What is wrong with some ppl?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
CoDo said:
WHAT!!??? Odin left Camlann!!!???!!!

GoD thx for hear me!!! :worthy:


Next !!!

FYI im a model :D ;)

Latecy i change a Lesbian girl, Straight


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2005
this is the guy who sent it Alumicard

!Alumicard! Gimp
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.04.2005
Beiträge: 14

BeitragVerfasst am: 12.09.2005, 18:19 Titel: Antworten mit Zitat
I wrote a mail to goa:
Im member of the guild Odins. At the moment there is a server ally vs us. Guilds involved are: Horde, In Mortem Veritas, The Dominion,Gesandte der Einherjer, Les Bannis, Decatence and Valheru.If I missed one guild Im sorry gut there are too many.
As far as I know this is against the rules of a PvP server.
It's ok to have friendly guilds cause it is implented but raiding a guild all day long with nearly every guild on the server is, in plain english, lame.
I wouldnt complain if this doesnt destroy our fun of playing the game.
Camlann is a pvp server and should be played like that so 1 guild is like a realm. So on the normal RvR server Hibernia cant crossteam with Albion and so should be camlann.
If you need screens then pls tell me.

And something else...Is it possible that you attach a list of all Gamemasters responsible for camlann? Or post a link to a list which contains this in your answer would also be great.
Sorry for the long text but had to explain my point of view

With best regards Odins

The answer was:

Discussion Thread
Response (CM_EN) 09/12/2005 02:23 PM

Making an alliance is in no way, shape or form against the rules of a PvP server. If guilds see enough reason to form an alliance against another guild then this is perfectly allowed. It is probably the result of something the target guild did too. Almost real politics.

All three English gamemasters are responsible for Camlann. Xalin, Requiel and Zenythe.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

and again my response to this:

So your suggestion is to leave the server cause we arent able to play anymore?
5 min after we get a keep 3 to 6 full groups are in front of it and take it down within 30 min if all of us are defending.

and btw is this allowed? ( attached screenshot)
2 ppl inside keep while the inner door is still up. the were outside first then inside so they didnt log out there( canare wasnt worth rew).

EDIT: their answer

Response (CM_EN) 09/12/2005 06:50 PM
Hello again,

Where did I suggest that you leave the server? Please don't put words in my mouth I don't appreciate that.

If you want a suggestion I suggest you think hard why people are making an alliance against your guild. Maybe it's the way you behave or maybe it's the fact that you had a lot of the relics recently.

Maybe you need to make an alliance as well. THIS is the game. And frankly complaining in Rightnow because you can't win from people playing perfectly within the rules will not get you any further.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

I know I shouldnt write back but... I hate em..

I didnt put words in your moth. It was a question nothing more. YOu answered it with the we should make an ally too answer so its ok.

You wrote: you can't win from people playing perfectly within the rules

so getting into a keep with keep door at 99% is within the rules?
Last mail, wont ask any further just this last question please.

The ss mentioned above was this: http://img381.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sshot07823eg.jpg

last answer...
Response (CM_EN) 09/13/2005 11:52 AM
Hello again,

I will investigate that matter.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager
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Fledgling Freddie
Mar 15, 2004
I wouldnt complain if this doesnt destroy our fun of playing the game

omg i still cant believe that an Odins member writes this. After months of chain killing greys with warlocks and ruining Camlann rep and pop. I could spend days watching them decompose in a forest.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Bahumat said:
Whole daoc community 1 - 0 Odins

Horde and nexus took their relics Last night

Whole daoc community 2 - 0 Odins

PS Gonna find what server they go to also and make them cry again


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2005
I hope that Odin left us forever and we could do fgs pk in peace without think if odin are camping in goth or another place, as some friends tell me sometimes, bye bye Odins i hope never see you again ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 28, 2005
CoDo said:
I hope that Odin left us forever and we could do fgs pk in peace without think if odin are camping in goth or another place, as some friends tell me sometimes, bye bye Odins i hope never see you again ;)

If you do this much more they will come back just to tease your arses!

Jiggle WithMe


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
MrBurns said:
it s a pitty that RN allow such big alliances vs one single, poor guild :(
all bigger guilds should build an alliance with odins to get the relics for them and protect em vs all these nasty guys on camlann! look at this small, poor boy in the picture, he needs our help!

greetings, Mrburns

ps: :D rofllol

mrburns sends "fully buffed???????"

:( :(

Topic starter: Way to go, asshole, whining about your keep being lost after you claim it.

NEWSFLASH : Most people and guilds on camlann can't even claim a keep yet alone do anything in the frontier zones. Apart from rolling up some trebuchets, but nobody would do anything like that.


Mar 29, 2004
Lothandar said:
Topic starter: Way to go, asshole, whining about your keep being lost after you claim it.

NEWSFLASH : Most people and guilds on camlann can't even claim a keep yet alone do anything in the frontier zones. Apart from rolling up some trebuchets, but nobody would do anything like that.

1) try reading the first post properly before making such stupid comments

2) why would people on camlann run out to the frontiers to pk, when they can do it anywhere they would normally be? :roll:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 1, 2004
Lothandar said:
Topic starter: Way to go, asshole, whining about your keep being lost after you claim it.

Are you really that stupid or just pretending?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 16, 2004
Most of the german part has gone to excal (dont know which realm), and as soon as non-toa comes out kuhan tranfsering money, item's and his mana ment (he wishes) to that server.

I am leaving Odins, no point being in an inactive guild (not that anyone talks to me ig anyway ^^). Also yes i know i will probably never get another guild considering i have been in odins...

Greetz Xyslo


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Xyslo said:
Most of the german part has gone to excal (dont know which realm), and as soon as non-toa comes out kuhan tranfsering money, item's and his mana ment (he wishes) to that server.

I am leaving Odins, no point being in an inactive guild (not that anyone talks to me ig anyway ^^). Also yes i know i will probably never get another guild considering i have been in odins...

Greetz Xyslo



Fledgling Freddie
Aug 28, 2004
Minimezz said:
Horde and nexus took their relics Last night

Whole daoc community 2 - 0 Odins

this didnt sound well :D, to set things clear, horde did nothing, just "steal" one of the power relics that were in the odins keep we raided :touch: ;) i dont mind at all, raiding a keep dont claim u will get the relics ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 16, 2004
Zelh said:
this didnt sound well :D, to set things clear, horde did nothing, just "steal" one of the power relics that were in the odins keep we raided :touch: ;) i dont mind at all, raiding a keep dont claim u will get the relics ^^
seems fair tbh


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Zelh said:
this didnt sound well :D, to set things clear, horde did nothing, just "steal" one of the power relics that were in the odins keep we raided :touch: ;) i dont mind at all, raiding a keep dont claim u will get the relics ^^

well we killed you trying to get the other relic. That counts as taking the relic :p

we didn't raid a keep for it, and indeed frgot to thank you for it ^^


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Xyslo said:
Most of the german part has gone to excal (dont know which realm), and as soon as non-toa comes out kuhan tranfsering money, item's and his mana ment (he wishes) to that server.

I am leaving Odins, no point being in an inactive guild (not that anyone talks to me ig anyway ^^). Also yes i know i will probably never get another guild considering i have been in odins...

Greetz Xyslo

Lol they gone to excal, nice more warcocks :<


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Minimac said:
Such a sad life to go and look up my picture :twak:

Go do something obstructive with your life .. Change ur Avatar or even make a Sig.

And yeah load sof people comented on it ... NOT
Don't worry, I think you're sexy.

Or do I mean, WORRY!


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2004
Minimac said:
Such a sad life to go and look up my picture :twak:

Go do something obstructive with your life .. Change ur Avatar or even make a Sig.

And yeah load sof people comented on it ... NOT

Obstructive or constructive?


Jan 22, 2005
Minimac said:
with the way odinsbossr looks irl damn his mum must be a goat :p

And from your picture I can tell that your mum is a right chav (see how you like being made fun of?)

I never had any problems with Odins, I was getting emoted and chained by some purple, so they chained him for me :p

But I guess they were the ones that drove away the players from Camlamn, so its good that they've left.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Most people who play camlann are cocks :p yes all of you ;d except from Horde and that little lurikeen named Fuddle :d

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