What server type would you rather play?

What server type do you most like to play on?

  • Classic

    Votes: 37 21.6%
  • TOA

    Votes: 92 53.8%
  • Pvp

    Votes: 21 12.3%
  • A wow server!

    Votes: 12 7.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 9 5.3%

  • Total voters


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
I wonder if you played on the TOA servers in the states as well?
If the chinese farmers do them as well it's going to be an identical situation and have nothing at all to do with server type.

I'll try to put some slightly more objective pro's and cons of the server types together.

More PvE content - Large raids.
Buffbots, while everyone complains about these, on classic you've got to use pots/charges constantly to compete. Assuming that everyone walks around unbuffed is just silly. If you've got 2 accounts then buffbots are a less demanding way of getting to the same state for the lazy people.

Before 50! Since people don't often have 2 accounts PL'ing is less common so there's more people playing up characters. Since you don't need to drag a bot round while doing it you find much more action in the BG's. It is actually possible to play to 50 only via RvR.

I prefer the classic ruleset below level 40 and the TOA ruleset once you're over 40. I'm currently on classic, simply because there's more people there and a busy server > empty server.

Yea, I gave up at level 40 on a US TOA server as I needed a buffbot to compete


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 27, 2003
Yea, I gave up at level 40 on a US TOA server as I needed a buffbot to compete

why not roll a class that doesent need a bb, like warden, vampirr, necro, valkry (sp?) or heretic ? ;P


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
why not roll a class that doesent need a bb, like warden, vampirr, necro, valkry (sp?) or heretic ? ;P

Perhabs he thinks those classes are dull? :p

personally I prefer a toa server.. I don't really mind buffbots(no I don't have one)!

But as someone said: Why play daoc lite, when you can have it all? I find classic server videos incredibly boring as they hardly have any tools to work with.. Same with most OF videos tbh! I like to have something to work with besides, nuke nuke qc nuke, or whatever you do.. Having mls/arties with abilities just adds so much to the game imo! Also a reason why the servers - of which we do not speak of - are so incredibly boring..


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Thadius said:
Necro in rvr.... Rofl

Necro's are actually not that bad in rvr these days. Unbuffed necro's, yup that's laughable.

There's plenty of classes that don't need buffbots to compete however. Simply rolling a druid/cleric or shaman would probably get you easy groups as well as eliminate the need for a bot.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
It's very hard to get a XP group as a solo healing/buffing class as there's simply not enough people playing or those that are don't want strangers in their group. I noticed this on US Classic as well as US TOA when trying to roll a shaman and druid.

No idea why, I could get groups with my warlock.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
It's very hard to get a XP group as a solo healing/buffing class as there's simply not enough people playing or those that are don't want strangers in their group. I noticed this on US Classic as well as US TOA when trying to roll a shaman and druid.

No idea why, I could get groups with my warlock.

To my knowlage, a toon abel to PBAE is welcome in most groups that is abel to sustain it.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
A Server with atleast 1500 People on it!

Nah, Thadius go make your own server - it would be popular as hell and you could even have GOA pay you for it. I am sure they wouldn't agree to have dick in the title of the server though :p


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Nah, Thadius go make your own server - it would be popular as hell and you could even have GOA pay you for it. I am sure they wouldn't agree to have dick in the title of the server though :p

Thadius' Bumfun Palace!

3k people at offpeak hours!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Im not hard core PvP, far from it, but I think I would find a PvE server boring. Well, would be a nice place to test things and ideas on.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Im not hard core PvP, far from it, but I think I would find a PvE server boring. Well, would be a nice place to test things and ideas on.

I've been looking into the possibility of running a server off line, the information I have is that it is possible.
So testing pve stuff would be best kept there tbh :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
I play on a ToA server. but dreaming of a Classic server with EU primetimes (that aint german :p)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
i wish goa had turned the server in pve for a week at the time of the TT incident.

Would have made things real easy.
Albs would have conquered TT claimed keep and brought the relic to a safe keep. TT members would have been hunted and put down like dogs as soon as they logged on...

just wishfull from my side, thinking about the ingame (roleplay) opportunities. :p

to answer the question, i`m happy with server as it is, just want more people to kill.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
i wish goa had turned the server in pve for a week at the time of the TT incident.

Would have made things real easy.
Albs would have conquered TT claimed keep and brought the relic to a safe keep. TT members would have been hunted and put down like dogs as soon as they logged on...

just wishfull from my side, thinking about the ingame (roleplay) opportunities. :p

to answer the question, i`m happy with server as it is, just want more people to kill.

Such role play :eek:


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
And iirc, there have been numerous polls on servers types from GOA over the past few years regarding various kinds of server. Very few of the ideas on those polls were implemented - perhaps due to lack of feedback. So perhaps another poll is due to boost revenue and population - that is if people actually bother to spend like 1 min doing it so that GOA can get it right. It all helps :)


Feb 17, 2007
Voted classic b/c it has no silly oped ML abils who make already strong classes way op and dumbed down.

Also a better balance between caster dps and tank dps on classic. Actually takes something of a caster to be successfull on a classic server as oposite to ToA where every rr4(ml10+cl10+toa) caster 4 shots u.

Still think NF scenary lacks when it comes to RvR, just as it did when introduced. Would still like to see OF back in the game since its just superior by design ( not gfx etc but design, paths, routes and the structure )


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 14, 2004
I wonder if you played on the TOA servers in the states as well?
If the chinese farmers do them as well it's going to be an identical situation and have nothing at all to do with server type.

I'll try to put some slightly more objective pro's and cons of the server types together.

More PvE content - Large raids.
Buffbots, while everyone complains about these, on classic you've got to use pots/charges constantly to compete. Assuming that everyone walks around unbuffed is just silly. If you've got 2 accounts then buffbots are a less demanding way of getting to the same state for the lazy people.

Before 50! Since people don't often have 2 accounts PL'ing is less common so there's more people playing up characters. Since you don't need to drag a bot round while doing it you find much more action in the BG's. It is actually possible to play to 50 only via RvR.


That's just as biased and also untrue about classic there though. I'm never unbuffed, as I'm always grouped. Admittedly, I had a fantastic guild on Glast and now have the same again on Bossiney. Maybe I'm just lucky that wherever Red Shadows goes, greatness follows? :p

Anyway, I prefer classic ruleset overall because of the ML abilities.

Now don't misinterpret this as I can't be bothered to do the MLs because I know it's easy to get them, plus I did them the hard way and made my own mind up then (cough I have umpteem ML8 toons done the old take-a-week-off-work-and-never-sleep-way). Frankly the items were/are stupid and the abilities are even more ridiculous. Okay they arent as bad as they once were, they've been nerfed down and simpified by Mythic trying to correct what was a major fuck up over several years, but still, I want to live without them and so does everyone else on a Classic server.

Slightly off topic but this misconception about Classic players only playing Classic because they cba with MLs and Artis is getting tiresome now. None of us play there because we cba with MLs and Artis time wise, we just don't WANT to be arsed with them :)

As for templating on a Classic server, its dead easy. As my friend Thadius says, you can template on a Classic server for a few plats at most and never have to go DS (tho I like going DS for the kicks tbh). You may need to go Labby for a OTD raid but wow, you have to kill a purple mob to get a guaranteed drop! How time consuming - not

For those reasons Classic > all for me and everyone in my sizeable guild :)

Again drifting off topic - if they released a Home Invasion server in the US I'd be well tempted to roll there, even if it was TOA :D

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