What you want



Ok, you 'orrible lot, I want to know what you want from these servers. We've developed a core of regular players, enough that I can proudly say that this is the one game I own where I can get a good few hours play every night on Barrysworld. But this isn't about me, its about you.

Some players prefer more realistic settings, with no crosshair (ironsights only) and 3rd person view disabled. Any takers?

You could ask for more addons, or more missions, or pretty much anything you want, and I'll see what I can do to sort it out for you.

I'll even include running some sort of contest if any of you have any ideas. I have a BW baseball cap up for grabs as a prize. Mapping competition, some sort of knockout or baby league, I'm open to ideas.

Moving Target

I wouldn't care about a crosshair, as I never use it. People who want no 3rd person take it too seriously :/


i've got a suggestion...

theres this map i've played.. cant quite remember what its called tho.. damn nice map.. hanger or something like that.

i suggest we put that on the server.. :)


Sorry to be a pain, but Id like a server where I could go play ctf, or c and h, with a load of people in a kind of "grown up cs " fashion, like on some of the other servers around and about.
But Im probably in the minority in this.


I know throd, thats kind of why I started this thread.

I've not really got much of a handle on the whole team vs. team thing, most of my Flashpoint time has been playing coop.

I do find CTF quite dull (satchel-charge the flag, set yourself up with a sniper rifle and wait), but some of the other game styles could be interesting.

The problem is, for a game of CTF or whatever, we need about 10 players, which we've only really hit or gone over at peak times. Coop only needs about 4, which is why I think these servers have seen more use than more popular games such as CS. If HAI actually got on the servers, then you never know what would happen.;)


There are a few decent CTF maps about, the ofpladder.com ctf maps are ok (revised ctf with better flag scripts and no re-spawn flag camping etc) but they tend to be two small bases facing each other with 2 flagpoles and 2 jeeps/apc's.

Personally I'd prefer to see more coop missions added. BW Community missions would also be nice (insert Hanger plug here)

The problem is for the casual OFP'er to keep up with addons, BW2 has proved to be the most popular server with the regulars, but most of these people have big addon dirs already :)

Perhaps its time for 'BW addon pack 2'


Well, I was thinking (note that this doesn't mean it will happen, just that I will see what I can sort) month about, adding addons, then missions, then addons again. Obviously adding a few missions to take advantage of the addons.

I've got a pack of around 100 coop missions I have to sort through and see what can be used. And zip up with full paths...joy.

As for the next addon, the Seb Nam pack is fairly sexy, though a bit large again. What I'll probably do is remove the winter pack and add the Nampack.

But what I want and what you want are two different things. So we need some decent CTF-style maps, and more coop missions, as wel as a few organised CTF-type nights. Anything else to add?


Ive played ctf-style games with rows of tanks, apcs, jeeps and motorbikes lined up near the spawn of each team. Great fun. :)


Don't make me beat you until you get the map name Throd.;)


Lol Im sorry mate I have no idea as to the names of these maps. I also played one with a river and large bridge separating the two teams, that also had copious quantites of free tanks and apcs, also it had helicoptors. Was a bit laggy i recall tho. I ended up getting kicked by the admin cos I shoot him through the window of his helicopter. O well ...
I wonder if some of them arn't made using the mission editor and simply adding loads of tanks ?
I did it recently with that lovely winter campaign stuff, and it worked a treat. I created a map so loaded with russian tanks and soldiers it was impossible to complete :) But it was amazingly easy to do :)


I get the feeling CTF is fairly easy to create. Any volunteers?


I was thinking of .....

well you tbh, me ol pc game guru what you are :)


Bah. I'll have to take a jeep out for a tour round the virtual world.

Though I've got BF1942 games for the next two nights, so it'll be waiting a bit.


I think you can safely count me out for CTF and C&H stuff, not enjoyyable at all - too many flaws in the game design to pull off any sort of competitive game of this. Ends up as a fancy 'spawn with vehicles' team deathmatch in my experience. And if I wanted rows of tanks I'd play that horrid tank-war game known as BF1942. We've tried CTF and C&H a few times (even I suggested it and forced some other ppl to give it a go) but it was a bit of a flop. I used to have a dabble in CTF in the old netcode days, and as Will says, it just takes one man with a set of satchels and a sniper rifle in a bush 2km away - really pathetic. :(

Co-op's where its at imo, and we do seem to have a steady bunch of regulars, so lets get some more maps and addons. The old maps are growing tiresome in their limited number and we're all itching to play some of our fave levels (even if some need addons). You mentioned the SEB NamPack2 addon and that gets my personal vote, mainly cuz I have it and its great, and 2 my own map requires it! ;) The addon / map BW pack deployment idea sounds good to me, but tbh I dont see any hassle in just grabbing addons as needed - but I AM a cable whore - we do have to take the 'lesser endowed' into consideration :D


The mission pack I'm making up has quite a few missions in common with that pack.

Animal Mutha

I'm all for COOP.

There are plenty of games that do CTF and DM much better than Flashpoint, but very few games that handle COOP quite so well.

We seem to have one or two :)P exxxie) dedicated and mature players, which makes games more enjoyable. If I wanted to be TK'd, insulted, or l33tspeaked to death, I'd go play CS.
I get off on the sense of camaraderie and losing myself in the whole 'I'm a soldier!' thing.

I think using the BW2 server to try out new mods and addons is a great idea - there's enough stuff out there to ensure a fairly fresh experience every month or so, and those who don't want to download stuff still have server 1 for regular games.
Not to mention we have our fair share of talented mission makers to churn out new stuff.....

My two cents.

('stuff' count: 3)


Originally posted by Animal Mutha
We seem to have a good base of dedicated and mature players...

OMFG Tehy must play when weve all gone to BED?!!1 LOLZ


Animal Mutha has some good points, I agree with most of 'em... Although I've been harping a bit about CTF, it's more a case of I'd like to give it a shot because I've never tried it with OFP... not dropping co-op for CTF. New co-op missions every now & then are nice and keep it interesting. I know I've asked before, but some more smaller missions would be nice for when there's just 3 or 4 peeps around to get on the server & have a bash until more join.


Well, as you can see, the technical staff have been very busy recently with some fairly major changes.

Once the dust has settled and the builders are gone, I'll get to it.
  • A few team vs. team maps
  • Some more coop missions, especially smaller ones
  • The NamPack to come after that dust has settled, unless something cooler is out by them


Originally posted by Will.
As for the next addon, the Seb Nam pack is fairly sexy, though a bit large again. What I'll probably do is remove the winter pack and add the Nampack.

Couldn't you install nampack on BW 1 & leave the snowy one on BW 2 ?


More missions reqd.

And people shouldnt be so obessed with turning AI off.

AI are VERY useful if you use them properly.
Compare AI to a fork. If you poke it in your eye repeatedly, of COURSE you want to get rid of it.

If you impale food with it and then move it towards your mouth, its useful.


I thought AI can make some missions laggy due to cpu usage & stuff ?


Originally posted by *Kornholio*

Couldn't you install nampack on BW 1 & leave the snowy one on BW 2 ?
Well, I'd like to leave one server addon free, so new people can just jump on and play without downloading anything. I might just slowly add addons, and not remove them. But I'll have to hold fire on that until the redesign is done anyway.


I'll be there in a while, busy with otherstuff(tm) atm


Soz to temporarily detract from the main subject here but I totally dislike using AI in co-op missions. Not because they behave poorly or because they might supposedly cause performance issues, its purely because if we're doing a co-op (*co-operative*) then don't you feel we're sort of missing the point using AI's?

It always feels like a cheaper win when you've used em, much better to do it the hard way, purely amongst your human comrades and that way you know the victory was achieved by your hand. Its all to easy to use AI teammates as cannon-fodder, distractions, easy targeting - all again which sorta makes u think "arent we missing the point here?". I dont think real team leaders have free suicidal drones at their disposal to chuck at the enemy to save his fave troopers flanking round the side...

And as for the annoying radio spam, dont get me started *! :)

Edit > *= This is reserved for the human players! REPEAT. ROGER. WHERE ARE YOU? REPEAT.


Im still trying to remember that u all play this cool game every day or whatever its is and i will join asap to add to the grunts..

Ive only ever played ctf mode, apart from the times i been on bw servers and altho coop has its merits, i do belive that ctf is huuge fun and its a shame u guys dont play it :(

Still its a great game, dont mind at all really, just need to get my ass in gear and remember bw plays OFP!


I missed the last CTF game :( perhaps we could have another one sometime soon ?? Drag Throddy in too ??

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