the game has evolved ? The whole dynamics of RvR have been tweaked, reworked, revamped, reengineered, reversed a lot of times. All classes had their concepts, their spell lines, completely revamped.

The simple fact is that our class was "balanced" during beta, with certain game mechanics in mind. The balance has so much shifted that it is not only the power of the skalds that have shifted (from balanced - not overpowered like some said - , to
below average), but the role of the class, like I said previously, that has to be rethought and revaluated.
The skald class has been ignored for too long. It is time to act, and have a clear vision.

3) Teh needz for speedz

"But you have speed" : the killing blow to any attempt at understanding what the skald is about. For that matter, we could have 1hp, cloth armor, no spells and wield a toothpick, we would be fine because we have "speedz".
Sure, having a major power should have a "cost" (especially considering the fact we don't need a lute equipped). The question is, how high is too high. It is not even a pure class balancing question. It's about having something valuable and constructive to do when speed is down, just because having a character than can do something valuable in battle is the core of the game.

Failing to achieve this, means being a "bot". A "taxi".
In my subjective opinion, although bards and minstrels certainly could use a bit of love to some extent, they don't pay as high of a price than the skald.
Not to mention the classes that have other "major" powers, like area CC, area DOTS, PB or GTAOE, bladeturn. None of those classes are as much as a one trick pony than the skald. None.

4) Perception and perspective
Sometimes you just want to sigh, give up, and reroll a new class.
When you see a level 48 paladin "proving" with half-understood game mechanics that skalds have a better melee than paladins (aye, it's worth the laugh) or when you see a guy who speaks about the skald's "uber mez (better then healer's insta cc)", you just want to bang your head on the wall.
There is so much misconception about the skald it is not even funny. Skalds have power regen song ... Skalds have more hp and have a better combat table than bards and minstrels ... Skalds have a stun shout (for the love of Odin, please Mythic FIX THAT DAMN SONG NAME) ... Skalds shoot fireball from their eyes ... Skalds eat babies ...

Half digested gank squad encounters, and memories of griefing at sauvage gates by level 20 mixed up, and the false idea of who is doing what in the opposing group (or : if the elf enchanter baseline stuns you for 9s, nukes you and the blademaster finishes you in melee, do you blame the blademaster because he is overpowered ?) ...

About this I'll just quote our favorite TL here (10/2002 TL report)
"Perception, not fact, is causing a great injustice to the Skald class. We have become DAoC's equivalent of an EQ Druid. Everyone knows someone who plays one
and how perfect as a class we are, yet cannot back it up with actual and factual data. Well the tally is in and the Skald players are just tired of putting up with it"

5) Numbers and RP statistics

"Skald is a often played class, gains realm points at a reasonable rate (according to various RvR statistics sites ...). On first glance, the skald both look like a popular class, with no outstanding issues in RvR that prevent it from acquiring realm ranks. And just look at what happens on the 'dreds ..."

Well, the statistics are certainly true, but you can draw any conclusion you want from numbers.

I'am sure many here remember what happened, something like 6 ? months ago for the hunter class, at the time the class was truly one of the most pitiful class
in the game, long before they got a bit of lovin'. After months of hard work, efforts, countless tests and logs, and, a unique thing, the open support of the scout and ranger TLs who completely agreed there was something wrong with the hunter class compared to their archer's counterparts, the hunter TL at least managed to catch Mythic's attention, and got a promise from a Mythic representative that the class would get looked at and possibly revamped. At the same moment, a patch gave a little generic "archer love" ("good" thrusting and blunt arrows notably).
So, many of the hunter old timers actually logged their retired hunter again, and were pretty active testing the generic archer love, and just played their character again in anticipation of the upcoming changes.
To keep the story short : this particular week, hunters across the servers earned a decent amount of RP's and many of them were logged on, thus showing in
a high rank on the number crunching RvR sites.
So, the mythic developer gave the hunter community that dreaded response, something like "err well, I have checked, you guys are doing well at the moment, so your class seem fine, we won't fix anything".
Kthxbye, one of the biggest slap in the face in the history of Mythic public relations.

What does this have to do with skalds ? Simply that that kind of number crunching can be twisted or interpreted any way you want. You can prove anything and the opposite.

Skalds are numerous ? A lot of alts, secondary characters, battlegrounds demigods (many of the skalds issues are actually specific to the 40+ crowd), speed bots. The class has an incredibly high turnover. A lot of old timer have rerolled, or play infrequently. As the skald is becoming more and more of a bot, it doesn't really change the numbers, just the number of really active skalds.

In a team based game, in a realm versus realm context when it is all about group of people face to face, there is no room for mediocrity, for watered down abilities, for "jack of all trades, but master of no one" versatility. We need to have a niche, and speed is not enough.
We must either have paladin-level fighting abilities (and it may, or may not include a self haste spell, more spec points, shield, whatever), or more diverse and useful support song (plus upgrades to what we have now, 10dps 1500 range damage add and 1200 or 1500 range DDs, thanks ...).


and your posting this because?

cept to /pharm ofc


Originally posted by Arnor2
and your posting this because?

cept to /pharm ofc

Because skalds are becoming very scarce perhaps? On Prydwen skalds are most needed class for RvR atm, there's a clear lack of them which is increasing quite fast due to their below-average performance.


Originally posted by Arnor2
and your posting this because?

cept to /pharm ofc

And not for /pharm ing at all (unlike your reply)

Tho this one clearly is :hat:


stop whining Eynar. :D

when i played my thane i _always_wanted too be a skald.

skald > thane imo, after some patches and nerf/boosts i still say skald > thane

pfffffffffffffffffffffffft!! :D


a champions a melee hybrid? nerf malev :( 450 dmg on a hybrid :p


Originally posted by eynar
Because skalds are becoming very scarce perhaps? On Prydwen skalds are most needed class for RvR atm, there's a clear lack of them which is increasing quite fast due to their below-average performance.


not like anything will happen after posting this here.

either make a thread on prydwen boards that more ppl need to roll skalds, or send a mail to mythic and ask them to fix skalds


not much wrong with skalds tbh, just everyone wants to be teh uber dmg dealer :rolleyes:


Come on theres loads of classes that have recieved no improvements whats so ever, hell even armsman recieved non of the recent alb love, and we're not moaning (ok maybe a little). And skalds becoming scarce? hardly. Theres plenty of them around solo and in groups and they put up as much of a fight as any other class, better then alot of other classes in fact. Don't get jealous just because minstrels got a bit of love from mythic.


It's what happened with minstrels. People said "they suck, they're just bots" (and a lot of the arguments from that skald article such as lack of any clear role). And anyone not connected with them said "you're fine, quit whining" or "you're overpowered, omfg mez and stun and speed and stealth and pets and and". Unfortunately for skalds they'll likely end up like minstrels, thrown a few half-arsed fixes no one wanted and told "they're you're fine". The speed classes are some of the weakest classes in daoc except for having speed, yet people always say "omg you can run fast you must be UBER!!!". :rolleyes:


thats right Danyan. with the fixes to minstrel`s in 1.60. Mythic actually set the minstrel class role in stone. there support. not melee. mythic gave the minstrel class more group friendly abilities. where the skald has and by the looks of things always be a class with no specific task. there melee is not that good and there support abilities are well crap.

what eynar is trying to say is.. the skald needs a task something they can be good at instead of several things they are currently well crap at.


It amuses me how people who don't play one always say skalds are fine. No offense, but you guys have no clue about how skalds are doing. This is not about being an uber damage dealer at all, it's about being a decent and fun-to-play class.

And Froler, sorry, but I kinda missed the part where I was whining. I only see a resume of facts tbh. Now go play your overpowered infil! :clap: :clap: :clap:


When i get my skald to RvR(read bg1) i'll tell you what i think of the class.

At this date, i have a damage add. Evidently some sort of magical tack at the end of my axe to make more damage. Have to love that little thing, saved me a few good times allready.

I have a speed buff. This makes the game experience for a NFS freak like myself much more fun. Also running away from agro mobs and agro areas has never been so easy. Gods bless those little gerbils that carry my skald around at amazing speeds.

Rest song. Now who likes long sitting periods between each fight? I know i hated it with 200+ hp with my berserker. Now it takes a bit less time and time afterall is the most worthy thing in this game(especially if you're a working man/woman).

Insta Damage times 2. Ok, so they don't do much damage but they are still added whacks. People seem to forget that 5 damage every 20 seconds adds up to quite a bunch at the end when you have one little line of red left and you kill the mob.

I don't know if at later on it will be a gimb, nerfed bugger or whatnot but atleast with this skill list it's the most fun "fighter" class to play. And hey, a friend paid his way through crafting college with taxi fairs so..it's all in how you see it and what you like to play.


I have a skald myself,

i made it about 2 weeks ago, worked fine was happy with it. Now that its lvl 41 and higher lvl i experience alot of problems with hunting, rvr etc...

When you find a group in emain or whatever, you dont get in because of your fighting abilities, neither your good damage, only because of your damn speed song.

If i could choose a new charater it wouldnt be a skald for sure, would rather have a zerker or a warrior, but i choosed skald because there was alot of them when i played my previous charater, and it seemed to be a cool charater to play with, well nobody is not perfect :(

I understand thoose who doesnt have a skald, think its a whining thread or whatever, but i agree and think they need some serious love.


Urme the Legend

I got a lvl 23 skald.. played in BG and I loved it. Dunno if it changes at higher levels.. but he ruled in BG anyway ;)


As the original posts says, most issues are only becoming clear at level 40+.

And to the poster who said armsmen got no loving at all...how about the lowered costs for rp's & the (partial) fix of block-parry bug? (which has no benefit for skalds cuz of their unspeccable shield and lack of spec points for parry)...


yep we do and you just like to farm so whats the difference ?


Originally posted by Cronn
People just like to whine.



we have, or have had 6 or 7 lvl 50 skalds in my guild.
Only 1 gets played in RvR actively.
We had a guy that played a Thane to 50, then realised Thanes suck, and then spent another month leveling a skald to 50.
He plays his thane most of the time now.

Most people I know who play skalds say they are great fun in the BG, but at 50, they aren't fun to play.


skalds and warriors suffer because the zerker is so obscene :)

must be depressing to see such a sickening class tearing up monsters whilst you do the same damage as a paladin or a minstrel...

at least they only have a mercenary or a polearmsman to compare with (and laugh at the fact that they're not that far behind)


Most players who state 'Skalds are fine' have either never played one or have never played one to decent level i.e. RR5

Skalds suffer due to the fact that they were overpowered in the first 6 months after release. Overpowered because there were few resists, Midgard had a higher avg level, only realm with itemised high level dungeons, 100% qual drops etc etc

Most Alb/Hib players from that era remember skalds as purp con demons appearing from nowhere to dd/dd/mezz them in the Gorge and and Sauvage.

Now Skalds just don't cut it. 1 vs 1 they have gone from king to pauper. A class with reduced melee output needs alternate damage, particularly if they rely on frontloading. Whilst this is a problem now with most tank hybrids it is especially tough for skalds/mincers who don't have the weaponskill levels of other hybrids such as thanes/reaver/champ. Resists really hurt skalds.

Mythic's aim is prolonging RvR combat so I don't think skalds and other classes that need dmg fix's (merc/bm/warrior for example) will get them. Instead, I predict those classes that deal uber dmg, zerk/savage/pole/LW/CS, will have output steadily reduced...except for zerks who everyone with an ounce of intelligence understands will be substantially 'balanced'. Instead I reckon the most skalds can hope for is some new group abilities. Wouldn't surprise me if skald got 1500 range end chant. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.


Originally posted by old.Emma
thats right Danyan. with the fixes to minstrel`s in 1.60. Mythic actually set the minstrel class role in stone. there support. not melee. mythic gave the minstrel class more group friendly abilities. where the skald has and by the looks of things always be a class with no specific task. there melee is not that good and there support abilities are well crap.
Not really, in 1.60 Mythic simultaneously boosted group abilities (ablative) and soloing (stealth), still the confusion continues. :p
I doubt skalds (or minstrels) will get significant melee enhancements as they're the same as all the other hybrids, they'll likely get a load of random group abilities that basically suck.


Originally posted by Jiggs
not much wrong with skalds tbh, just everyone wants to be teh uber dmg dealer :rolleyes:

Agreed, a skald can kill a caster just as easy as any other tank so the point about having nothing to do when speed drops is just BS, just because they don't deal or take massive dmg doesn't mean everyone doesn't need one. There are classes that need love alot more desperatly than skalds, it says no class is more of a one trick pony than a skald?! Are we playing the same game here? :p
What about earth theurgists? There single and only trick is pbt they do anything else and they run out of power and pbt drops, a skald can do way more than an earth theurg and is one of the more varied classes in the game. Sack the TL :p


I was the UBeRLoRD in the BGs.

... Then I got to levels 40+.

Argh! The class has absolutely nothing to offer, except speed. If there's already a Skald in the group, you are not needed.

It is TeH SuXXoR.

Erk, that was my first whine.

How did I do? Do I need to add more leet speak? More bad language? Maybe I could scream OMGOGMGMYTICSUXMOG!


It's true even a thane makes a better tank than skalds (slam > lame insta mez).


Originally posted by deffy
Agreed, a skald can kill a caster just as easy as any other tank so the point about having nothing to do when speed drops is just BS, just because they don't deal or take massive dmg doesn't mean everyone doesn't need one. There are classes that need love alot more desperatly than skalds, it says no class is more of a one trick pony than a skald?! Are we playing the same game here? :p
What about earth theurgists? There single and only trick is pbt they do anything else and they run out of power and pbt drops, a skald can do way more than an earth theurg and is one of the more varied classes in the game. Sack the TL :p

Please, you obviously haven't played one so you're just guessing...and since when is an earth theurgist a class on its own? I thought the class was theurgist, and that the class had 3 possible spec lines....and now please do tell me what makes skalds one of the more varied classes in the game, I'm very eager to find this out....

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