What happens when...



I did it too! I'm still proud of breaking some pikey's ribs.

It's strange thinking back about it, I can't imagine fighting now.


Is it me or has loutish behaviour become worse since labour came to power? or is it just getting more coverage in the press. Also what is causing all these louts? I point the blame at state schools. Having not been to one (im a public school boy after all) I haven't got a clue what their punishment programme is.
My old scholl had a decent punishment programme, but sadly i think that its particular brand can only be implemented in a boarding school enviroment.


Academic punishment went like this
Green Detention(45mins on a saturday night) ->

Double Green Detention (double the above time) ->

Green Card : had to get your teacher to sign it every lesson with an effort grade, plus you got a double green detention with that, and at the end of the week you got summoned for review. If you failed the review you had to stay on Green card till you fixed up.


Naughty punishment
Drills: running round the school on a saturday morning ->

Drill Detention : litter picking, toilet cleaning, setting up stuff (manual labour) ->

Double Drill Detention: same as above but worse ->

Red Detention: An hour on saturday night doing lines, or some other boring thing

Double Red Detention: same as above but for 2 hours

Yellow Card: banned from leaving school, going out in the evenings, going to the local town. Teachers sign you in every lesson and during the homework session + a double red detention

Red Card: Banned from doing anything really, sign in at lessons, Breakfast, lunch, dinner, homework session, Sports activies, Early Nights, banned from special events. ->

Blue Card: Tottaly banned from anything, Sign in to a teacher every 45 minutes of everyday, Deputy headmaster review end of each week, basically low security prison emulation. ->

Rustication (supention) Sent home for a week, school rings up your parents to tell them how bad you are. go back a week later on Yellow/Red/Blue card + double red detention ->

Expulstion: obvious really -> end of your public school life

So if you got caught for drugs you would be sent home for a week, come back on blue card and have to see a councillor, also you were now placed on somthing called the black register which meant that you were subject to random drugs tests.

Which all in all turned bad people straight, or just made the pupile become super crafty at not getting caught

Basically im having a rant about stateschool being too uninvolved with the up bringing of their pupils (my 2 cents)

Sir Frizz

Furr: I don't think public schools are that harsh on a general scale. In my old school, there was a warning system, which invloved;

1 Warning - no punishment

Second Warning - Stay back after school for 15 minutes

Third Warning - 45 Minute detention

Fourth Warning - Report to a senior teacher (head of year et al) + either 45 det. or a 1 hour and 20m det.

Severe clause - Report to deputy principle/year head, 1 hour and 20m det., Suspension, Expulsion. (Depending on the severity of the little scheisters actions)

Basically talking when a teacher talks earns you a warning. Doing drugs = Suspension, continued serious bad behaviour and it's game over.


I think my old school was just really punishment mad then, got a blue card once for.... selling a bit of alcohol

That was one of the worst weeks ever to be honest

Sir Frizz

Heh, i gave a teacher the "\/" sign and got 45 minutes. Easiest time i ever did. :)


Originally posted by Swift^
It is official - you are scum.
Violent wankers like you are what make this country have such a bad name... the kind to go out and fight at football matches and then complain when the nation is threatened with removal because of a small bunch of ****s like you.

And also, do you have some kind of security problem? Because your signature is one massive ego feed, perhaps you should take a long look at yourself.

You are a twat, go and fuck yourself penge boy you don't know me and I refuse to take critism from a leftie twat like you, I bet you're the sort of person who thinks asylum seekers are great and deserve our money. I spent one year helping people fight off the scum you describe. Ch3tan is right I did word it wrong, tbh I hate fighting I'm crap at it but I enjoying watching some townie twat get they're face caved in by the larger of my friends after he's attacked a girl for no apparant reason (Yes that did really happen). I have nothing to do with it all now, I rarely go out now thanks to work and even if I did the people I hang around with now are usually big enough to ward off evil anyway. I just remember some great times with the people I knew back in 99, not the fighting, I compare my life now with how it was back then and I'd go back to it because of the great times we had.

And Mung don't be a twat, two cars full of unknown people versus me and my dad with an iron bar, odds are still shit. You think you could do better?


Originally posted by old.ignus
You are a twat, go and fuck yourself penge boy you don't know me and I refuse to take critism from a leftie twat like you, I bet you're the sort of person who thinks asylum seekers are great and deserve our money. I spent one year helping people fight off the scum you describe. Ch3tan is right I did word it wrong, tbh I hate fighting I'm crap at it but I enjoying watching some townie twat get they're face caved in by the larger of my friends after he's attacked a girl for no apparant reason (Yes that did really happen). I have nothing to do with it all now, I rarely go out now thanks to work and even if I did the people I hang around with now are usually big enough to ward off evil anyway. I just remember some great times with the people I knew back in 99, not the fighting, I compare my life now with how it was back then and I'd go back to it because of the great times we had.

And Mung don't be a twat, two cars full of unknown people versus me and my dad with an iron bar, odds are still shit. You think you could do better?

Criticism. And yes, I am in the place to give it.
Again you jump way too defensively too quickly - yes, there is a lot of scum, yes they do do random attacks - my friends have had some on them recently, and come out much for the worse - but you seem to take pride and happiness in seeing other people's misery, suffering and violence and that makes you no worse than them. And you know it, so stop trying to put reasons behind it - it's exactly the same thing they do. And again, you know it.
Would you go out beating more pikeys if you could fight better? Do you hate fighting because you're crap at it, or because it's inherant violence is blatantly a bad thing? Again your "wording" is confusing here... perhaps with issues like this you should think before putting fingers to keyboards?
And what's wrong with Asylum Seekers? Genuine asylum seekers DO deserve our money - perhaps you should go and campaign with the BNP you little tit.


Originally posted by old.ignus
And Mung don't be a twat, two cars full of unknown people versus me and my dad with an iron bar, odds are still shit. You think you could do better?
Me? I'm Charlie Fucking Chan mate. I'd have chopped through their cars with one blow.
Then I would have performed the "ultimate fighting move" and eviscerated them all with my eyelashes.
Of course, the authorities would've seen it was just some townies and let me off with a slapped wrist (I'd have to kill them for that of course) :)


Originally posted by Furr
I point the blame at state schools. Having not been to one (im a public school boy after all) I haven't got a clue what their punishment programme is.

Good idea, blame it on something you know nothing about.


Originally posted by Sir Frizz
Heh, i gave a teacher the "\/" sign and got 45 minutes. Easiest time i ever did. :)

I used to swear at and insult teachers all the time, all I ever got was isolation. Which was a useful way of getting out of lessons, sitting in an empty room and listening to some music.


I got suspended for "Attempted Murder", damn elastic band :(

Or and then again for "Compromising schools security", i blame quake.


Attempted murder? LOL kick ass.

*calls the police*


Originally posted by old.ignus

I just remember having some great times back in those days, everyones gone now though. :mad:

Bit OT but I was getting kind of depressed missing all my old school mates. Haven't really made any good friends since I started Uni and I'm finding it really hard to find like-minded people here.

But the other day I got a phone call at midnight from one of my old friends, took me totally by surprise. Turns out two of them are back from Uni and the other back living with his mum and so I'm going down tomorrow for a reunion. Prolly the most excited I've been about anything all year.

So it's worth giving em a call, country isn't that big :)


Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
...Or and then again for "Compromising schools security", i blame quake.

I got suspended for hacking :(

All I did was setup a background in windows :(

I agree with Ignus, if a bunch of townies* start, then finish it, if they leave you alone, carry on walking and leave them to it.

*word used ot represent all large groups of people who may cause problems.


Fraid the only 'norty' thing I've done education wise was getting thrown out of college for not attending. The lore of the pub / IT room was too much for me and I spent most of my time in both :)


Originally posted by Swift^
Criticism. And yes, I am in the place to give it.

You are in no position to give criticism and you have no right to judge me or anyone on anything we've done. I was only joking before but you really are a leftie aren't you. I can tell you're against all forms of war because it "solves nothing" but now you're going to try and turn that against me by saying I'm bloodthirsty and love war because thats what your type does. Don't go preaching that don't sink to their level or you're just as bad as they are bullshit, you've been watching to many moral of the days on he-man. Have you led a sheltered life tied to mummys apron strings? If you saw a girl being attacked would you sit back and say "I'm not getting involved because that would make me violent and as bad as them" because those were the sorts of circumstances we had. I'm not saying we never started a fight all I'm saying is we were not about to sit back and let them walk all over us. Now if you do decide to reply and slag me off, which I know you will because I've seen you're "I ain't gonna back down and I'm gonna throw my misinformed opinions at them anyway" type before, but I want you to think carefully before you reply because:

Again you jump way too defensively too quickly - WTF I posted twice before I had a go at you.

my friends have had some on them recently, and come out much for the worse - so really your friends would have been quite happy to see me and my old friends wading in to help them?

but you seem to take pride and happiness in seeing other people's misery - Never said that, but in any case that fact would be cancelled out due to the fact that we would be taking pride and happiness in seeing the misery of people who take pride and happiness in causing innocent people's misery. Its an old saying fight fire with fire.

Would you go out beating more pikeys if you could fight better? - wouldn't take on pikeys they're dangerous. But if I could fight better no, as I mentioned earlier, don't go around starting fights.

perhaps with issues like this you should think before putting fingers to keyboards? - and you should think about reading before replying.

And what's wrong with Asylum Seekers? Genuine asylum seekers DO deserve our money - whats wrong is that genuine or not they are milking our society for anything they can get while transport, NHS, schools, MOD funding, and public services suffer. Although I suppose you could say that its more the governments fault.

Remember kids, think before posting.


Originally posted by old.ignus

And what's wrong with Asylum Seekers? Genuine asylum seekers DO deserve our money - whats wrong is that genuine or not they are milking our society for anything they can get while transport, NHS, schools, MOD funding, and public services suffer. Although I suppose you could say that its more the governments fault.



Originally posted by old.ignus
I bet you're the sort of person who thinks asylum seekers are great and deserve our money
Originally posted by old.ignus
And what's wrong with Asylum Seekers? Genuine asylum seekers DO deserve our money - whats wrong is that genuine or not they are milking our society for anything they can get while transport, NHS, schools, MOD funding, and public services suffer. Although I suppose you could say that its more the governments fault.

Remember kids, think before posting.
I really can't let this one pass. You say asylum seekers are bad, then you say they are good, but don't deserve to steal all our money.

That's more than enough of that "leftie twat" nonsense, thank you. I take it kind of personally sometimes. Especially when I have to start work at 8am.:eek:


Originally posted by old.ignus
You are in no position to give criticism and you have no right to judge me or anyone on anything we've done. I was only joking before but you really are a leftie aren't you. I can tell you're against all forms of war because it "solves nothing" but now you're going to try and turn that against me by saying I'm bloodthirsty and love war because thats what your type does. Don't go preaching that don't sink to their level or you're just as bad as they are bullshit, you've been watching to many moral of the days on he-man. Have you led a sheltered life tied to mummys apron strings? If you saw a girl being attacked would you sit back and say "I'm not getting involved because that would make me violent and as bad as them" because those were the sorts of circumstances we had. I'm not saying we never started a fight all I'm saying is we were not about to sit back and let them walk all over us. Now if you do decide to reply and slag me off, which I know you will because I've seen you're "I ain't gonna back down and I'm gonna throw my misinformed opinions at them anyway" type before, but I want you to think carefully before you reply because: <cut>

You sir, are one hilarious contradiction. "you can't judge me" and then go on to make wild, wild judgements about me when in fact, you have no clue who I am - and I know perfectly well who you are.

Fantastic. I'd address the other points you made such a meal of, but I have better things to do with my "leftie" time. Have a good time thinking that things like war, and slaughtering thousands of innocents actually helps in resolving political or religious conflict of ideas, and that it's acceptable to stoop down to levels of the scum you say you hate so much.


Originally posted by Will
I really can't let this one pass. You say asylum seekers are bad, then you say they are good, but don't deserve to steal all our money.

That's more than enough of that "leftie twat" nonsense, thank you. I take it kind of personally sometimes. Especially when I have to start work at 8am.:eek:

I think he was quoting Swift.


Yes I was quoting swift the words after the - are mine.

I think swift has given up.
See I did tell you he'd turn the war thing against me. I think you'll find I gave no opinion on war, I just suggested what your opinion is likely to be and I was right so there. You are an idiot, I am only judging you because you are judging me, fairs fair mate and I know perfectly well what type you are and you have no idea what type I am. I did tell you to think before you replied, obviously you think you're better than me and probably all of us and didn't think it was worth listening. How old are you anyway, I've heard 13 years olds with better points of arguement and at least they change theirs sometimes unlike you.

People like you are ruining this country with your holier than thou do as we say attitude. And I also think you'll find that nobody has agreed with you here so far.


Bringing the war into this "leftie" "rightie twat debate is not the best of all ideas.

It's to late an im tired to explain why i said that but i will.. one day.


I only mentioned war as a test for him, and he fell for it. TBH I'm still not decided about the recent war, it all seemed more trouble than its worth a lot of inocent people died so that the terrorists can continue bombing and killing them even after its supposedly over. But then when you think about world war 2, you can't say that war solves nothing because thousands of people would have died either way but at least with the invasion of allied forces there would be an end to it all eventually. Anybody who thinks otherwise obviously doesn't know their history or is completely fucking stupid, so I'm expecting swift to disagree.

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