What Minstrel rocks in RvR ???



at galie :

sorry , but u have no idea what its like to play a 50 slash minstrel ? so dont call me a noob ? i was 50 befor u held yer first flute

alpha - me - dherk ( - combat is slash aswell i think ) are the leading minstrels on exca RP wise imo
personally i have the 44 - 29 - 39 spec (instr/weap/stealth)
(jazh was the best minstrel yes , but he had a lvl 48 buffbot with him)

-> high stealth because i like to kill stealthers ?
-> slash to kill stealthers / casters easy
-> highlander for high con / str -> slash

i d like u to do some research befor u call people in your own realm noobs

at antiarch :

killing a hero isnt _that_ hard ?
the 2DD-mez-wait-stun-2DD-etc is VERY hard to beat ??
i just killed a 48 s&s hero and had 3/4 hp left ..
i remember duelling cuthervaen(not sure what class but he is a hib tank class) when he was 1 lvl up on me and winning with 5 % hp left.

Minstrels can take almost any class if they play it right , and if u cant , u need to rethink ur rvr strategy.

i can kill lvl 50 shield tanks easy aswell (ask jawz), any class without range attack = dead meat. crush classes with instas are very hard to solo tho.. only classes i have trouble with really

Alpha Male


Originally posted by old.Galie
For weapon styles go with thrust, slash is for nOObs

U can be a highlander it won't gimp u it just prevens u from being a top rate minstrel.

If u disagree with me plz post, but u will just be making a fool of yourself. I'm giving away my secrets so i never see another mullet wearing Highlander slash minstrel getting beat on by an arrogant skald and giving the rest of us minstrels a bad name. Oh how i hate skalds!

WOW, so many insults in one post, so lets sum this up, me mad and dherkova are a). nOObs, b). not toprate, c).Mullets and finally d). giving all minstrels a bad name.

Ever considered you might be the secondrate nOObie mullet giving US a bad name? I and other skirt wearing nOObie mullets seem to have no trouble killing people with our secondrate slash, ever thought that maybe how good a char is doesnt just depend on the spec but the person playing it?

Personally i find your post to be full of @$&*, but what do i know, im just making a fool out of myself...right?

(ps, notice the title after Alpha, not bad for a nOObie skirt wearing secondrate slashing mullet eh?)


Originally posted by Dannyn
Thrust gets no bonus vs scale. Scale has the same modifiers as plate (tho less base ab), that's -10% crush, 0% thrust, +5% slash. Chain is -15% thrust, +15% slash, 0% crush. As you can see against both of those slash is bad, while thrust is pretty good. Personally I'd like a crush spec minstrel but bleh.

Got the +'s and -'s reversed there ;)


@ Mad
2 DD Mezz wait 2dd stun slash slash... etc is hard to beat yes, but even if this comes right i belive thrust works better. I often find myself doing 2dd mezz ,stealth, rest, come from behind 2dd stun etc, i think if i had the thrust style that gives huge bonus when atacking from behind things would have worked much better.....

and my specs with items are: 51 stealth 33 slash 50 instruments(varies when i am changing on s/s)


Originally posted by old.Belthazor

Got the +'s and -'s reversed there ;)

Those are the +'s and -'s to the absorb of the armour not the damage you take. For damage modifiers reverse them. :)

Alpha/Grommit: Dunno if you ever grouped with Galie, but yeah he's a n00b, I've seen some n00bly lvl 40+ people but Galie takes the cake as one of the least clued people. Lot of powerlevelling I guess.


I must say that slash Mins kick ass well the one tried did hehehe
some ways make bard seem gimped mostly cause of bard have tons of cast time on mezz and stuff lol Mins are great if played right.... look at people like Alpha (i really hate that char :p ) but he seems to do queit some damage :) killed me a FEW time but i aint mad :p

cheers guys

ps Alpha you danish ? or just in danish guild heh

Nemlius Dragonheart
42 Bard

proud member of Red Dragons of Wraith


char affects your dmg a great deal, but not if you test on grey mobs ;o

on a grey ill hit max cmg regardless of my charisma, but on a equal lvl mob, i used grogans, the difference was about 1 pt dmg per 1.5/2 of charisma, so id put 10 in char to get the +10 cap as i feel its better to get +6 or so dmg per dd than the extra quik/dex

and yes go slash, or thrust to 50 with autotraining, saracen and a buffbot.


Originally posted by old.BJ|Bored
char affects your dmg a great deal, but not if you test on grey mobs ;o

on a grey ill hit max cmg regardless of my charisma, but on a equal lvl mob, i used grogans, the difference was about 1 pt dmg per 1.5/2 of charisma, so id put 10 in char to get the +10 cap as i feel its better to get +6 or so dmg per dd than the extra quik/dex

and yes go slash, or thrust to 50 with autotraining, saracen and a buffbot.

but tbh reroll on mid as a skald ;0
your gonna be screwed for groups when sorcs get mana crack.

oh wtf this post went well ;/


ok its fine fine talking about specs and i think its been drilled in but really everyone has to say here that if u want a great rvr minstrel u need a buffbot and dont say no its a simple fact the buffbot makes u stronger/better then other classes.

extra 500+ hps
loads of strength

so if u want some advice get a buffbot if u want a minstrel nuff said

just one last thing do u think the top 3 minstrels dont have buffbots? erm ur very wrong in fact id say most mincers in the top 10 have one

PS tried a skald its not as good a mincer u need stealth to be a good soloer really and skalds will miss u alot which is how i never loose to one


I have a real hard time soloing in the frontiers. Although I dont got a buffbot (cant afford a new computer). So, I am trying to get a shitload of melee resists items and +con/hp items.

Anyhow, if you are interested in minstrels take a look at this:

(you might get a error message, but just update the page)


I havent played a minstrel to great depth but some rules and concepts dont change.

If you dont put +10 into charisma at the start you are reducing your capped charisma by 10. So that can hurt you at 50 when ur capped out.

As for thrust or slash. its race depandant really with a few pros and cons

Slash pros:
Easy to lvl with
Nice styles
Lots of nice weapons

Everybody in RvR will have high slash resist :0
lots of ppl are slash speccd and getting drops is hard :D

Thrust pros:
good dmg Verus Chain wearers
not as many ppl speccd , easier to get a drop

Evade based moves < evade 2 not enough >
lower damage overall

Thers is more but its late and I cant think : / sry

Also about the armour resistance. Hero scale is weak to slash and no bonus to thrust I believe. Hero scale dmg table was changed 2 ? patchs ago rememeber that.


Originally posted by Galie
slash is for nOObs [...] U can be a highlander it won't gimp u it just prevens u from being a top rate minstrel. [...] 29 stealth, 39 thrust and 44 instruments. [...] If u disagree with me plz post, but u will just be making a fool of yourself.
A lot of big words here. I wonder who's the noob, "top-rate minstrel", and fool here?


Originally posted by old.[BF]MaD
alpha - me - dherk ( - combat is slash aswell i think ) are the leading minstrels on exca RP wise imo
Where is Mazsola in your breakdown, Mad? Last time I checked he was the second minstrel on Excalibur despite having been inactive for the last 3+ months. :) (But yes, Mazsola is slash.)


Don't make a minstrel there shit

fuckspec all u need to know is:

stick - speed song - sos - demezz

then make a cup of tea and get board out of ur mind.

roll another char - fuck spec mightaswell be 50 instruments


Someone got owned? :p
We ain't THAT bad jilson, I'm a whiney bastard and even I think you're exaggerating ;)
Oh dear @ me saying earlier in this thread that charisma wasn't worth putting points into :p
So glad I never followed my own advice





Originally posted by jilson
Don't make a minstrel there shit

fuckspec all u need to know is:

stick - speed song - sos - demezz

then make a cup of tea and get board out of ur mind.

roll another char - fuck spec mightaswell be 50 instruments


so harsh but so true :p


Tbh that’s horribly true noone cares what spec you are as long as your got speed song 5 and ps 4, hell go 50 inst 44 stelth and use a stick for the quite cool evade move because in a group you can gain far more rp than solo,

your spec/equipment only matter when exping and soloing, soloing while fun only gets you so far what with the stupid safety in numbers theory,

Imo it doesn’t matter which weapon you spec in the damage is relatively the same, because after chasing the nme dding messing whatever, you will only be abler to pull off a few styles anyhow,

Oh and btw rp isn’t an effective measure for how good a minstrel is, any numpty minstrel can gain stupidly large amounts of rp in good groups, its getting the good groups that’s the test of skill :p



I'm not gonna say thrust is bad, but theres a reason I respecced to slash.. and galie.. slash for n00bs? with thrust you have to do a combo of 2 styles to do the same amount of dam as with 1 slash hit.. just that made me rethink..
and sure it was fun stealthing around in the early days having just as much fun as the infil / scouts.. but I dont find it as much fun anymore..

My current spec is :

44 instru ( never ever use the aoe mezz anyways.. )
49 slash ( wee )
4 stealth ( Oo ok, so I had a few points leftover :p )

oow, and medowind we got potions now you gimp :)


Originally posted by Galie
Well i know there will be alot of disagreement here, but coming from both sides of the coin i can give a genuinely unbiased view.

For weapon styles go with thrust, slash is for nOObs as i once was and learnt to my detriment. If u want to know why here its is, firstly thrust is dex and strength based so which ever way u specced your stats and no matter which race u choose u will by lvl 50 have a higher average of strength and dex then your strength alone so more damage. Plus thrust gets 15% bonuses against chain and scale the most popular armours in RvR and the minus come again clothes and leathers, which are used by classes even with the minus u can take down in melee. When beginning your minstrel remember to put ten stat points in dex (for greater evade, block, hits and damage), con (it will increase hp which always helps) and charisma (not only does this make your songs more effective it also gives u greater power so u can cast more dds and stuns).

Remember u are a rogue so highlanders are not the automatic choice unlike for other figher classes. U can be a highlander it won't gimp u it just prevens u from being a top rate minstrel. Better choices are Saracens and the best choice of them all the Briton. As a Briton u will not sacrife hp like Saracen and not sacrife evasion and damage like a highlander.

When it comes to speccing there is only one real way, a cookie cutter build if ever i saw one. 29 stealth, 39 thrust and 44 instruments. How simple is that stealth high enough so u can't actually be seen all the time very useful if u find yourself on your own. thrust high enough to get 4 useful styles puncture and lunge (u can use those two anytime), pierce (high damage and from behind so can easily be pulled off in rvr) and finally Basiliskfang ( harder to pull off as its from the side but well worth it as it slows people down enough so they can't run away). With 44 in instruments u get the top instas and mezz, who cares about the last powersong anyway.

If u disagree with me plz post, but u will just be making a fool of yourself. I'm giving away my secrets so i never see another mullet wearing Highlander slash minstrel getting beat on by an arrogant skald and giving the rest of us minstrels a bad name. Oh how i hate skalds! If u are in London on Wednesday Come down to the "End" in Holborn my friend is running a clubnight all summer

Isnt the top minstrel on this server a slash using highlander?

(yes I'm bored :p )


Re: aha

Originally posted by -serra-
I'm not gonna say thrust is bad, but theres a reason I respecced to slash.. and galie.. slash for n00bs? with thrust you have to do a combo of 2 styles to do the same amount of dam as with 1 slash hit.. just that made me rethink..
and sure it was fun stealthing around in the early days having just as much fun as the infil / scouts.. but I dont find it as much fun anymore..

My current spec is :

44 instru ( never ever use the aoe mezz anyways.. )
49 slash ( wee )
4 stealth ( Oo ok, so I had a few points leftover :p )

oow, and medowind we got potions now you gimp :)

Why did u include scouts? Did u know that camo timer is on 10 mins? :eek:


Highlander 80 str, 50 quick, 80 con & 60 dex.

Instruments 43, 50 Slash & 2 stealth. Base your playing on grouping. If you don't find a group, your basically a skald running around, and with the right training u learn to avoide, lure FG's chasing u. And pumping in about the same dmg as shield&sword (or more?).


Re: Re: aha

Originally posted by skile

Why did u include scouts? Did u know that camo timer is on 10 mins? :eek:

early days as in pre-seehidden :sleeping:

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