Whats the name of

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Re: Re: Whats the name of

Originally posted by Hestetun
fuck off zerger. U have nothing to complain about tart! U zerged almost everyday u went into emain usless pieace of shit

I am not a LA member, flame them not us.

Oh wait d'oh You ARE in LA. Hmm no comment.

Btw whats with the language, do You feel inferior in some way? Can PM if You feel ashamed posting it here.


Re: Re: Re: Whats the name of

Originally posted by stunned
I am not a LA member, flame them not us.

Oh wait d'oh You ARE in LA. Hmm no comment.

Btw whats with the language, do You fell inferior in some way? Can PM if You feel ashamed posting it here.

my stunned :) u dont get do u :) how many LA do u see in emain now , see time on post, If u see one then its zerg ^^ as u want it , but tbh I dont give shit what u say ,but must admitt this give post and soon I get talk to much u fag :) thats of funneh :)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Whats the name of

Originally posted by Hestetun
my stunned :) u dont get do u :) how many LA do u see in emain now , see time on post, If u see one then its zerg ^^ as u want it , but tbh I dont give shit what u say ,but must admitt this give post and soon I get talk to much u fag :) thats of funneh :)

tbh I really dont understand what You say. Someone translate pls.

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by stunned
GG 4 th run zerged by some old famous faces.

01.00 Outlaw, Krane and the usual zerg 4-5 FGs on stick. Screenie coming soon.

wh0 r0x
who r0x obviously not you





i find it funny that a red guard member posted this stlong whine :) one of the most famous zerg guilds on the server. ok so u say u not ben able to make a fg lately , but thats cos all the FOTM people who now cant 1hit people with overpowered zerkers. or cant pown with there sb etc , have all quit or rolling savvages :( no doubt when there savages ing 50 the RG zerk train will be back in emain.

p.s lol @ herbels pics, just makes the original posters comments groundless cos its just a case of pot kettle black :)


Originally posted by -yoda-
i find it funny that a red guard member posted this stlong whine :) one of the most famous zerg guilds on the server. ok so u say u not ben able to make a fg lately , but thats cos all the FOTM people who now cant 1hit people with overpowered zerkers. or cant pown with there sb etc , have all quit or rolling savvages :( no doubt when there savages ing 50 the RG zerk train will be back in emain.

p.s lol @ herbels pics, just makes the original posters comments groundless cos its just a case of pot kettle black :)

That must have been the most biased and silly reply in the history of BW. Wtf would You know about the inguild situation rofl.

Herbals SS showed Mids roaming atk and amg. You can rest assured those groups are not on /stick.

I dont care if this or that guild run 2 FGs. Its the wanker alb zerg of 5-10 FGs that spoils the fun for everyone and then You come and say Rg ran 2 FGs bla bla bla, who give a shit.

Get a fcking clue.
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