- Thread starter
- #31
Get you merc to 50 you slacker danyan
and give klav another battle
b) Even with pa+cd sticking, your 1200ish hp drop to 0 in two hits
You were yellow, I was what, 1 level higher? And won with 60% hp left.
As for the other time, a pet is my class skill, would you duel someone if you couldn't use your left axe? I spent a lot of spec points to be able to use pets, I'm sure as hell not going to give them up.
Anyway I didn't say I'd duel you, I said I'd kill you. which I did.
As for the guard... did you get hit by a guard? No. Did you even get anywhere near aggroing a guard? No. Had I run the other way would the fight have been different? No. So the guard thing is a total non-issue that you just bring up because you got owned.