Whats the respawn time of alb Vault Keeper ?



subj :)

Yesterday evening, storming Castle Sauvage with mighty viking FG we achived our ultimate goal - to kill Vault Keeper

so the question is when did he returned to his duties ?

we killed him 20 mins before undefended Hurbury was taken mby numerous zerg :m00:


You got into sauvage, up the stairs, and killed the vault keeper?


Somehow I think he can be pulled out of CS like a guard and then be killed.


I were in Bg lastnight with my necro... And while i was buffing up just outside ATK and out of the blue the siege merchant comes running out passing me headding towards CK? everything was clear all the way to CK so i have no clue why he joined the fight...

didnt see him build anything tho :p


I would just say : wierd

Never heard of a Vaultkeeper getting killed, or even anyone getting close to him cuz of all the guards!!! :'(


run with speed along side down past abk

ull get fried by a wiz but u should agro the vault keeper b4 ur fried and hell come after ur group ;)


On a related note, anyone know whether any of the border keeps ever managed to get invaded by some huge enemy zerg? Perhaps on one of the US servers? Build a relic raid sized army and have them all charge the borderkeep should mean that at least maybe one or two would live long enough to slip through doors opened by some hapless enemy wanting to have a peek outside.


Originally posted by Belomar
On a related note, anyone know whether any of the border keeps ever managed to get invaded by some huge enemy zerg? Perhaps on one of the US servers? Build a relic raid sized army and have them all charge the borderkeep should mean that at least maybe one or two would live long enough to slip through doors opened by some hapless enemy wanting to have a peek outside.

get me 5FG with a 2 cleric + BoF,mincer + SoS, pally + FH and 2 6sec pbt'ers and i'll try :)


Originally posted by Belomar
On a related note, anyone know whether any of the border keeps ever managed to get invaded by some huge enemy zerg? Perhaps on one of the US servers? Build a relic raid sized army and have them all charge the borderkeep should mean that at least maybe one or two would live long enough to slip through doors opened by some hapless enemy wanting to have a peek outside.

I dunno why I think this, I might have dreamt it or if I read... dunno really. But I dont think you can use those levers at the doors if you are from another realm.


Originally posted by rure
I dunno why I think this, I might have dreamt it or if I read... dunno really. But I dont think you can use those levers at the doors if you are from another realm.

If you read carefully he said that the doors would need to be opened by a defender ;)


Originally posted by Pin
If you read carefully he said that the doors would need to be opened by a defender ;)

or you could run thru the wall at sauvage :)

thou you might get yer arse banned for that


yes you can do it

yes it has been done

yes the people that did it got banned (being in an illegal area)


Well, that's kind of lame, banning them. I mean, it's one thing if you use a zone hole to get inside the enemy heartland, quite another if you do a proper charge and manage to get through in a "fair" way.


i suggested raiding the BK :)
ill try organising a raid if enough people are interested and Kemor would say we wontdnt get banned :)



Originally posted by Tilda
i suggested raiding the BK :)
ill try organising a raid if enough people are interested and Kemor would say we wontdnt get banned :)


I'm in - sounds a hoot. :)

And I don't see how you can be banned for a raid. If you used an exploit or bug to get in then yes, but if you raid and the doors are opened by chance then you're not breaking the CoC as far as Im concerned.


Originally posted by Pin
If you read carefully he said that the doors would need to be opened by a defender ;)

lol oops.. you are right :)

/em is stoopid and cant read.


not sure u can raid in as the 2 doors only open when 1 is closed so you all need to leg it in, and get some enemy to open the door while ur all stood still in between 2 closed getting nuked lots ;)


Originally posted by old.BJ|Bored
not sure u can raid in as the 2 doors only open when 1 is closed so you all need to leg it in, and get some enemy to open the door while ur all stood still in between 2 closed getting nuked lots ;)

150 people charge in when the outer door is open....

120 still alive when zerg hits the door, maybe 80 actually handle the lag enough to get through the outer door.

5 seconds later, the portcullis raises automatically and remaining albs pour in, killing all mids/hibs sat on the pad ;)


5 seconds later, the portcullis raises automatically and remaining albs pour in, see that the inner door to the realm has been kindly opened, all charge through and hopefully get out of the natural aggro range of guards, hit winkey before the chasing guards kill all, and can relog happily and go where they please :p

Of course, the more likely outcome is that everyone just gets stuck and owned by guards. Still, fun to try :D


Originally posted by Pin

5 seconds later, the portcullis raises automatically and remaining albs pour in, see that the inner door to the realm has been kindly opened, all charge through and hopefully get out of the natural aggro range of guards, hit winkey before the chasing guards kill all, and can relog happily and go where they please :p

Hmm think that one smells of a ban


Seeing how powerfull mids are atm, I get the impression that they prolly could get through sausage or snowdonia if organised well enough and with enough people.

I think it would be a good thing too, how about it myuthic/goa, proper invasions from time to time. Make aggro radius double for mobs on enemy realms.
Would love to see rampaging mid army all the way down in lyonesse they get raped by a load of greater telemons and the snapper.


Sounds an excelent idea, though realisticly we'd have to be careful not to kill anyone as that one way to all get banned. We'd also need help from a hib/mid to open the doors for us. Would also be best not to do it at the BK with the teleporter in it as it would be rather laggy. Deffo sounds like a nice idea to try though.


Originally posted by smerf
Sounds an excelent idea, though realisticly we'd have to be careful not to kill anyone as that one way to all get banned.
Would also be best not to do it at the BK with the teleporter in it as it would be rather laggy. Deffo sounds like a nice idea to try though.

Errr. no, you won't get banned for killing people.

And the teleport BK is the only one to bother attempting at. There's very little chance of the doors being opened enough to bother at the others.


You dont have to use the double doors to get into Druim Ligen


Originally posted by old.Merbos
You dont have to use the double doors to get into Druim Ligen

Already mentioned above aswell (same for all BKs). And already mentioned above that yes, you will get banned for doing such.


When people did this before they were banned for killing noobs on sailsbury plains after wandering through the huge gaping zone hole that used to exist alongside Castle Sauvage.

Whether anyone would ban you today is academic.

You won't do it.

Don't know if you noticed how many LoS ignoring "Master Wizard" guards are wandering about upstairs in Sauvage. These are all the equivalent of the "Master of Runes" that is such a royal pain in the arse on Mjol relic raids.

Even with a relic size force, you'd be lucky to get significant numbers into the main courtyard of the border keep.

Pulling NPCs out of the border keep is one thing. Getting through the border keep alive is a whole other kettle of fish.

Could be fun trying though ;) . If you manage it - I want to see what happens if you kill the portal merchant and the portal ceremony wizards!


Originally posted by old.Ramas

Could be fun trying though ;) . If you manage it - I want to see what happens if you kill the portal merchant and the portal ceremony wizards!

I read a post about people using volley into pks, and killing the wizzys. no more porting until a CSR comes and replaces the poor wizzys.

Aule Valar

delete pins buffbot and use the account to open the doors!

if mids/hibs did get through snow forttress they'd own half our realm before anyone actually noticed

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