What is your next char using melee weapon to become lvl 50?



Originally posted by Belomar
2H armsman. Now, which damage type to choose is difficult... 2H thrust is 75% and 25% dex whereas slash or crush is 100% strength, it seems to me that no matter which race you choose, you will get lower performance for thrust than the other two. Am I misguided? :)
show text and logs that prove this , dex buff does nothing to my 2h thrust arms weapskill.................
so i think this is just some rumor made up by an
"omfg its thrust so must be dex based somewhere" American VN Board Troll who hasnt done any tests or ever seen a 2h thrust weap in his life
if it was dex str surely dex would improve weapskill like buffing str and buffing dex does on any 1h thrust (50% based dex 50% based str) but then people beleive as you like


Wonder if any zerkers rerolling to thrust mercs will get rather concerned at the inability to solo multiple yellows ;)

what am I talking about they'll get powerlevelled by their 50 necro - duh :)


Originally posted by Vireb
show text and logs that prove this , dex buff does nothing to my 2h thrust arms weapskill.................
so i think this is just some rumor made up by an
"omfg its thrust so must be dex based somewhere" American VN Board Troll who hasnt done any tests or ever seen a 2h thrust weap in his life
if it was dex str surely dex would improve weapskill like buffing str and buffing dex does on any 1h thrust (50% based dex 50% based str) but then people beleive as you like

It's actually a "Grab Bag™" that 2H thrust is 75/25 :(


Originally posted by Vireb
show text and logs that prove this , dex buff does nothing to my 2h thrust arms weapskill.................
so i think this is just some rumor made up by an
"omfg its thrust so must be dex based somewhere" American VN Board Troll who hasnt done any tests or ever seen a 2h thrust weap in his life
if it was dex str surely dex would improve weapskill like buffing str and buffing dex does on any 1h thrust (50% based dex 50% based str) but then people beleive as you like
Like Belthazar said, this was stated by Sanya herself. If it is true, it seems it doesn't affect your weaponskill according to your tests... What does it affect, then?


Originally posted by belth
It's actually a "Grab Bag™" that 2H thrust is 75/25 :(

and they r always 100% accurate as we know! :m00:


it's an old grab bag - so sanya asked a designer what he thought should affect it ;)

ignore any grab bags from over 6 months ago - they're woefully inaccurate. (she started asking programmers recently :))


gif merc.

BTW anyone tried crush merc? Whats dmg like?


talk to gobo/yber about crush, but crush has alot going for it. in some ways more than thrust does. if the ftom thrustmercfortehwin thing is about the rise of midgard on this server then what these ppl are forgetting is savages and zerkers are thrust resistant, have 360degree evade3-4 and ip. yes the thrust mercs may take out all thier rezzers faster than a slash merc can but hows that help u when 4 savages have killed all ur support (faster than u can) and are now heading your way...

crush is neutral to ALL mids, ok u get shitty negs on heros/druids/champs but bonus on bards (the no1 target in a hib grp) and bm's, who im sure we will be seeing more of from now on(much like the merc boom in alb)

nothing wrong with crush mercs, the styles r decent and so are the weapon choices.


if anything at all...a slash merc (im such a fotm'er).

iconnu and ugly ^^

(why go thrust ? - only too gank mid chain? oO )


Still trying to get my first 50 :(

Sword and Board pally - lvl 41.2 atm :))


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