What will housing actually "BE"?



Originally posted by sieben_dapoet
lol... you know what i mean :)

it would make it fair'ish then.. hows that for ya

Better'ish :D But i still want to buy a small hut to myself on some remote mountain and have a battleground next to it where i can fight different level mobs. That way i can exp near my home! :p


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Better'ish :D But i still want to buy a small hut to myself on some remote mountain and have a battleground next to it where i can fight different level mobs. That way i can exp near my home! :p

bl00dy hermit =)


Originally posted by sieben_dapoet
bl00dy hermit =)

That's just because nobody understands my hunting methods. They are civilized i tell you! There is nothing wrong in pulling two purps near high level players to kill that orange between the two purps! ...really...

old.Trine Aquavit

Savage Conclave already have a guild house - it's called Glenlock Faste :)

OK, so we do occasionally have the baliffs round to evict us and have to suffer the odd squatter or two when we've been away for a while, but on the whole that's our home.

The Real Redi

I wonder how long before those who created their houses realise they dont really want it, and we end up with a shanty town that looks like the back streets of Leyton - all run down and peeling paint/broken windows... :lol:

I wonder though - it would be nice, if we as a guild/alliance besieged and took an enemy keep held by an enemy guild, we could display the enemy guilds emblem on a tattered & burnt banner in our "Hall of conquests" or something... maybe even the heads of the Epic Mobs once they are slain as a guild group...


i think its cool, especially extra storage space ect and being able to pass items from one char to another - sounds like UO housing a bit. I like fluff so there :p


Originally posted by The Real Redi
maybe even the heads of the Epic Mobs once they are slain as a guild group...

Gifv Svartur's head stuck on white picket fence kthxbye.



So ...

A guild can buy a house ... paint it the guild colours ... decorate it ... chat to a few merchants and have a ball .... so ... sorry for being a little niave .....

SO The Heck What ... if I wanted boredum I could take up crafting ... or maybe goto Emain and get zerged over and over again ....

Just my own personal point of view ...

Tesla Monkor

Housing won't be in RvR zone -- Mythic already said they'd make a seperate zone with horseroutes. (DAOC is getting suburbs!).

Even if you could put your house in an RvR zone, I wouldn't want to. Getting ganked first thing in the morning when you get out of bed would really ruin your day.

Besides, you wouldn't be sure there AREN'T any monsters under the bed, then. :)


nothing is surtan yet, still testing going on at US test server

The Real Redi

So far only me and one other have mentioned the scope this presents for Roleplaying - and the minor haven it might provide for immersive RPers from the tw4t kids who like to make a fool of themselves at the Templars meetings in Camelot.

Bind stones, merchants, crafting area, vault, bank?, its basically aimed at those who are either already 50 and enjoying the game/company instead of knocking them down the back 9 in emain, or those who arent old enough to RvR, but still want to socialise with the members of the guild.

Its all eye-candy, sure, with no real purpose apart from guild comradery, and Roleplay...


Originally posted by hercules-df
All sounds nice and all that shit, but apart from decorate with the odd bit of furnature, what can we acyually DO with the HUGE sum of cash i think we will be paying for a house of somekind.

Will we beable to run erchants from them or display our weapons and armour for all to see, or something?

since theyll have their own zone i assume theryll be no hunting near em or getting a strategic location for ur merchant to farm teh cash (lyonesse)

All i can see is a lot of empty houses that do absolutly nothing worthwhile, without a proper in game economy letting people buy stuff from an npc inside ur house is about all that can be done with em. knowing mythic they will be big empty places, full of bug and nothing to actually do with them.

Hopefully it will work like the appartments in Neocron where you can leave all your old stuff that you never use and lower level ppl can take it so someone uses it and maybe the guilds crafter have a place to gather :) It would also be cool if it was like a meeting place for everyone. Maybe they will make a portal there so it will be easy if you bind there and then you can portal to Forest Sauvage or Gothwaite?


Let's be short and plunt like a middie hammer:

You order a cake and then when it arrives someone gives you a mars bar for free as a bonus.

You say: "I don't like mars bars...."


Re: Great

Originally posted by Odon
So ...

A guild can buy a house ... paint it the guild colours ... decorate it ... chat to a few merchants and have a ball .... so ... sorry for being a little niave .....

SO The Heck What ... if I wanted boredum I could take up crafting ... or maybe goto Emain and get zerged over and over again ....

Just my own personal point of view ...

If you dont like it, you dont have to visit the houses, ever thought that maybe, some other people might like something you dont?


also i think its not meant as a major alternative to rvr, those saying "its gonna be boring" are being a little silly.

in the main i guess its gonna be a stopping off point a bit like camelot, you visit once in a while, get some gear/drop some off, sell stuff, look at eye candy, meet people etc... but not really a place to go to spend the rest of your days {unless crafting}.

dont knock it for what its not supposed to be ay guys ;)


would be cool an funny if they put all 3 housin realms in the same place an made it so we can talk an understand mids an albs but cant attack each other :))


Just read the latest grab bag and according to sanya houses will be purchased with gold and not bp o_0.

Another interesting tid bit was the fact that particle effects can not be added by alch's :(


Originally posted by StormriderX
Just read the latest grab bag and according to sanya houses will be purchased with gold and not bp o_0.

:eek7: <Sieben exits forum to go farm in DF>

:doh: <Sieben re-enters forum>

"Damn im still at work" :(


Originally posted by The Real Redi
So far only me and one other have mentioned the scope this presents for Roleplaying
Dont think there is alot of roleplayers in this game :)

Sarum TheBlack

Adverse reaction to "fluff" always makes me laugh (like some of the posts on VN when the hats came in). If you don't like fluff, you don't have to spend money on it. I personally love it, adds depth and diversity to the game.. if you only want to pwn people in PvP/RvR then that's fine.. but accept that that's not 100% what DAoC is about.. it is an RPG after all, not a FPS, and don't complain about the people who don't feel the same way.

And there are a few RP'ers about.. most of them on Prydwen I guess.. there isn't as many as the non-RP'ers... but remember, Mythic make the decissions about DAoC based on their server populations.. and they have 3 fairly full RP only servers, so they are going to make patches that address the needs of RP'ers, it's a decent chunk of their income. Houses and hats are two things I guess you could say fall into that category... but a lot of non-RP players I know want a house, just because it's kinda cool to own stuff... it's a status symbol even if you don't use it as a house.


Originally posted by StormriderX
Another interesting tid bit was the fact that particle effects can not be added by alch's :(

im actually glad they aint adding that, will be crap when lvl 2 alts are running around with glowing weapons


could have made it a high lvl proc or something like reactives :(


Expensive. A guild Emblem costs 200 gold.
A stack of Arcanium metal costs like 150 gold.
so a house will cost 200 plat or so. And maybe 1 plat a week for maintenace.


Originally posted by Olgark
Expensive. A guild Emblem costs 200 gold.
A stack of Arcanium metal costs like 150 gold.
so a house will cost 200 plat or so. And maybe 1 plat a week for maintenace.

0_o best get saving then :eek:


One plat a week, dam They are turning the game into a pve based game.


Houses will be nothing but worthless crap

Meanwhile the things that make this game suck will not be worked on.


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