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Sunday Albions and the RR was best thing ever.... People PM me when we get the power Relics i know you want em...

Monday 350 + albions defend our fronteer against all odds

Tuesday we get 3-4 FG and many doing there own thing?

Midgard got stung, and we got angry trolls they will keep pulling this shit untill 1 of 2 things happens.. 1 they get 3 relics and 2 we show em we not budging

I ask you this as a Realm that rean BW, Was it wirth mine and herbals time planning this raid to get relics just so 100 people can farm in emain while mids run rapant in beno?

When mids or Hibs get a call to arms any one from 35 -50 go and its a lot.. we lasted 2 days..... work out what you want and let me and herbal know before we plan another RR for power relics or Strength if mid have em by then.

Rant out,

To albions at beno Nice going good to see you wanna look after your realm


leave the power relics alone if u wanna keep the strs ;x


Tbh, each and every single Alb in Emain when 100 Mids in HW is a fucktard.
Just so you lot in Emain know :)
Nice work those that did come to defend :)
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Tbh, each and every single Alb in Emain when 100 Mids in HW is a fucktard.
Just so you lot in Emain know :)
Nice work those that did come to defend :)
Regards, Glottis

Was fun to defend, even tho i lagged as hell when mids came to Renaris :)

I can personally say that my guild will do what ever we can to keep these relics, same as my alliance ! :)

Herbal Remedy


Those albs as far as im concerned can foad over 100 mids in hws at the time and your zerging in emain. GG guys enjoy the 20% mele bonus for the week you will have it because after that ill be fked if im going to take em back.

Wont lead rrs from now on what the point in taking them if only a handfull of albs can even be arsed to defend em.

In summary a huge part of the alb polutaltion are all twats and not even worth my effort or time

fuck you very much albion:puke:


this realm has a serious emain addiction problem for too long now.


u take all 6 relics and ur elft with like 1guard between the 2 relic keeps

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by gunner440
u take all 6 relics and ur elft with like 1guard between the 2 relic keeps
we wont even keep 3 let alone get 3 more:sleeping:


Good job to all albs that came and defended, just a shame wecould get the numbers to completely force them back and take Beno back.

Keep up the good work Lac/Herbal


Originally posted by Herbal Remedy

Those albs as far as im concerned can foad over 100 mids in hws at the time and your zerging in emain. GG guys enjoy the 20% mele bonus for the week you will have it because after that ill be fked if im going to take em back.

Wont lead rrs from now on what the point in taking them if only a handfull of albs can even be arsed to defend em.

And people wonder why I stopped doing my raids :p


tbh it dont surprise me that not many have replyed to this :(


albs have to learn that they cant go to bed and leave a alb keep in enemy hand, or we will loose the relics to fast. but it have been a while since we had em all, and albs in general dont like to be farmed by mids, and i guess most saw it as a farm session today. can only suggest that all guilds will try get peeps to beno when it gets attacked or help take it back as fast as possible.

we have to act as fierce mids did when they defend their frontier!


Aye I was at Beno helping :). Done /who emain and thought wtf is that many people doing in Emain when we was getting our asses handed to us by Mids in our OWN frontier.


Originally posted by lac_desariel
work out what you want and let me and herbal know before we plan another RR for power relics or Strength if mid have em by then.
Leave the power relics alone imo, last thing we need is 2 realms pissing about in our back yard.

Ofc, i will defend the STR relics as much as possible, but the constant bug abuse of the mids at the keeps is annoying the hell out of me. Also could people log their rezzers in keeps? Rezzers > Armsman/Mercs that way people can be rezzed that are incoming to help.


If you are upset about lack of response and action and actually want success in re-takes:

DO have an experienced, knowledgable leader with a good plan for what you will do when you get there before departing.
DO have all the neccessary equipment (rams, trebs, ammo, etc) ready prior to setting off.
DON'T have 100 people sat on the hill at the foot of a keep for 3 hours doing very little while people bicker in the cg. They get very bored of it, very quickly and will not want to come the next time they are needed.
DON'T stand on CS pad yelling insults and abuse at people who are doing something else just because you want them to go with you. This is not going to make them feel happy about following you.
DON'T post on BW with further insults telling them they are worthless and un-deserving and expect it to make them want to help you. Reason same as above.

As for Mids being in Beno last night. Well there's basically two options open to you to remove any threat on the relic keep:

1) Get rid of them, kill them all and take the keep back.
2) Contain them there and stop them progressing to other keeps.

Sure, it's nice to get rid of them. But in order to do that, you need to have a whole lot more thought, planning and preparation than just turning up with a large number of people. Last night it was clear that there was none of this.

Last night the best you could have done was contain the mids in Beno until they got bored, then retake the keep when you could get more numbers and equipment than they had.

I'll also say that there's not a lot of point in getting 200 people up there and kicking them out of the keep, because they just come back an hour later with 6 rams and take it in 15 minutes after 180 people suicide and go off to do something else anyway.

Realm defense (keep/relic) is not about getting 200 people in front of a keep with 100 defenders and seiging them until you finally pry them out after a 3+ hour struggle. It's about having groups roaming the Alb frontier the whole time - every hour of every day (or at least every 'primetime' hour of every day). It's about knowing what they are doing and reacting accordingly, (i.e. stop them doing what they want to do, don't plod along and predictably give them exactly what they want every time).


Originally posted by Pin
If you are upset about lack of response and action and actually want success in re-takes:

DO have an experienced, knowledgable leader with a good plan for what you will do when you get there before departing.
DO have all the neccessary equipment (rams, trebs, ammo, etc) ready prior to setting off.
DON'T have 100 people sat on the hill at the foot of a keep for 3 hours doing very little while people bicker in the cg. They get very bored of it, very quickly and will not want to come the next time they are needed.
DON'T stand on CS pad yelling insults and abuse at people who are doing something else just because you want them to go with you. This is not going to make them feel happy about following you.
DON'T post on BW with further insults telling them they are worthless and un-deserving and expect it to make them want to help you. Reason same as above.

Thanks Pin this is exactly what I wanted to say.

Was at Beno last night and for a long time the lack of clear directions in the cg was a real problem. Not trying to undermine what people were trying to do anyone that attempts to lead and take control deserves some patient following as it is a thankless task but at some points we were getting different orders from the individuals leading which leads to confusion. Also I am quite sure a large number of those at Beno were not in the cg, regular /y XXX has cg would be a start on that front.


DO have all the neccessary equipment (rams, trebs, ammo, etc) ready prior to setting off.

this is close to impossible when dealing with beno ...

dunno if you ever tryed to arrange 10+ trebs + 6 rams with no merchant keep... which is what we would need vs 20 trebs and repair crew's

it can be done no doubt .. but i recon would take 1-2 hours AT LEAST !!

no realm has ever musteret this force in taking back a merchant keep..

DON'T have 100 people sat on the hill at the foot of a keep for 3 hours doing very little while people bicker in the cg. They get very bored of it, very quickly and will not want to come the next time they are needed.

bicker is bad ....

but 100 ppl outside beno ... and 80 mids inside ... come up with an idea what to do ...

DON'T stand on CS pad yelling insults and abuse at people who are doing something else just because you want them to go with you. This is not going to make them feel happy about following you.

spot on...

Last night the best you could have done was contain the mids in Beno until they got bored, then retake the keep when you could get more numbers and equipment than they had.

well this was what we did ... untill most ppl had to go to sleep etc


Originally posted by old.Filip
this is close to impossible when dealing with beno ...

dunno if you ever tryed to arrange 10+ trebs + 6 rams with no merchant keep... which is what we would need vs 20 trebs and repair crew's

it can be done no doubt .. but i recon would take 1-2 hours AT LEAST !!

Hopefully when (maybe that should be if) we get housing this will be a bit easier. As it is I try to keep a bot at CS fully supplied with rams, he was down to two last night as I hadn't had a chance to resupply from Sunday :(

After housing should have a vault anyone in guild can use to get siege equipment from.


HG has been running regular Alb frontier runs, long before the relics. Do we get many rp's there? No. Do we like it? Yes. At least we did until we got run over the last few days repeatedly by or 100mids, or 50 hibs.

The problem with relics is that the ones benefiting the most from them (the ubapharmerz in Emain) are the ones who do not give a single fuck about defending them. As soon as you have em they're off to farm more "because we have to make the best of it while we have relics". It is the reason why the midgard defense was so weak and slow, it is the reason why we will lose them again.


Originally posted by old.Filip
this is close to impossible when dealing with beno ...

dunno if you ever tryed to arrange 10+ trebs + 6 rams with no merchant keep... which is what we would need vs 20 trebs and repair crew's

it can be done no doubt .. but i recon would take 1-2 hours AT LEAST !!

no realm has ever musteret this force in taking back a merchant keep..

A little idea for preparation: Put a seige alt or two in HW, (e.g. on the hill above Beno road). When Albs have Beno, fill them up - only takes 20 minutes as it's right next to the merchant keep. There's your equipment, ready and waiting for you.

Originally posted by old.Filip
bicker is bad ....

but 100 ppl outside beno ... and 80 mids inside ... come up with an idea what to do ...

Why have 100 people outside Beno though? You just need 3-4 good groups up there roaming the zone, killing reinforcements inc. Killing the hibs that come to farm Warders, meeting up at Beno every 10 minutes for a 4fg drive-by (mids see inc, mids set up 20 trebs, albs leave giving the mids nothing, mids sit and wait as they have trebs up, trebs decay, mids get bored and pissed off, frustrated and try to think of what else to do).

If the mids decide to pack up and move to another keep, you had plenty of stealthers to give info, 4fg can descend on an 80-man army trying to attack another keep and easily wipe them, or you take the keep they just left un-defended.

Don't just stand there seiging them, being hit by AE spells and treb ammo all night, it's not a fun way to fight the enemy.

Originally posted by old.Filip
well this was what we did ... untill most ppl had to go to sleep etc

Containment by parking 100 people at the foot of the keep is really not the best option, it doesn't give fun (or RP flow), it just feels like a chore - and that is not something that the vast majority of players want out of their playtime.


defending keeps >>> retaking them :)

especially when the enemy digs in for a solid night of RP farming.

Some good tips here Pin, all of albion should be taking heed - indians and the chiefs.


/Pissed off mode on
Ok...so we just went and had a go at Beno with 32-34 people...got both doors down...only a few mids left at lord. /Who Hadrian showed 32 people../who Emain showed 42 didnt even bother checking Odins. Yes we got wiped by inc Mids because we had no inc of our own to help.


Nothing wrong with insulting those losers that go to Emain.
Hate seeing 75 Albs in Emain when 4fg Albs try to set up a raid to retake Beno.
And yes, we can take the nice, soft approach, but those gents in Emain should learn that having the 20% melee bonus takes some effort. They are just ungrateful twats.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by del_eneste
/Pissed off mode on
Ok...so we just went and had a go at Beno with 32-34 people...got both doors down...only a few mids left at lord. /Who Hadrian showed 32 people../who Emain showed 42 didnt even bother checking Odins. Yes we got wiped by inc Mids because we had no inc of our own to help.

No, you got wiped because you didn't leave a couple of people on Beno road or MMG to watch for incoming Mids and warn you.

Once you are inside and defenders/guards killed, you are effectively in control with the best position and can kill incoming if you are ready for them.


Originally posted by Pin
No, you got wiped because you didn't leave a couple of people on Beno road or MMG to watch for incoming Mids and warn you.

Once you are inside and defenders/guards killed, you are effectively in control with the best position and can kill incoming if you are ready for them.

We knew they were inc but got outnumbered, end of story bud. We had stealthers just down the road who gave warning. We took 4 rams and just about got the 2 doors down (although struggled) but died due to lack of numbers. :(


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Nothing wrong with insulting those losers that go to Emain.
Hate seeing 75 Albs in Emain when 4fg Albs try to set up a raid to retake Beno.
And yes, we can take the nice, soft approach, but those gents in Emain should learn that having the 20% melee bonus takes some effort. They are just ungrateful twats.
Regards, Glottis

That is the sort of stupid attitude which loses the fights/keeps/relics, not the fact that people are doing something else with their time in-game.

If you (collective you) spend your time insulting people who are playing the game for enjoyment you will not win their minds over, you will not motivate them into wanting to assist you, you will just make people think you are a ****.

Spend some time thinking about what you are doing. Make the keep retakes more enjoyable. Make them profitable (RPs) - That is how you get more people to follow you.

The 'ungrateful twats' who are in Emain are there because in the past keep retakes have been a boring chore. No fun, no enemy, no RPs... Bash a door, kill some NPCs, suicide, go do whatever... This is not a nice way to spend your day, and the way some of you are talking in this thread makes it look like you feel exactly the same way, but are only doing it 'because you should'.

Keep seiges and retakes can be fun, and can give more RPs that the standard port-to-emain, but not if you just go for the standard zerg-doors-and-hope-we-live-long-enough-to-kill-the-lord approach that almost everyone seems to monotonously follow.


Originally posted by kirennia
We knew they were inc but got outnumbered, end of story bud. We had stealthers just down the road who gave warning. We took 4 rams and just about got the 2 doors down (although struggled) but died due to lack of numbers. :(

How many mids showed up that were enough to kill 4fg of you from a defensible position?

Did you prepare and make a stand on the walls? Or were you almost all oop, trying to dig the last few mids from the Lord room, got 10secs warning and didn't have time to get ready?

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