What happened to thid?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Just peeked my head into thid today (and instantly got it blown off :p) and discovered that the place is crawling with full templated and buffed stealthers, vampiirs and sorted gankgroups roaming about, shredding everything they encountered... Not qq thread, would just like to hear everyones view on this
so what do you think?
Is thid supposed to be a place where new(ish) ppl can go have fun, or is it supposed to be a place where everyone has a BB, cloak emblem and run around in sorted gankgroups?



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
it happens, but encounter soloers sometimes too (hey Sishamn, brave to engange a warlock as a solo druid ^_^), but the normal SCed and buffbotted stealthzerg is there, nomatter what..and the vampiirs have fallen in number since cata release but still a pain in the arse


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
To what Thidranki did you go? The last week I've seen two guildgroups of 2-3, nothing unusual. One being a green Alb guild, the other being the age-old Thidranki Blitz/Energy Vortex/whatever they're called lately. I've also encountered plenty of aurulite/rog wearing people.

Newish people can have fun in Thidranki, but I'm afraid solo isn't an option for them unless they get some form of spellcraft. However, most people run with the zerg and do just fine in random armour. On the birhgt side: a half-decent spellcraft doesn't have to cost much for Thidranki :).

Blokkie, Thane


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
noblok said:
To what Thidranki did you go? The last week I've seen two guildgroups of 2-3, nothing unusual. One being a green Alb guild, the other being the age-old Thidranki Blitz/Energy Vortex/whatever they're called lately. I've also encountered plenty of aurulite/rog wearing people.

Blokkie, Thane

Oi there is and only ever will be one Thidranki Blitz, the other were all just pretenders ;).

On topic so Thid has gank groups roaming other than hib? :D might be time to acctualy play DAoC a bit.


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
my Guild have Stop GG in thid atm... mite see 1 or 2 from time to time.
If your looking for Solo HB is the best place for a good fight or the Water near Mid to Hib (where i solo)...

Just stay away from the main AB to Mb, MPk run and you are Fine at the best of times


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
noblok said:
To what Thidranki did you go? The last week I've seen two guildgroups of 2-3, nothing unusual. One being a green Alb guild, the other being the age-old Thidranki Blitz/Energy Vortex/whatever they're called lately. I've also encountered plenty of aurulite/rog wearing people.

If your refering to the guild wearing black and yelow where i play bm and eld that Bane of Thidranki, Me, latuvu, Hamro, Kotok


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
Elkie said:
If your refering to the guild wearing black and yelow where i play bm and eld that Bane of Thidranki, Me, latuvu, Hamro, Kotok

LoL Elkie Sure Know's how to Pimp His Guild :)


Loyal Freddie
Oct 21, 2004
any chance u were the caster of the alb grp who always got PAed inst killed because u lagged behind the leader ? xD


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Fellavader said:
Just peeked my head into thid today (and instantly got it blown off :p) and discovered that the place is crawling with full templated and buffed stealthers, vampiirs and sorted gankgroups roaming about, shredding everything they encountered... Not qq thread, would just like to hear everyones view on this
so what do you think?
Is thid supposed to be a place where new(ish) ppl can go have fun, or is it supposed to be a place where everyone has a BB, cloak emblem and run around in sorted gankgroups?


True that thid is a disaster-zone for a new archer or assassin, without SC and a buffbot you cant fight any stealther on even terms. What you can do is avoid them and go after mages. Even a buffed, SC'd mage is still a soft, robe wearing piece of jelly when faced with a good PA and poisons.

Vamps arent that much of a problem really, most of them seem to be played very poorly and only a few are templated. Those that are played well and have SC are tough as old boots, but if thats the case, just avoid em.

Gank groups are always an issue, but any sorc or even a few bards will laugh and tell you stories of mezzing 4-5 man assist trains, then /dance /kiss /laugh and run off after killing their healer :)

You do get guild groups, templates, buffbots, gankgroups in thid. To be honest this has been true for a long, long time and it's really not a major issue as there are still plenty of soloers around. You just have to accept you will be ganked and laugh spammed by a FG, or a buffed assassin from time to time.

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