What happened to Nuked?



Originally posted by old.Xanthian
Well at least Salty is banned so we dont have to read his mindless crap anymore, shame Adari isnt banned though.
dont worry m8 im back for good


dont worry im back :p but still ... i may have spammed WC3 forum, but just look at someone like Coims posts per day (just an example) ... looks like 1 rule for 1 person and another for others. i dont think i was badly treated at all ... a 1 week ban was a good idea, but when i see people with 10+ posts average per day and not getting banned it makes me wonder a little

Originally posted by Khalen
Pfff people need to stop spamming forum parts who are empty. It's pathetic to see some people spam every post they see. And some people never learn. So they need to be tought a lesson.

2209 (3.95 posts per day)

notice your post count compared 2 mine. if i "spam every post" and you have a higher average post count, i guess your not spamming? :rolleyes: if im going to post something i post something, never +1 etc. if giving my P.O.V. is now just spam then fine, but you have alot more P.O.V posts then me (or as others call them, such as yourself - spam posts) so please jump down off your high horse

(btw sorry its you im jumping on, its just yours was the first post in the list 2 quote and im lazy)

(btw#2 p.o.v=point of view - also im talking about your average per day compared 2 mine, not 2 bothered about the 2209 as you have been registered here longer etc)

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