A... digestif?...a after food "melting drink". Again, a term i can't find a solid english substitute Helps yer tummy to make the food bubble away.
A... digestif?
During the chris-ta'mas oh so holy days? Beer? Wine? Booze?
It's my day off?You're the damn expert, you should be telling us what to drink
I just got a bottle of this. It might survive long enough to get to chrimblé....but it is very very good, so who knows
Wine. Lots of wine. Most of the time!
wine for lunch.
Wine mostly, t
Any in particular?Châteauneuf-du-Pape
Simple as.
Where did you dig that up?
I have....contacts, who....arrange things
Right so in other words...at some airport ?
Most likely some Belgian brew my dad picks up at belgiskbryg.dk, dunno if you know it @Olgaline? They have a nice little basement full of beers you can't find anywhere else. Once every year they drive down to Belgium and visit a bunch of micro breweries and picks up a whole lot of beer. And most of it is excellent, nothing compares to it
hehehe nah chum, local booze store eh. dunno if you've ever had it but it's quite good imo.
not sure tbh, will at the Jasna ski resort in Slovakia. Beer, wine and whatever we take with I guess.
hah, your loss. but yeah, Octomore is great
Yup. If you're ever close, you should treat yourself and pay them a visit! Remember to bring a designated driverDon't know it as such, but I know off it, wasnt that the place you(your parents) had that tasting with?