What will housing actually "BE"?



All sounds nice and all that shit, but apart from decorate with the odd bit of furnature, what can we acyually DO with the HUGE sum of cash i think we will be paying for a house of somekind.

Will we beable to run erchants from them or display our weapons and armour for all to see, or something?

since theyll have their own zone i assume theryll be no hunting near em or getting a strategic location for ur merchant to farm teh cash (lyonesse)

All i can see is a lot of empty houses that do absolutly nothing worthwhile, without a proper in game economy letting people buy stuff from an npc inside ur house is about all that can be done with em. knowing mythic they will be big empty places, full of bug and nothing to actually do with them.


I heard guilds can put merchants in them, personal forges, lathes alch tables. Not to mention vault keepers. Maybe even portal walls to places useful maybe to the guild keep, bind stones etc.

Now I heard that you use bounty points to buy bits and bobs for you're house, Im aiming for a stud pad/love nest for all the gals to come and see though I have a funny feeling I will be very alone.

But suffice to say these will become the new crafting capitals.

And I am sure they will be very useful.

The Real Redi

From the way they were talking about it, to save the realm becoming a massive development plot, like certain other MMOs on the market, they will introduce a new area, which will be solely for the housing, with its own horse routes, et al.

I think these maybe are aimed more at the RP element of the game, tell the truth, as i can't actually see any use for them, other than scenery/locations, maybe having banners of the guild, and maybe a few merchants there?

The pictures of the proposed architecture was up a while ago, but i cant remember where, so ill not link to it ;)

actually, after readin that other post, i wonder what they plan on doing for those of us who suffered so viciously in the BP bug debacle, or are Mythic still planning on reimbursing us (or have they already, and i didnt notice? :p

Roo Stercogburn

I've already started planning Midgard Home And Garden so I can milk housproud kobbies for cash and Midgard Homebase is already well under way...

"Oooh that Garden Dwarf is sooooo you sir. Yes, its supposed to sprinkle the lawn <pause> Fafnir stop hiding in amongst the stock again."


Originally posted by Esoteric

Now I heard that you use bounty points to buy bits and bobs for you're house, Im aiming for a stud pad/love nest for all the gals to come and see though I have a funny feeling I will be very alone.


Hm, didn't you mention you are planning to leave the game in the nearer future, Eso?! :p


old.Trine Aquavit

I think/hope that housing will provide bank/vault facilities. I doubt if I'll get a personal house (I can't even afford a set of crafted armour :() unless you can buy your house with BPs.


Why bother spending your guilds resources on a house.... lets just crash LoE or SoTL, its obvious they will have a nice pretty house.... or will they also recruit some bouncers to keep us out :)

The Real Redi

Originally posted by -Nxs-
Why bother spending your guilds resources on a house.... lets just crash LoE or SoTL, its obvious they will have a nice pretty house.... or will they also recruit some bouncers to keep us out :)

dont be silly... they'll recruit a bouncer-zerg ;)


Interesting thought tho, can you keep other guilds/players out of your house...

And infact can you also let them in...... I can see some late poker nights brewing, could do with some more cash.


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
I've already started planning Midgard Home And Garden so I can milk housproud kobbies for cash and Midgard Homebase is already well under way...

"Oooh that Garden Dwarf is sooooo you sir. Yes, its supposed to sprinkle the lawn <pause> Fafnir stop hiding in amongst the stock again."

:clap: :clap: :clap:


What would be extremely cool would be a vault keeper style merchant.

For example a weapon crafter (me) dumps 10x 99% crescents onto the merchant. Then I set a price I want to sell at - then whoever wants a sword toddles off to the merchant and buys it at the price and the money is deposited at the merchant.

Then the next time I go to merchant he hands me my cash :)

Benefits are two fold in that:
a) get more vault space (since the merchant will hold the stuff for you)
b) customers can pick up their items whilst you are gallavanting about doing rvr/xping alts etc :)


"Maybe even portal walls" very sexy idea, or at least portals to sausage/goth/DF

The idea of using the merchants to sell crafted/un wanted items would be very nice too. Can you see mythic going to the troulbe of getting it right/ be arsed to create such things tho? Hopefully at least our merchants will work like normal ones but we get the items ppl sell when we go back to our merchant, then can travel to a proper merchant in a city with said loot and get a 10% higher price for them from npc merchants. something to let us make cash, without the need to kill :)

Bit like mining ( something that would at halt the exp grind everyone ends up on )

Just anything we can do that feels worthwhile other than the exp grind/hell. crafting is no different to the exp grind IMO also :D


We won't know exactly what housing will actually "BE" until it (or a preliminary version of it) goes live on Pendragon in the next few days. Mythic put all sorts of things on their wish list, but until they actually roll it out, the list of "what is actually implemented and working" is a big sekret.


Hmm - if you can plonk a vault next to an alchemy table or other crafting requirement it will let people macro their tradeskills more easily...


i think putting it in an seperate zone is a huge mistake.

put housing in frontier zones, and have guilds protect their houses.. could rock :p


Mistwolf posted this on CoC regarding housing (if you go looking for it):

Housing: General
The housing system will be made available with an optional download.
Houses will be represented by a .nif with no usable windows or balconies.
New housing zones will be built - new terrains and textures not attached to the existing world.
Players will gain access to these zones through a "town gate" .nif - with a zone line only activated if you completed the optional download.
Horse routes will connect the arrival points to "villages" within the zones.
A central market area will be built.
A "garden area" around each house will extend to 1024X1024 space. Hook points in this area will programmatically extend to the ground on the server.
There are pre-defined housing lots - with placenment and rotation pre-defined.
Decorative items, tool objects and NPC's will be attached to "Hook Points" which will be pre-defined in the nif of the buildings.
“A standard zone is 64K units on a side, the footprint of a house is 1K units. We could theoretically cram 64 x 64 = 4096 houses into a zone, but it would look like hell (actually, it would look like most suburban housing developments built in the 50's and 60's, which is about the same thing). At 400 per zone, less than 10% of the zone is occupied by house footprints (and remember that the footprint is larger than the house itself). These will be grouped into clusters (villages). Houses in the villages will be close enough to see from each other, and in some cases you will be able to see neighboring villages in the distance (the way you can see Prydwen Keep from Cotswold). But the overall effect should be of countryside with villages, not Levittown.”

Houses: Exteriors
Each realm will have house looks unique to their realms.
Players will be able to choose four different sizes of houses (1 to 4 levels).
Players will be able to customize the outside of their houses by selecting trim color and certain material types (like the roof).
Players will be able to add guild banners, guild shields and guild emblems (above the door) to their house
Some house types have a "porch" area which can be added to place outside NPC's on the house.
The "garden" area outside a house will have hook points extending to a 1024 * 1024 square area - with more space on the side opposite the porch.

Exterior Upgrades
Trim wood types for their house. Certain portions of the house will have the selected trim wood type - Wood types will be used across all three realms.
10 different wood tints will be available.
Cloth types for awnings will be dyable.
Multiple material types (slate, tin, shingle) for the roof of the house.
There will be 3 material types for level 1 and 2 houses.
There will be 3 different material types for level 3 and 4 houses.
Three different guild emblem areas: Plaques over the doors, Shields on walls, and Banners.
A porch will be available on one side of the house.
Doors will be customizable.
10 different door types will be available.

Houses: Interiors
Each house will have a basement, and a number of floors corresponding to the house level (1 to 4)
Each floor (exception basement) will have designated plaques where guild emblems can be displayed
Each floor (exception basement) will have designated areas where guild banners will be hung.
Each floor will have a location for tapestry and rug locations.
Each floor will have a hook point for an NPC.
Each floor will have a hook point for a trade-skill tool. You will not be able to place a crafting tool within usable range of a merchant to avoid macroing abuse.
Floor and wall decoration hook points will be added.
Floor and wall hook points may be removable, to allow items to be placed anywhere.

Interior Upgrades
Tapestries on the walls with selected colors. Each room has one tapestry.
Carpets on the floors with selected colors. Each room has one carpet.
Guild emblem areas on the inside - shields on walls and tapestries.
Decorative items to hang on the walls.
Decorative items on walls will be of two types:

Items constructed by the art staff:
New merchants will be available for some new housing objects.
If any realm specific items are created (dragon heads) - access to them will be controlled by the world team - not the programming staff.
Such realm-specific items would be gained through special means. You wouldn’t get Golestandt’s head, for example, without killing Golestandt.

Weapons and armor from player inventory:
The icon related to the inventory item will be xeroxed to the wall.
Only icons with an in-game 3d model can be tacked to a wall.
If at all possible, dye color and particle effects will be included in the icon on the wall.

Decorative items to place on the floor: All of these items will be constructed by the art staff

If any realm specific items are created (dragon heads) - access to them will be controlled by the world team - not the programming staff

Upgrading a house
An upgrade interface will be created, which will allow

Upgrades to house level
NPC selection
Dying/Tinting interface
Bindstone purchase
Vault purchase
Porch purchase
Upgrading a house level (changing layout, # of floors, and ground footprint) - will have to be restricted to empty houses - players may need to be transported to the steps when upgrading is in progress
Items inside and outside of a house will need to be removed prior to upgrading (permanent decorations)
Potentially - all items could be dumped into a lockbox or moving npc - and then placed again.

PvP and Housing
There will be no pathing in housing zones, which means no pets and thus no PvP on the ‘Dreds or any other server.

Housing: Access
Personal houses will be limited to one per account per server.
Personal houses can become guild houses.
When you designate your personal house as the guild house, you can get a personal house as well.
Guilds will be limited to one house.

All this might be absolutely wrong, but you never know


well thats a very interesting read, I wish we had some more on the authenticity though :)


Sounds liike fun! It would be good if you could put in cupboards too that acted like extra vaults:)


Sounds cool, a bungalo with a bomb shelter. Think i could get a bazzoka grafted onto the roof for keeping away the pidgeons :)


It will be a house with your guilds name on it, in its own zone (with the other houses) where everyone that has been waiting for housing because normal daoc is boring can sit inside and be bored stiff, but hey! its your house :great:


I want a moose head for my house. :p
From what i hear, they are going to be damn expensive, so get farming :)


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
I've already started planning Midgard Home And Garden so I can milk housproud kobbies for cash and Midgard Homebase is already well under way...

"Oooh that Garden Dwarf is sooooo you sir. Yes, its supposed to sprinkle the lawn <pause> Fafnir stop hiding in amongst the stock again."
Hey i'm only looking after your horses, i pwomise. *HIC*


Just want to mention you could use a house for some roleplay? :rolleyes:


Personaly im hoping the housing is for guilds only, not individuals. If they only have a certain amount of housing available, at high price and allow individula sto have a house you will end up with the large 'uber' guilds/hardcare players having houses and the small guilds/casual players having none.

Allowing only guild houses would mean everyone has the opportunity to have a house if they are guilded, encouraging people to join a guild {if there are benfits to housing of course} and allowing everyone, regardless of there gameplame type being an issue.

p.s. this is not a flame to the hardcore players, more a comment about making things fair in the game so everyone can enjoy the benefits,

thanks and happy hunting


Originally posted by sieben_dapoet
Personaly im hoping the housing is for guilds only,

more a comment about making things fair in the game so everyone can enjoy the benefits,

Ahem ahem....see the error? :p


I agree with Blood, put these houses in rvr zones so that you have to defend them.
Nothing would beat attacking and taking over the pride of a guild or player you dont like. Maybe install a feature where Mids can burn down houses ? Hibs can plant trees around it and Albs get to shag the sheep.

Not housing zones = boring as hell. All you can do is sit around and look at your house. I wonder how long that will keep ppl busy.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Ahem ahem....see the error? :p

lol... you know what i mean :)

it would make it fair'ish then.. hows that for ya

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