What to spend my gold on?



I have a lvl 32 Cleric and I have quite a bit of gold (circa 200gp)..

I have already replaced all my weapons and armor with stuff bought from DF using gems, any upgraded stuff will be bought with gems.

Which means I can't find anything else to spend my Gold on?
I've pretty much maxed out the stuff I can buy at the weapon/shield/armor smiths..

I guess I COULD buy crafted Weapons/armor, but the DF stuff is pretty good and that doesn't require gold anyway...

Any suggestions?


enamel...what else? THere is no better way to spend your hard earned gold(unlike that annoying merchant in Jordheim always shouts) then with a pink outfit, or find a new armor, just like the one you have and color that one! Now you have one for day and one for night! :D

Oh do note the sarcasm on using your gold on enamel, though when you have too much, what lese is there...well..ofcourse i can find you in the game and you can give it all to me but that won't happen :D


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
enamel...what else? THere is no better way to spend your hard earned gold(unlike that annoying merchant in Jordheim always shouts) then with a pink outfit, or find a new armor, just like the one you have and color that one! Now you have one for day and one for night! :D
Yeah, I guess I could enamel it, but it's a nice shade of blue already, which I quite like.

well..ofcourse i can find you in the game and you can give it all to me but that won't happen :D

Actually, I normally give away 20-30 gp every time I logon these days...But It normally gets replaced back up again pretty fast.
So, if you are desparate for gold, let me know.


heh, just a joke. I don't need gold, i'm a runie :p

And my zerker gets all he needs from me buddies, i'm a well sponsored little azwhooper for Midgard. :D

But make two armors with different colors, day and night camo. Well..maybe a bad idea but...*shrugs*



I suggest you save for later... cos I did, Now im lvl 4x im spending it like no tomorow. I spent over 300g last night on siege equipment and upgrading doors.

Crafting really sucks up the money too.


I spend my gold on crafting..... though I've been saving up for the last few months so I have over 1p....


Re: Ooo

Originally posted by sendar
I suggest you save for later... cos I did, Now im lvl 4x im spending it like no tomorow. I spent over 300g last night on siege equipment and upgrading doors.

OK, I guess I could save it for that.

Crafting really sucks up the money too.

I've not tried crafting yet, could give it a go I guess.


It's pretty dull is crafting...
watch that lovely green line race across the screen...

or was that 'crawl' rather than 'race'...

Heh, crafted doesn't look that much better... but it is... best slash weapons in Albion are crafted Arcanium Jambiyas, mmm.

And with spellcrafting and alchemy coming along you can have a natty flaming crafted arcanium jambiya with all those wacky stats too...

a 99% weapon is a helluva lot better than an 89%... same applies to armour...


A 100%n weapon is even better, especially it it's a dropped weapon / or quest weapon


DF gear doesn't even come close to good crafted gear, so you might want to get that anyway (tho 200g isn't gonna make it then ;) )

besides that crafting, enemal, siege equipment and door repais/upgrades can suck up money faster then you can bring it in as well


Originally posted by SilverHood
A 100%n weapon is even better, especially it it's a dropped weapon / or quest weapon

Aye, but they're a bitch to get :)
If you can get a one time drop then use that... if not get a crafted thing :)

don't think there are any 100% drops/quest items at lvl 50...


Originally posted by Soulcatcher
DF gear doesn't even come close to good crafted gear, so you might want to get that anyway (tho 200g isn't gonna make it then ;) )
Well, if I didn't GIVE the Gold away, I'd have a lot more than that.
So, I guess I'll be a miser and save my cash for crafted stuff when this suit of armor and weapon cons green. (currently all cons Orange.)

besides that crafting, enemal, siege equipment and door repais/upgrades can suck up money faster then you can bring it in as well

Yeah, seems so.


don't think there are any 100% drops/quest items at lvl 50...

I'm using a 100% 2H axe, goes yellow at lvl 45...

I have 2 90% 1H axes, 1 94% 1H axe (from DF prince) , all 3 level 50... still need to get my hand on a decent lvl 50 axe :/ Will prolly go for a crafted one

wolvon fury

Or, just think, All magic items are 89%qua,

Wow you get 10extra str, think about it, Visit your local weapon crafter and get some fine quality weapons,

89%qua, you may think pfff no diffrance, Trust me it is...

Buy crafted armor/weapons,
they may not look look all flashy, like i hate when people go into attack mode to show them off, pfffftttt!!

p.s Buy player crafted good's,



dye your stuff over and over again
take up crafting...

Whatever you do don't give it to the realm to fix your relic doors.

That will make it that much easier for us next time we drop by :D


I cant use playercrafted armor :/
My armor gives me about 30 extra con points, as well as capping my Str and boosting my pitful dex and piety stats

My con is abysmally low without my armor, and I really struggle.... I used to have crafted armor at lvls 35-40 , but it just doesn't compare

Besides, if I get zerged by albs, my armor wont help me, I'll be dead anyway


Now, correct me if I'm wrong here, but as far as i can see crafted weaps have no huge advantage before level...er, well 47+ basically.
You can use an orange magical weapon (89%qua) and still cap your dps. It's only when your dps-cap starts getting really high that the crafted 16.5dps weapons are better alternatives, although 35% bonus on any arcanium weapon is nice of course.
FYI a 98%qua or better 16.5dps weapon caps your dps at level50.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Now, correct me if I'm wrong here, but as far as i can see crafted weaps have no huge advantage before level...er, well 47+ basically.
You can use an orange magical weapon (89%qua) and still cap your dps. It's only when your dps-cap starts getting really high that the crafted 16.5dps weapons are better alternatives, although 35% bonus on any arcanium weapon is nice of course.
FYI a 98%qua or better 16.5dps weapon caps your dps at level50.

Quality happens after the cap:

If you're level 20, your cap is 7.2 dps.

If you have a Molten Magma Sword (you twink you! mms at lvl 20! bah!) which is 15.8 dps and 89% quality.
You get 15.8dps, capped to 7.2dps, effective 7.2*0.89=6.4 dps.

If, instead, you got a player crafted 98% quality weapon at 7.2 dps (assume you can't afford the recrafting to get a 100 :) heck noone can). Maybe even 7.8dps to get yourself a level or two's wear out of it.
You get 7.8 dps, capped to 7.2, effective 7.2*0.98=7.0 dps

so you're already doing two levels higher damage than you were before... not to mention the fact that higher quality gets other bonuses (to either damage or to hit... it was in a grab bag) and crafted weapons can enchant for bigger bonuses than the equivalent level drops..

All this information comes in with the next patch btw... bring up the info (shift-i by default) on a weapon/piece of armour, you get it's base, capped, and effective dps/AF. It happens already... however you can't see it.


I would also like to point out for classes who do most of their damage in the first strike (archers/assasins) its best to use the slowest weapon you can find.

As a 43 Scout, at the moment I find that a Runed Bow of Ill Omen (89% qua) which is slow, does a fair deal more damage than the lvl 40 100% qua quest bow. But over time the quest bow will win due to its speed. There is only .2 differnce btw.

Generally I use the quest bow for hunting mobs and the slow bow for sniping.


What's the speed on the slow bow?
and dps on the two?

I'll give you your effective damage per hit :)


Runed Bow of Ill Omen = 5.5spd 15.2dps(i think) 89%qual
Bow of the Forest Lord = 5.3spd 13.8dps 100% qual

My dps is capped at 14.1 @ lvl43

Damage to a lvl 1 mob I get:

427 with Ill Omen
406 with Forest Lord

I also have an Enimulcum (sp?) which does 411

These are based on a normal shot with dex capped and no buffs. But like I say speed is pretty unimportant if you want to frontload your damage into the initial crit. Appart from those mofo's with bladeturn, god I hate that spell.


Originally posted by Fingoniel
don't think there are any 100% drops/quest items at lvl 50...
Ronarth is carrying a 16.5 dps (that's level 51), 100% quality dropped polearm... it's called Legion's Soulsplitter. Guess where it's from. :p Also the dragon drops 100% quality items.


Originally posted by Soulcatcher
DF gear doesn't even come close to good crafted gear, so you might want to get that anyway (tho 200g isn't gonna make it then ;) )

True but for us non melee classes +to piety and such stuff are actualy of more concern than if it will hit for 3-5 % xtra dmg , cause our dmg output in meleee sucks so bad anyway. This will change how ever when we get spellcrafting etc . Think it will rock to get tailor made equip :clap:


Originally posted by Gef
Runed Bow of Ill Omen = 5.5spd 15.2dps(i think) 89%qual
Bow of the Forest Lord = 5.3spd 13.8dps 100% qual

My dps is capped at 14.1 @ lvl43

Damage to a lvl 1 mob I get:

427 with Ill Omen
406 with Forest Lord

I also have an Enimulcum (sp?) which does 411

These are based on a normal shot with dex capped and no buffs. But like I say speed is pretty unimportant if you want to frontload your damage into the initial crit. Appart from those mofo's with bladeturn, god I hate that spell.

Might be you're hitting damage caps of some sort on the greys... try it on a blue or a yellow :)


Originally posted by Dannyn

Ronarth is carrying a 16.5 dps (that's level 51), 100% quality dropped polearm... it's called Legion's Soulsplitter. Guess where it's from. :p Also the dragon drops 100% quality items.

Ahh doh :) was meaning 'one time drops' :) (i.e. automatic drops)

You can go farm legion and the dragon... :)

What about the LB epic mobs? do they drop 100%ers? or is it all 91-93%?


There is a new fish merchant in Camelot... go and buy lots of fish :)


Originally posted by Motowntheta
There is a new fish merchant in Camelot... go and buy lots of fish :)

I'm a vegetarian :D


Originally posted by Gef
No such thing as a damage cap on a mob ..

Aye there is :)

You hit Ghost hound for 512 (-1234) :)

i.e. I would have done 11106 (-1234) (base damage 12340, 10% resist -1234)

Your weaponskill/their AF
factors majorly in the damage calculation...

this is capped :)

go try on a yellow :)

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