what we at now? the 5th screw up...



what we at now? the 5th screw up...

well its one too many, i am making arrangements to move to us servers, could make a level 40 easy in the 6 weeks its gonna take goa to get patches on servers.

be more fun to with new patches.

small list of a huge list of goa screw ups.

1. Delayed Release of game
2. First Patch day, servers were down near all day.
3. Not to mention getting the patch took near all day to get.
4. Kill there offical Forums.
5. News Page on forum updated once a month on a good year.
6. Takes em near 5 months to get a new patch on servers.

tiny sample of a huge list there, i just had my fill of goa, they will never match US servers,

well back to preparations to move to US servers.


Originally posted by Gombur Glodson
thank you and good riddance

STFU Gombur and Whut the guy has every right to be pissed off paying for a game the is bugged to hell and 6 months behind the US servers. If you can't make as sensible comment don't say a damn word.

old.Gombur Glodson

he should quit whining and just move away, what does he achieve from whining here??? NOTHING!
so to all those pissed of, just go to US right away and dont come here whining about it first


probaly goa employees.... its probaly what all goa are doing now, naff all.


Originally posted by Gombur Glodson
he should quit whining and just move away, what does he achieve from whining here??? NOTHING!
so to all those pissed of, just go to US right away and dont come here whining about it first

This a public board where people come to discuss and vent if nesscery, who made you lot the feking thought police?


Ill bet 10 english pounds you don't go anywhere ;)

old.Gombur Glodson

why do every board have to be so full of whiners?
If you go to a restaurant and experience poor food and bad service do you then continue to come back and eat there??
No you go to another restaurant and eat there, and dont bug other people about how bad the other is


Originally posted by Gombur Glodson
why do every board have to be so full of whiners?
If you go to a restaurant and experience poor food and bad service do you then continue to come back and eat there??
No you go to another restaurant and eat there, and dont bug other people about how bad the other is

Like balls they do, you just don't want anyone to have an opinion that differs from your, childish if you ask me.


Originally posted by Silence
probaly goa employees.... its probaly what all goa are doing now, naff all.

I'm not quite so sure they are doing naff all... your posting this on the same page on the forum as this thread:


Do you think this event planned itself? Sit their in your comfy 9-5 jobs or 9-4 school schedule and moan, but it is GOA employees organising and running stuff like that for the user's enjoyment, outside normal working hours too.


Too bad there's only one restaurant in town that serves DAoC, isn't it? ;)


Chodax, or what ever the hell you call yourself:

As you said, "This a public board where people come to discuss and vent if nesscery". Therefore if someone's tired of all those "<insert pointless, even if well-based, moaning here>, so goodbye!", they have exactly the same right to flip their finger as anyone has.

Don't out-think yourself, dear mate, seems it's quite perilous by the looks of it...


A lot of us CAME from the US servers to this. I seem to remember GOA saying that they would have caught up patch wise by the end of April and then patch's would be within 2-3 DAYS ( not months) after the US


Originally posted by Kelmon
Too bad there's only one restaurant in town that serves DAoC, isn't it? ;)

Indeed :) Shame we got so many GOA arse lickers on this board who don't like people to complain when there is a problem :(


Originally posted by cHodAX

STFU Gombur and Whut the guy has every right to be pissed off paying for a game the is bugged to hell and 6 months behind the US servers. If you can't make as sensible comment don't say a damn word.

I agree with Silence, and his points. I was criticising an unhelpful and terse (?) contribution in what was I hoped a relevant way. The response I responded to was very blinkered, and deserved a put down.

Apart from anything else, the patching is a highly crucial issue, and the game NEEDS speedy patching. It was released in a form that could provide interest at certain levels of play, to get it going, with a view to adding what was necessary as people got to those points in the game (my view, but I think it is the logical way that it has been done) where they needed them. Mythic has had its act together by providing pretty good content and bug fix updates since release to keep up with everybodys progress through the levels, I think.

Are we getting that level of committment? NO!

Are we getting what we were promised and are paying for? NO!

Personally an issue that on its own is worth leaving for, is the complete lack of in game support. It is NOT right that you have to leave the game to use support services. Then you add the closure of the other forums to that.

So I too have ordered an American version as well.

Numbers on the servers are falling. Prydwen is remarkably low. Excaliber too is remarkably low. It is worth reflecting that these are English language servers. They should be thriving, yet they are not. To me that says a lot of people have gone already. A lot more will be going too.

So someone is going to have to be the one to turn the lights out, yes?

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by Kelmon
Too bad there's only one restaurant in town that serves DAoC, isn't it? ;)

There is the US alternative

old.Gombur Glodson

guess the whining and flaming about GOA will never go away :rolleyes:

<moves back to the new old boards>
at least people are nice to eachother there


Originally posted by Whut

I agree with Silence, and his points. I was criticising an unhelpful and terse (?) contribution in what was I hoped a relevant way. The response I responded to was very blinkered, and deserved a put down.

Fair enough I can respect that, you sound as pissed off as the rest of us.


Guys theres no point in flaming and counter-flaming. Just accept that as paying customers we have a right to whinge, moan and complain as much as we want. If you don't like it, stfu.

GOA have messed up bad, that is obvious. It is also obvious that a large amount of people will go to the US servers until something is done to expedite the translation process. The patches are there as carrots to keep players interest up, if those patches are months apart, the EU game is doomed.

I am reluctant to go US personally, as I would like to see the EU game succeed. But GOAs management of the EU game has been dreadful so far, and I and many others are unwilling to wait months for these patches....

Don't flame me for expressing my opinion....you can disagree with me, but don't attack my right to whinge..

I thankyou...


Originally posted by Farnis
Ill bet 10 english pounds you don't go anywhere ;)

A lot of people had hopes for the European servers, and decided not to play the American servers in hope after assurances on patching etc that have not been fullfilled. I was one of those too, and in addition hoped for RvR at decent hours compared to American servers.

Farnis a lot of people have gone already, in case you haven't noticed. The European English Language servers should be the very busiest, and the greatest in number for very obvious reasons. Are they? No! Then just because you do not find it interesting or relevant why, you are the one that will have to keep living with unpleasant surprises.

Keeping quiet doesn't do any damned good at all, but if you want to stick your head in the sand and end up with things even more dire, then that is your choice.


Originally posted by chesnor
Guys theres no point in flaming and counter-flaming. Just accept that as paying customers we have a right to whinge, moan and complain as much as we want. If you don't like it, stfu.

GOA have messed up bad, that is obvious. It is also obvious that a large amount of people will go to the US servers until something is done to expedite the translation process. The patches are there as carrots to keep players interest up, if those patches are months apart, the EU game is doomed.

I am reluctant to go US personally, as I would like to see the EU game succeed. But GOAs management of the EU game has been dreadful so far, and I and many others are unwilling to wait months for these patches....

Don't flame me for expressing my opinion....you can disagree with me, but don't attack my right to whinge..

I thankyou...

You said it a million miles better than I did, grats :)


Originally posted by Styx
A lot of us CAME from the US servers to this. I seem to remember GOA saying that they would have caught up patch wise by the end of April and then patch's would be within 2-3 DAYS ( not months) after the US

That is correct. Their failure to do so is highly significant, and the real clincher for me is the major issue of translating the future expansion pack.

I don't think they are up to it, and the time gap means I may as well go to the American servers, and have characters built ready, and have the benefit of current patches in the meantime.


Originally posted by Whut

That is correct. Their failure to do so is highly significant, and the real clincher for me is the major issue of translating the future expansion pack.

I don't think they are up to it, and the time gap means I may as well go to the American servers, and have characters built ready, and have the benefit of current patches in the meantime.

Forget the expansion for now, many EU people don't seem to realise how big the Drakness Falls and realm abilities patches are. I am deadly serious now when i say at the current translation rate we won't get 1.50 till September at the earliest, Darkness falls is a HUGE piece of code.


In a previous message, someone said:

"yada yada yada..."

These threads should be locked before being thought of.


Wow - whut you are angry bunny....hehe...Dont try and have a go at me buddy...I can see you are tense and the game no longer brings you any pleasure...I suggest taking a break - perhaps come back after a few months or so.

Oh and by the way - if the flaming and counter flaming and counter-counter flaming and counter-counter-counter flaming didnt work on the official boards - do you think it will have an effect here...oh actually perhaps you are right...the more we moan the faster they work...:rolleyes:

We all know that GOA seem to be a bunch of gibbering f*ckwits..no one seems to contest that...it just seems to me that its like the social scene in Birmingham - its pretty naff but you have to make the most of it otherwise it will kill ya!

Just chill out and be nice to each other....


Originally posted by stroke
In a previous message, someone said:

"yada yada yada..."

These threads should be locked before being thought of.

Hmm another one who hates people expressing an opinion, they have a name for people like you.......


Originally posted by cHodAX

Forget the expansion for now, many EU people don't seem to realise how big the Drakness Falls and realm abilities patches are. I am deadly serious now when i say at the current translation rate we won't get 1.50 till September at the earliest, Darkness falls is a HUGE piece of code.

Yes that is true and I was far from ignoring DF and the other things to.

Set against that though, the expansion pack which I personally have had high on my list of wants since hearing about it, fades into an uncertain future on the European servers. Apart from anything else, we badly need the graphics engine update that comes with it.

A couple of days for translation of the simple patches has not materialised, and that is a fact that nobody can disagree with. That is the only precedent we can look at, when we consider patches I think, or maybe anything else. If they didn't mean it, then the motives that made them say they would provide that level of service, are highly questionable.

They have had their chances, and failed in far too many areas for me already.


Come on guys, get it off your chest.

If you are complaining to the player community then obviously GOA will notice and they will erm, um - oh yeah thats right I remember. They will do nothing.

You have a right to complain, I quite enjoy reading your posts but I have to wonder why, after so much incompetence on GOA's part you are still playing the EU version.

Maybe you like to complain, maybe you like paying money to a company you think are crap.

You're not on BT as well are you?

ANyway, yes you can complain but I have to wonder at the point of it all.


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