What do you think?



Ok maybe i am wrong to post here, maybe im wrong to /y at emain people on the pad, but as far as i know this is my first bitch at any one, We spend months planing for the gain (20%) and at the first drop of a hat im out making a plan right or wrong, you can critisise but i was there viocing my idea's. while people are thinking of how much RP's we can get in emain....

for the record my reason behind these RR of late are to try bring some respect to My realm, Albion. A nice gift for tanks yes, makes no difference to me. But i wanna beable to walk about where ever "in Game" knowing my realm has respect and are doing well...

Hibernia, underpopulated but they defend Midgard imo Top dogs atm untill late they defended....

Its kinda disheartening dont you like when you put your heart and soul into a Relic raid, see it go far better than you imagine only to get a slap in the face the next day by those that said gratz lets defend em now.

Ok I say it again to those on that pad, Sorry you pay your fee's etc, and those who disagree with my plan that night.. you could have taken charge i was voted in the CG for...

Pin your a mate and you say is valid but can you see why we pissed?


albion cant have respect

its the way mythic designed it and you can see it in any server ~~


Originally posted by lac_desariel

...those who disagree with my plan that night.. you could have taken charge i was voted in the CG for...

Re-read the posts and only see mine that could be interpreted as disgreeing with the plan. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't beind misinterpreted. I was agreeing with Pin about the way to get people to follow a leader, not in any way questioning the actual plans that were made.

The problems as I saw them from the point of view of a GL trying to direct a fg as to where to be and what do to were that there was alot of confusion and bickering in the cg, this leads to confusion and also to annoyance and boredom. SInce we were intent on defending the frontier long before Beno even fell, we stuck around until we all had to log so we could get to work today but I can imagine some people getting frustrated and charging at the keep or going off somewhere else.

It also seemed to me that a good proportion of people at Beno last night weren't in cg as I often heard /y 'Storm the keep now' etc from various people just standing around.


Originally posted by lac_desariel
Ok maybe i am wrong to post here, maybe im wrong to /y at emain people on the pad, but as far as i know this is my first bitch at any one, We spend months planing for the gain (20%) and at the first drop of a hat im out making a plan right or wrong, you can critisise but i was there viocing my idea's. while people are thinking of how much RP's we can get in emain....

Are they in Emain just to try and get RPs? Or are they there because it's easier and more fun for them?

If it is billed as 'Benowyc retake', or 'seige', it's not going to enstill ideas of FUN!

I was there last night with 2 full guild groups, it was one of the most painful experiences I have had in a long time, and I can see exactly why people would shy away from doing that nightly, or even weekly. The thing is, keep fights do not need to be like that, just come up with better strategies and make the plans clear to the people who have attended.

Everyone knows you and Herbal put a great deal of work and effort into the RR plan and execution, it was a day to feel proud of achievements.

Today is a day to plan how to proceed with realm defense. Move FG RvR into the Alb zones, maintain a constant presence of skilled people who are in well-equipped groups. A keep attack is not a dire threat to the realm, it is not going to undoubtedly lead to a relic changing hands.

DC is taken several times per day. Is that a relic raid? No, it's just for DF.
Bled was taken daily. Was that a relic raid? No, it was either for DF, or for an RP-farming session.
Beno is going to be taken daily. Is this going to be a relic raid? No, it's going to be an RP-farming session.

Change tactics of how you deal with the enemy. Change tactics of how you deal with your realm mates. I know you are capable leaders, just think a little more about the root causes and the reasons. Think a little more about how to 'defeat' the enemy (remember that defeating them just means preventing them getting their goal, it does not just mean killing them and taking the keep back).

Originally posted by lac_desariel
for the record my reason behind these RR of late are to try bring some respect to My realm, Albion. A nice gift for tanks yes, makes no difference to me. But i wanna beable to walk about where ever "in Game" knowing my realm has respect and are doing well...

Pin your a mate and you say is valid but can you see why we pissed?

Exactly. Having the relics is a symbol to be proud of. The realm needs respect. It needs good will throughout the realm. It does not need fighting, insulting, bickering. It does not need people taking a high-and-mighty approach, belittling others, telling them that you are better than them because you are doing something that they are not.

You aren't a drill instructor. This is not the army. Treat people with respect and you are more likely to get the volume of response you want. Make their time enjoyable when they follow you and you are more likely to have people follow you again.


The main thing that I would say needs to be communicated is that these Mids in HW are there to be farmed. They are Isen Vaktens. They are casters. They are Thanes. They are RP-food.

The only thing they have in their advantage is that they have walls around them - remove those walls and they're the best source of RPs available to a well-built group.

Play smart and there's more RPs there than you'll ever find in Emain.


Originally posted by Pin

DC is taken several times per day. Is that a relic raid? No, it's just for DF.
Bled was taken daily. Was that a relic raid? No, it was either for DF, or for an RP-farming session.
Beno is going to be taken daily. Is this going to be a relic raid? No, it's going to be an RP-farming session.

yes when u albs comes it turns to be a rp farming session, but if you dont come and stop us we will go through your entire frontier every day and pop all your keeps, our vikings want blood :clap: :clap:


Pin worded just about the same as i was thinking.

I'm going to try make an effort in seeing if the Fellowship alliance would be up for having fixed lvl50 alt logouts in benowyc for consistent defence.

I understand how Herbal and Lac feel, it's like their babies being put out into the cold ;).

Better defence is something to seriously worry and think about, but not pop an eyeball over. Unhappy people lead to unhappy guilds, lead to unhappy alliances and eventually breakups.


I see alway .
Same people to retake keeps
Same people to help
Same people to give news in emain
Regards and nice try at Beno and dont worry for the 50 albions in emain that didn t come to help xdddd ......


Pin, i thought this game was about having fun. whats fun with waiting out the enemy?

Keepfights are among the absolute funniest fights around if u ask me. Do as us mids did when we had all 3 str. relics. defend, defend, defend, never give up. so what if u die 4-5 times, if you're afraid of dying then u have bought the wrong game imo.

Keep showing up and defend your realm instead of just sit there with loads of buddies rolling yer thumbs red.


is GoL still claiming beno? if so why dont u try defending it instead of going emain...?

mids cant put up the same fight in any other keep cos they got no ready supply of siege equip.

stop them taking it in the first place.


Two nights ago, one of our keeps was being attacked. Myself and a couple of friends went to CS, and tried to get into a reinforcement group. Me (a necro), A cleric and a pally. Me and the pally level 47, the cleric level 46.

However - none of us are level 50 or a high Realm Rank. The most polite answer we got was "Soz mate, we need people that know what they are doing in RvR"... most others were "FO Noob" and such like - so we logged and went to play elsewhere with alts. We read watched as a while later, the keep fell to the middies.

I'm all for RvR - the only time I get in on it though is in Guild Groups - I've never taken my necro into BG, yet I am RR2L2... There is a lot of elitism in RvR, people seem to only want the high RR level 50's and screw everyone else that isn't...

So - if people pulled bits of their anatomy out of their rear and thought "Hey, strength in numbers" or such like, then fair enough.

/end whine


Originally posted by phule_gubben
Do as us mids did when we had all 3 str. relics. defend, defend, defend, never give up. so what if u die 4-5 times, if you're afraid of dying then u have bought the wrong game imo.

Given the times that we took your keeps and you refused to come out to play "and be farmed" I think you're talking out of your arse there, mate.

First up, Lac, I can understand completely why you're pissed off, and concur with some of what you're saying. Yes, we need to ensure that we kick the Mids out of HW as quickly as possible. Yes, we shouldn't let them have keeps - as simple as yet. And yes, I'd like to see more albs out defending. As you now know, there are guilds and players you know will always be there, and there are guilds and people that you know won't ever bother. But there's also a big load of Albs who will come IF it's fun, and those are the ones that you have to keep getting into HW.

The trick, then, is to keep the number of people who have an enjoyable time in our frontier at a maximum, because they will then keep coming back and defending. And the way to do that is NOT to try head on assaults at Beno when it has 100 Mids and 20 trebs in it. To take Beno like that, you need 300 Albs, and in the process you'll hand over so many free RPs that you might as well give the Mids there an extra realm rank each.

Beno is unique in Alb, in that there's only one way out of it. Put 100 Mids in there, with scouts watching them, and that's 100 Mids who aren't anywhere near our relics. Meanwhile, you blockade MMG, to make sure that no more come. You have groups roaming, to keep the Hibs that smell cheap RPs (hi there Domain!) at bay. And when the Mids decide to come out and get another keep - which they will have to do to provoke us - you zerg them back into the stone age. And THEN get Beno back, when they have 3-4fg in it rather than 10fg. When the Mids have come to farm, it's a game of cat and mouse.

Like I say, I can understand your frustation - its something that a lot of us have felt when regularly defending the frontiers, even when we have only one relic. But don't get disheartened, because there will always be people who drop their alt levelling/emain farming/looking at Luri pr0n and get to HW as fast as they can.


People miss the point on frontier defence.

It's not about zerging keeps back.

It's about doing your roaming in the alb frontier a reasonable proportion of the time. And thereby keeping the alb frontier population up.

The relics will not be lost by keeps that fall one at a time over a period of hours or days. They will not be lost because beno is enemy hands for more than 3 hours, or even 3 days.

They will be lost in exactly the same way they were gained.

Large enemy forces will simulateneously hit 2-4 keeps.

Even larger enemy forces will then hit excal <10 minutes after the first attack began.

If > 200 people do not reach excal within 15 minutes of the attack starting, we lose.

The number of keeps we have or they have before the operation starts is not espeicially important. But it's the random roaming that will generate the reports that will in turn send people to excal in time.

More general not-specifically-for-defence RvR in alb is the only thing that will accelerate reaction times in alb. And it is entirely about reaction time once we have the relics.

The DAoC relic war is entirely tactical, it has no strategic element. Rapid retakes of Benowyc are neither sufficient nor necessary conditions for the defence of the relics.

The thing to genuinely worry about is that the people who enjoy emain-style roaming do not appear to enjoy doing so in HW and the rest of alb. Personally, as I am no particular fan of roaming aimlessly, I would be interested to hear from anyone who does enjoy roaming why HW is not considered a good place to do that, espeicially since, this week at least, it has a solid hibgard population to draw RPs from?

Keepfights are among the absolute funniest fights around if u ask me

Personally I probably agree with you - but the majority of albs don't.

As with anything in life, if you want to change something you have to find something inside your own sphere of influence which can make it happen, so if you want more albs to defend, you have to work out what you personally can do to make that happen.

That is, in fact, the whole point of a MMOG.

Pin's post makes a lot of sense in that context.


I'd also add in response to some of the posts earlier in the thread; it is unlikely that you will convince people who disagree with you to do what you say simply by calling them retards.


Saying everyone that is in emain is an idiot when mids are in our frontier is silly. I saw 1 person from my guild in that list and i can just say this: Everytime we have heard there is a mid force in HW that exceed 2fg we have gone to HW BUT we dont have any alliance and our guild is only 5 ppl big so quite often we dont know if there is anything going on. For example we had no idea about the relic raid until all keeps started falling. If we knew we would most likely have gone there to help.


oh and i think i speak for all of my guild when i say keepfights is the most booring thing u can do or AS booring as exping/working/cleaning/ doing the dishes :p But those relics sure is nice so aslong as we got em and there is a risk of loosing them we will try to defend.


Originally posted by K0nah
is GoL still claiming beno? if so why dont u try defending it instead of going emain...?

mids cant put up the same fight in any other keep cos they got no ready supply of siege equip.

stop them taking it in the first place.

can u plz go buy a clue asap?
when we had beno claimed it
a) was always lvl10
b) always had lvl7+ doors, even 15mins after sumone took em down
c) always had 2FG alts logged inside rdy for defence

if certain ppl or alliances dont care about enemies at beno tho then there is nothin we can do with 2FG vs. 70+ mids?

u agree? thank you very much


Originally posted by phule_gubben
Keep showing up and defend your realm instead of just sit there with loads of buddies rolling yer thumbs red.

you were teh ones who didnt show up to defend fast enough if i remember correct ;o which has led to alb getting the 3 relics

ooooooooh and just keep someone / some group at the mmg area to watch for mids there as its like a bottle situation with only one way to get through.. mmg -> beno moving a big force will take like ~4mins or so and that should be enough to get a few grps on its way at least + with gregos bunch of cabana boys logged inside it should buy some time ^^

also to maintain the keep during the siege you need more than 1(lol) door repair person to have any noticeable effect and these ppl have to be 100% repairing the doors and not going up top to smite/shoot/xbow/whatver

and goddamn

save the sos for when you approach beno (remember keeper is on the "wrong" side for this keep) not for when someone gets bwyca aggro or something stupid



Originally posted by Herbal Remedy

In summary a huge part of the alb polutaltion are all twats and not even worth my effort or time

fuck you very much albion:puke:


Originally posted by gunner440

save the sos for when you approach beno (remember keeper is on the "wrong" side for this keep) not for when someone gets bwyca aggro or something stupid


Btw i think that 50%of albs don´t even know how to arrive to HW...


Why isnt it posible to have an remote force rdy @ all time, atleast 5fg of good ppl who moves together? alb isnt underpopulated for sure so its posible.

Then we can atleast hold back the enemy's long enuf for more suport to arive, and when other ppl know that there r 5fg of good albs deffending they will help, becouse most ppl wont come if its hopeless....


reason ppl go emain is because thers is Action :mgwhore:, we were each of the last 3 days in HW, runnin hmg - mmg saw albs everywhere but Zero enemies.

oh, and what Pin said :clap:


Originally posted by wolfen_rb
reason ppl go emain is because thers is Action :mgwhore:, we were each of the last 3 days in HW, runnin hmg - mmg saw albs everywhere but Zero enemies.

oh, and what Pin said :clap:

U should have been @ beno then :p there where enuf enemy's there or still are even.


Originally posted by wolfen_rb
reason ppl go emain is because thers is Action :mgwhore:, we were each of the last 3 days in HW, runnin hmg - mmg saw albs everywhere but Zero enemies.
oh, and what Pin said :clap:

Muah, I made very decent rp's over in HW and we saw plenty of action. First held off the Mids at the mmg, till they realised how few we were and the Hibs came in leeching.
Then we rebuild our forces and held the mmg for 2 hours (was a bit quiet, all Mids were slaughtered). Mids stayed inside Beno, and they were getting no reinforcements. Meanwhile Hibs also feds us some rp's.
Hibs tried to take Renaris and failed giving some more rp's to the Albs. Then Albs retook Beno after a prolonged fight, decent rp's for both sides.
Beno was recaptured, and then 2fgh managed to slaughter the single fg albs arriving at the aquaduct. About this time I decided to log.
Regards, Glottis


good think about this threat is that ppl started to look for solutions. :)

It appears to me that Albion got much better in guild and alliance communication then we where a copple of month ago.

To me it seems that the Gms and Seniors of the important guilds and alliances are pulling on the same end of the rope, this was not allways like this and its a big achivment.

All it needs to get a good defence are some plans, yesturdays HW defence seemed to be very headless.

Lac, Herbal your relic raid wasent succsessful because of the numbers, it was succsessful because of the exelent planing and execution, and thats exactly what we need for defence.

A few good suggestions where made already, lets all major guilds log alts near Beno and supply them with ram and trebs when we got the possibility to do so.

Reading your signatures, most of Albion players got alts, lets log them in Beno. Even if 80 Mids in Beno, how would it be if 200 alts log in at the same time? just needs a little planing.

We got a forum for those planing, lets use it, and all guilds, pls do your homework, - like setting up ram- trebsupport chars- only the little steps in combination with a good planning will lead to overall success.

We really can have enjoyable fights, keepdefences and keeptakings, if a little planing is done.

Thx for your attention.


Originally posted by old.Nibor
Reading your signatures, most of Albion players got alts, lets log them in Beno. Even if 80 Mids in Beno, how would it be if 200 alts log in at the same time? just needs a little planing.
My scout is lvl 23 and rising. Oh, and his BB is lvl 20 :clap:


I dont play Albion much more, but only way to keep the relics is to defend. Defense is boring, especially without enemies.

So.. make Hadrians Wall a FRONTIER ZONE. Look at Prydwen. Albs regularly go HW there, why? Because there's Mids and Hibs there!

Put 1fg at MMG and let them patrol MMG - Beno - Tower - HMG - MMG area abit.

Kill enemies. More enemies come to kick your ass. You bring more Albs.... Albs in HW. No way in hell they get Beno easily.

To be successfull in defending a relic it has to be FUN to do so. If its fun it will work.

So how to get enemies in HW? Not easy, I admit that. Being there is a good start, because enemies only go somewhere if its fun. Fun = fights.

Also remember: It is beneficial for Hibernia (!) to have the relics in Albion hands. Ask Hibs to come to HW for some nice fights. Dont make it a 'we farm Hibs with 18 fg session' but just some good fights. Loosing is no shame. But try and get a population going in HW. If HW becomes an active RvR-zone its more fun for Albs to go there (and defend their frontier in the process with FUN). A population in HW is the best way to defend the relics because that way you got a watch on enemies there.

Anyhow I didnt participate in the relic-raid or its defense, because I dont play Albion alot anymore. So I dont have much right of speech but in my eyes this is the only way to get a relic-defense up. By changing relic-defense in regular RvR..

U cannot go out and yell to people because they prefer to sit on their ass at the pad to port to Emain to have some FUN there. The game is about FUN. You want a good relic-defense? Make it FUN.

I am quite certain even the big RvR-guilds would go to Hadrians Wall if it was FUN there. Fighting enemies, sometimes loosing, sometimes winning. The way it goes in Emain and Odins.

Mids and Hibs DO bother to run all the way from their tele-keep to their Odins Gate or Emain Macha. Why? Well... because its FUN there (action!). Albs cannot be arsed to go to Hadrians Wall because its empty and thus no FUN.

There must be a reward to take the walk to Hadrians Wall. The reward for 99.9% RvR-active people is RP/fights/presence of enemies.

Oh... and the walk through Pennine Mountains is abit frustrating. However there is a safe-path through it.

If you look at this picture: http://www.io.com/~caladin/kirstena/albionmaps/albion_frontier.gif

I think most people can get to Excalibur safely. Pass Excal and go right at the Green Knight. Follow the stone path and you end up at Berk. Go straight north from Berk and you end up in Surs. After that just follow path again EAST and pass Hall of Corrupt (RvR dungeon). Just keep going east/northeast following the stones and you end up in HW. Perfectly safe and aggro-free (you might end up aggroing a bluecon just past Surs but ok..)

Hadrians Wall is a very nice zone and has very low aggro mobs. Cave Fairies are aggro but easily avoided (at the hill near Beno). Sometimes Pictish Druids/Soldiers etc might be aggro, just kill some Templars behind HMG few times to make them abit more friendly. Pictish can ruin a fg vs fg fight and make walking in HW a bitch (they root dropping you out of speed etc).

Anyhow I hope Alb can keep the relics for a long time


Selected Council

Has anyone thought about creating a website or a forum especially dedicated to defending the realm of albion excalibur? so generals ( higher levels in the know ) of realm activities can talk to each other and plan things, ideally inculding major RvR guilds, dare i say it herbal, but you and a few other people who give a s**t about the realm, i do but as you can see i dont have any RvR experience, tho i can lead teams into the BG's with no problem ive spent more time in the BG's than Xping i think, Thanks.

Also, wouldnt it be upto Alliances to do this sort of thing?


Re: Selected Council

Originally posted by Craft
Has anyone thought about creating a website or a forum especially dedicated to defending the realm of albion excalibur? so generals ( higher levels in the know ) of realm activities can talk to each other and plan things, ideally inculding major RvR guilds, dare i say it herbal, but you and a few other people who give a s**t about the realm, i do but as you can see i dont have any RvR experience, tho i can lead teams into the BG's with no problem ive spent more time in the BG's than Xping i think, Thanks.

Also, wouldnt it be upto Alliances to do this sort of thing?

There is a guildmasters-forum around for Alb/Excal.

And 1 big fat alliance has been tryed and it failed miserably.


Re: Re: Selected Council

Originally posted by Puppetmistress
There is a guildmasters-forum around for Alb/Excal.

And 1 big fat alliance has been tryed and it failed miserably.

And actually, having several reasonable-sized alliances work together is more effective. It allows you to more easily allocate tasks, so that (say) Fellowship gaurds a milegate while Shadowlords hit a keep.

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