What is the most fuel efficient speed to drive at?



Originally posted by Mr^B
So there you go, it's not ONLY your life you risk when careering around on B-roads.

So how am I risking THEIR lives by THEM being somewhere it clearly isnt safe for them to be, and I'm around about the speed limit somewhere (cornering at higher speeds is best left to the racetrack/empty dual carriageways) minding my own business, enjoying a car that's capable of two and half times the speed I'm doing. Please explain that one, cos at the moment it sounds like you're being argumentative for the sake of it.

And Embattle, if you could kindly explain why cyclists and horse riders get to use the roads for free, whilst car drivers have to pay £160 a year for the priviledge?


You are risking their lives by driving like a complete cock where it's not appropriate. That's all.

It's purely a reaction to your "risking only my life" comment in a previous post. You aren't - you are risking your life and the lives of those people who are legitimately on the road.

Say you break down on that B-road and your mobile runs out of battery and you had to walk somewhere and some utter **** (such as yourself) hares around a blind corner at 80mph and kills you.

Engage a gear before applying throttle please.


Originally posted by r32
And Embattle, if you could kindly explain why cyclists and horse riders get to use the roads for free, whilst car drivers have to pay £160 a year for the priviledge?

Most cyclists are tax paying motorists as well. I am one example of that. Also, we don't need tarmac road surfaces, the old hard-packed dirt roads of the turn of the century would have been quite sufficient for us, therefore why should we pay extra?

Big G

The ammount of tax you pay is to do with emissions, so cycles and horses don't have to pay (in a nutshell)



Originally posted by r32
So how am I risking THEIR lives by THEM being somewhere it clearly isnt safe for them to be, and I'm around about the speed limit somewhere (cornering at higher speeds is best left to the racetrack/empty dual carriageways) minding my own business, enjoying a car that's capable of two and half times the speed I'm doing. Please explain that one, cos at the moment it sounds like you're being argumentative for the sake of it.

Because you're the one making it unsafe for them to be there in the first place? That's rather fucked up logic don't you think?


Originally posted by Mr^B
You are risking their lives by driving like a complete cock where it's not appropriate. That's all.

It's purely a reaction to your "risking only my life" comment in a previous post. You aren't - you are risking your life and the lives of those people who are legitimately on the road.

Say you break down on that B-road and your mobile runs out of battery and you had to walk somewhere and some utter **** (such as yourself) hares around a blind corner at 80mph and kills you.

Engage a gear before applying throttle please.

Seeing as you are apparently incapable of reading more then the first and last line of a post I'll break this down into three very simple questions for you. I'll even put spaces between them if you like.

What is dangerous about doing the speed limit on a B-road?

How am I endangering other people by doing a speed which the government has decreed safe?

How is it dangerous that I am cornering at speeds well within my car's capability, hence I still have quite a great deal of say in where it goes i.e I am in control?

Now seriously how is that driving like a cock when it's not appropriate? Am I missing something here?


The speed limit is just that, the limit. It is not always safe to drive at that speed.
If you are putting someone else in danger driving at the limit, (So how am I risking THEIR lives by THEM being somewhere it clearly isnt safe for them to be...) you are not driving appropriately.


Originally posted by r32
What is dangerous about doing the speed limit on a B-road?

How am I endangering other people by doing a speed which the government has decreed safe?

How is it dangerous that I am cornering at speeds well within my car's capability, hence I still have quite a great deal of say in where it goes i.e I am in control?

Now seriously how is that driving like a cock when it's not appropriate? Am I missing something here?
You contradict yourself. You must know fine well that the speed limit is not always appropriate on B-roads. If a car has broken down on the road, and you do not have time to stop, then you are going to fast. If you think no one except drivers should be allowed on B-roads, you are a fool.


Seeing as you are apparently incapable of reading more then the first and last line of a post I'll break this down into three very simple questions for you. I'll even put spaces between them if you like.

Seeing as you are failing in a similar manner, let me elucidate...

What is dangerous about doing the speed limit on a B-road?


Is it "safe" to drive at the LIMIT if it was foggy? raining? around a 180 degree bend?

How am I endangering other people by doing a speed which the government has decreed safe?

It's not SAFE, it's a LIMIT, that's LIMIT (ie. the MAXIMUM speed you can go legally travel at if the conditions are suitable). The government think that drinking alcohol is legal - why not go and drink 5 bottles of Vodka (and do us all a favour)? Exactly, it's not sensible or appropriate and you have to apply some common sense to the situation (something of which you appear to be sadly lacking).

How is it dangerous that I am cornering at speeds well within my car's capability, hence I still have quite a great deal of say in where it goes i.e I am in control?

Never had a tyre blow out going round a corner? Your driving ability is officially worth "fuck all" if you are going around a corner too fast, and there's a bus or a group of ramblers in the middle of the road - I don't care how fucking elite you or your car are - you have a reaction time, your car has a stopping distance - if the obstruction is too close and you are going too fast you WILL hit them.

Now seriously how is that driving like a cock when it's not appropriate? Am I missing something here?

Yes, if you have to brake half-way around a corner that is "within your abilities" (or so you claim) you WILL fly off into a hedge. If you are going too fast for the conditions you will also come unstuck.

I can't work out whether you really are as thick as you are coming across or whether you're just trolling for the sake of an argument.



Dear oh dear oh dear oh dear. There was a point where I considered you a fairly intelligent chap. You've undone all that hard work in one thread. I'll answer your questions though. It might help the penny drop.

"Is it "safe" to drive at the LIMIT if it was foggy? raining? around a 180 degree bend?"

No/Depends on the car and the road/No, but that's why they put signs up warning you of such occurances.

But then I don't remember saying all of the above were safe. It was you that brought them up in fact. But I don't use the B-roads when conditions are like you described, as it's too dangerous to enjoy yourself. I'm talking about going out for a drive when the conditions are right and the roads are empty and enjoying a car who's performance is clearly a cut above everyday machinery. You say I can't brake in the middle of a corner, I tell you I can. ABS and 4wd see to that. In fact I often dab the brakes through open corners with good visibility, as it tucks the nose in wonderfully.

You say driving ability is worth "fuck all" when going round a corner too fast, which is kinda where you demonstrate you don't know what your talking about. This is where driving ability comes to the fore in my opinion. A useless driver will end up in a hedge, a good driver will get the car round the corner in one piece using a bit of braking and a bit of skill. I know this can be done because I've done it.

I really have to beg to question what a group of ramblers would be doing in the middle of the road tho. I mean surely common sense would say "Don't walk down the middle of a 60mph road like a retard". Weren't you taught road safety as a child?

Big G



Re-read what I actually wrote - and have another go.

This time, take your head out of your arse first and stop using shite "top gear" car-related soundbites as it makes you sound like a retard.


After thinking about this for a long time, I've come to the conclusion the most fuel efficient speed to drive at is........ 0 mph!

There. Case closed. You may lock this topic now. Thankyouverymuch.


I think r32 is just typing what we all know - we all drive like maniacs occasionally. We all like to boot it around a corner when we think noone is looking.

The difference is, r32 perhaps is making us believe that he doesn't realise the danger in that, wereas we (well, I) do.


But how he comes across is that, if he hits someone on a B road, then, rather than guilt, he'll think that he shouldn't have been there in the first place. Which is fucked up.


Originally posted by r32
But then I don't remember saying all of the above were safe. It was you that brought them up in fact. But I don't use the B-roads when conditions are like you described, as it's too dangerous to enjoy yourself. I'm talking about going out for a drive when the conditions are right and the roads are empty and enjoying a car who's performance is clearly a cut above everyday machinery. You say I can't brake in the middle of a corner, I tell you I can. ABS and 4wd see to that. In fact I often dab the brakes through open corners with good visibility, as it tucks the nose in wonderfully.

You say driving ability is worth "fuck all" when going round a corner too fast, which is kinda where you demonstrate you don't know what your talking about. This is where driving ability comes to the fore in my opinion. A useless driver will end up in a hedge, a good driver will get the car round the corner in one piece using a bit of braking and a bit of skill. I know this can be done because I've done it.

LOL - bless him, he thinks he's a racing driver, hehehe.

You wanna drive like that - hire a track out for the day.


Originally posted by Mr^B
Re-read what I actually wrote - and have another go.

This time, take your head out of your arse first and stop using shite "top gear" car-related soundbites as it makes you sound like a retard.

Three cheers for the funniest post ever. You could have just posted a picture of a white flag, the message would have been similar. Guess your hair took some grey matter with it when it left your head.

Anyway I'm sad for the future of society if I'm the only one who sees the danger in ambling along a 60mph road like you owned the bloody thing.


I wanna learn to drive. What's a fair price for lessons in London? ... And what's the cheapest? :)


around £20.

i think some people pay £18. not sure how I pay tbh.

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by pcg79
not sure how I pay tbh.

ahHAH!! unsure...... or unwilling to admit the painful trooooth?!?!?


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