Whats happening with Savage Conclave?



Ok this is my first post here but well nevr had much to comment on before now...

I was chatting with a mate yesterday when I hear a entire guild are under orders not to do anything with any member of the savages?!?

This with the recent tales I have heard of unfair and rude dismisal of rule following savages brings me great concern, esp considering no one in the guild seems to know what why etc.

So what is happening to the savage conclave? I am sure they used to be a good guild even if a bit rules retentive, but suddenly I hear many people moaning about them. Anyone know whats happening, is it true they are considering new leadership in the shape of Shabash?


I'd be very interested to learn more about any such rumours or mutterings.

SC are as active and happy as we have always been. If there are any percieved problems or unhappiness, then it's certainly not apparent from the inside, but if anyone does have any issues, please let any of us officers know as soon as possible, as we would really like to know.

I'd certainly be curious to know the name of the guild that is "under orders not to do anything with any member of the savages". If we don't know the guild, how can we get to the bottom of things?

As for any leadership changes, I think if a vote of confidence was taken, Dozigden would most certainly get 100% backing.

Oh, and btw, Shabish has very recently been promoted to full Officer. (So that may be where that rumour came from)



Hi Shot,

I have been with Savage Conclave since April 2002, SC is full of really nice guys and have watched each other grow to become one of the stonger Guilds of Midgard/Prydwen. We now have nearly 50 lvl 50's in the guild and great events and activities all the time.

I think the rules are not that strict and make sense, all guilds have there own charter SC just wrote theres down.

Shabish has been promoted but he is still under our boss man Dozigden.

I dont understand what your talking about to be honest, What actually has been said? please clarify so people can address your points instead of leaving it wide open with no basis

<as Sparky said>


I was chatting with a mate yesterday when I hear a entire guild are under orders not to do anything with any member of the savages?!?

Yes, apparently Danish Huscarls are under orders not to have anything to do with us. This comes from last friday when we ran our guild event in malmo - A dansih Huscarl didnt like that we had a guild only group and refused to stop leeching after 4 or 5 pulls. We let him have the aggro and left (with predictable results). It then turns out he was their GM - not that that information would have changed anything. From the conversation i had with him since he refuses to admit it was leeching as in his mind we were just running "us style". Ordering your guild to then ignore SC for your own mistakes is, I believe, a bit silly. SC are under no such orders as i believe its upto a player who they play with, in fact i dobt half of them even know about it yet as were still discussing what to do about it.

This with the recent tales I have heard of unfair and rude dismisal of rule following savages brings me great concern, esp considering no one in the guild seems to know what why etc.

I had to read that a couple of times, i suspect your refering to the removal of a particular guildmember from the guild (only the second time weve ever had to remove a guild member). It got particularly nasty due to several people, myself included, knowing the person in RL. As to the reasons they were removed im afraid theyre the guilds buisness not a public affair. I will say that every guild member who has approached me personally has, i believe, gone away satified with the justifications I've discussed with them.

The ex-guild member has been spotted at gna spreading her woes though - I would ask that anyone listening bear in mind that theres 2 sides to every story.

So what is happening to the savage conclave? I am sure they used to be a good guild even if a bit rules retentive, but suddenly I hear many people moaning about them. Anyone know whats happening, is it true they are considering new leadership in the shape of Shabash?

In short nothing different is happening with Savage Conclave, as the Guildmaster I think I would be in a position to know. Weve actually been pretty remarkable in that we havent had any large issues come up before (all guilds who can say that please raise their hands).

The acussation of being "rule retentive" always makes me laugh, what have we got? A uniform rule restricting colours, and a name policy that asks for "sensible" names and enforces what everyone has already agreed to in the CoC, whether GOA enforces it or not. I also doubt you'll find another guild of our size and position who will consider applications from characters as low as level 15. In Savage Conclave people stand by their merits as a person.

As for new leadership - I'll take on all comers:D

Shabish was promoted to full officer rank for his continued efforts to strengthen the realms activities in the frontiers. The first Promotion we've had to full officer status since not long after the guild formed. A well deserved promotion.


Woops, Dozig wrote the most of this...

If the concern still is unclear we still got the pretty logs :D, and believe me, they are pretty.

The community in Savage Conclave is the same if not stronger as it have ever been, and yes, recently Shabish did get promoted, but Dozig is still the bosstroll


Originally posted by dozigden
I also doubt you'll find another guild of our size and position who will consider applications from characters as low as level 15.

... in Midgard....

Savage Conclave are, and I am sure will continue to be, one of the best guilds on this server... yes they have a strong set of rules and guidelines which serve them well and by enforcing such rules they ought to be able to maintain a strong core of good, mature players with a high standard of gamesmanship.

They also have a GM of exceptional quality, prepared to deal with issues where necessary but also only ever judging when based on balanced argument and constructive debate. I understand that he took the first steps into forming the New Era alliance which continues to cause us aggro in our borders and stands amongst the strongest alliances on the server.

No... I would have to say that Savage Conclave are in good health and in VERY capable hands. I should know, I've been on the receiving end quite a few times recently ;)

You target Dozigden. He is a member of an enemy realm!





Just thought I'd add something somewhat related to the subject of this thread.

Shabish rocks.

Thanks. ;)


That answers a few questions, thankyou.

The reasons for my concerns where well been away from the game for a bit I come back and enter a group and find many people unhappy with the Savages, a guild I once considered joining before my game break. I then find that its more than just a few people who have a low opinion of the guild, think the quote was something like "technically one of the best, great members but they tend to take the fun out of the game". There where worse things said but most of the ones aimed at people I took to be sour grapes.

The other thing my old room mate told me one Brag had been a really nice guy, several times by helping him group his alt and powerleveling him and was very upset that Brag had been kicked after he had been consistantly so nice to him.

Well I guess alot of guilds get bad p/r was just surprised to see it being Savage Conclave a guild I thought that would be above that.

Hope all smooths out with the danes


well i think you are wrong in that savage conclave has a bad reputation, i could imagine that some people like the ones leeching in malmo or the ones beeing kicked out of the guild would try to spread rumors and get us down in the dirt.

so my guess is you have unluckily been grouping with some of those people, if you group around a bit more and get a more general view i think you'll find that most people have an ok oppionion of us(or i'm very easy to fool)

another very relevant thing



Oh I remember that Friday :D

I logged in saw the hole (or the people there) run for yar, and there where a few guys sitting, and one or two licking the earth.

I'd like to add this, its fair that you run guild event and there ort to be no limit to where you could pull something like that of. Ofcoures there are spots that are more camp then others such as the lair with the recent "US-styling". So as long as no one is camping the post post to the event, and that people comming in later is told that this is a guild event, then every thing is cool. So all I can say is Cheers to you guys, I saw you took down Mister Yar in a flash looked like real fun.

To leechers ... why do you even do it, go get a girlfriend or something insted of leeching.


As an innocent TU bystander who logged in during that hunt i'll just confirm what I saw. SC were at the lair, I joined a non-SC group also at the lair, stood there for a minute and found out it was SC guild hunt and the group I was in were leeching. SC had previously moved from Yar at the request of 2 groups there and offered to move from the lair if enough people to handle the spot would step up. There was no where near enough so I logged because I wont leech, just wish i'd stayed for the deaths :)

Originally posted by Jupitus
I understand that he took the first steps into forming the New Era alliance
Tsk, your spies are slacking Jup. KN, BoD & TU formed New Era, SC were just our biggest signing :m00:


As one of the founders of Head Hunters, I'd vouch for SC too.


Savage Conclave are a great guild, one that makes Midgard both strong and an enjoyable place to be. Dozigden is an excellent guild-master, putting in lots of the hard, unseen work. As someone says, SC didn't lead the founding of New Era but they are a key part of it. As a guild-master of another guild in New Era, I've got loads of admiration for them. I hope this is basically a misunderstanding at root.

I gave Shabish a cloak when he had none ... now he is 'sexeh'; that's the kind of thing SC can do for you.


Originally posted by Jupitus

... in Midgard....

(bla bla bla...)

You target Dozigden. He is a member of an enemy realm!




How much did dozigden pay you to say all that? :)

No, seriously, SC is a nice guild with good playing members. I had a dispute with them about a week ago, but we solved it fast, so it was no worries.


Savage Conclave is a good guild, with good leadership and good members.
Malmo is full of leechers, enough said :p

I was in Malm myself when SC had their guild-hunt, and can not see how their hunt could be taken to be "US".


Originally posted by Melgar
I had a dispute with them about a week ago, but we solved it fast, so it was no worries.

yes it was about me refussing to share my 2 new kegs of ale imported directly from hufner's beer plant.

but after melgar offering some rare and tasty wine in trade. I came to my sences and passed him some ale, it all ended in a splendid party, followed by even worse hangovers


I should warn you that a little while ago there was a lot of moaning - and I mean A LOT - about SC, mainly relating to refusing to rez people from other guilds. It did not affect me, Im just relating what I heard.

As a "rezzer" myself. I can understand there are times when it is not possible to rez every man and his dog, so there may have been extenuating circumstances.

Just thought you should know this.


Malenka and anyone else, lets us know if you see this first person,
it is only way we can better our self, even SC members makes mistakes :D the trick is as always to learn from them :D


Well if people have trouble with the guild i would expect them to come to myself or another officer - most of the officers are pretty well known so it shouldnt be a problem finding one.

Although I can appreciate how awkward it can be PMing a random guild members and saying "can you point me to your GM please", Im actually sure people dont really think anything of it.

I've heard nothing about people complaining about not being rezzed - although it sounds pretty vague, i'd like the rezzer who HASNT been moaned at for not rezzing at some time or other to tell me their secret.


SC are a nice bunch ot trolls, kobbies, dwarfs and even norse people. :)

Lets just leave it there. Dont make a hen out of a feather. ;)


If anyone dares attempt to belittle and smir the good name of Savage Conclave, I will personally drag them to the centre of emain for all the realms to se and beat them to death with a very THICK lead pipe, just to prove to them that there is in fact something equally as dense as their heads. SC are probably the best run, organised guild I have encountered on prydwen, and have a great bunch of people.

end of discussion.



Savage Conclave smell :p

But Agelmere is sexy!

Oh and i love Shabish, and Shatzia, actually i love you all!!


SC is indeed a great guild, with great members, great teamwork, and great leadership. We play hard and fair, and always respect those around us.


I don't frequent these boards much but feel I have to give a /cheer for SC as well (funny thing - started out as half-flame thread and turned into a cozy "go SC"-thread - like it better now :))

Having no knowledge of the incident, SC have some of the nicest people in Midgård and are indeed a great guild and ally!

(They also have some of the greatest legs in the realms...Sarine <yummy>)

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