what does alb need classes wise?



Get you merc to 50 you slacker danyan:p and give klav another battle:D


There's no question what we need duh.

Infils. Buffbots.


We need people that can play their class, thats it. And the average infiltrator numbers alrdy dropped, im happy to see. Now i dont want some smart ass mid or hib saying blah blah inf zergs because you can't do /who infiltrator, and dont give me /anon bull because lvling infs dont go anon :p


Hitokir on another post I was accused of putting the albs down but in fact Albion could be the best realm if people stopped being stupid.

One of the things they could stop is the lvl 50's taking all the prime xp spots for low-mid lvl 40. They take em to p lvl their poxy grey alts. When the poxy grey alt is high enough to go to emain, the poxy grey alt knows absolutely nothing about how to react and respond in combat.

It's not just at tangs but everywhere people go now to xp.

Yes I have left Albion and no one is cheering louder than me :) :)

Bye Albion because until the CoC changes and enables those of us who can only afford 1 account the same respect as the saddo's who have 2 or more accounts, I won't be doing anything for Albion.

I'm having the time of my life on another realm:) :) :) :) :)


will say an ice/earth or wind/earth theurg for
fats walk
pet and nice damage

and is an easy soloter

but take the funiest class for u kind of play :drink:


You were yellow, I was what, 1 level higher? And won with 60% hp left.

same level = same level

As for the other time, a pet is my class skill, would you duel someone if you couldn't use your left axe? I spent a lot of spec points to be able to use pets, I'm sure as hell not going to give them up.

mach 5 : 43 instruments
last mezz : 42 instruments
last charm : 41 instruments

don't make it sound like you specced especially to get the last charm.

Still the charm thing is broken, since you shoudlnt be able to charm up pets up to redcon with a lvl 41 spell.

Anyway I didn't say I'd duel you, I said I'd kill you. which I did.
As for the guard... did you get hit by a guard? No. Did you even get anywhere near aggroing a guard? No. Had I run the other way would the fight have been different? No. So the guard thing is a total non-issue that you just bring up because you got owned.

The thing is that there was a fair chance that the guards had aggrod and that's all that counts.

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