What do you have to offer?



First, let me say, that any class played to its full ability and powers is a great class to play. We all have different roles inside xp and rvr teams. Ive seen a lot of posts of people thinking that certain classes have nothing to offer (most recently the comment that cabalists have nothing to offer groups). I think the main problem here is ignorance of the class in question. So I would like to start this thread for people who actually play the class to list WHAT they contribute to groups and how they work (f.ex how infils are NOT tanks ffs, they are more like casters with their dmg dealing capabilities, so people think they suck cuz they cant take damage.. well then i suck too cuz i cant take dmg in cloth... oh and minstrels can do more than just play battery :)

Ill start this one off by telling about Sorcs and what we offer to a group (yes its more than mezzing):

Ok well first we can single/ae mezz/root things. Using both spells we have incredibly long stoppage power of keeping mobs off the group. We have pets that can either protect us (ie keep mobs off us while we are ccing) or deal dmg to mobs. We have nukes that can deal dmg. We have a LARGE range of debuffs, including str,dex,quick,con,fire,ice,matter,air (the magic debuffs are incredibly good when grping with a caster of appropriate magic type spell). We have amnesia (which can wipe the aggro level of a monster and save chain healing clerics/friars or other casters who did too much damage). We have befuddlement which can make a monster run off in dungeon if hes abpout to wipe the party, or make a monster crazy in the open land allowing ranged attackers to nuke/shoot it to death without it really reaching anyone to hit them. We can DOT monsters, we CAN do dmg with our staff (even more dmg if we carry the Slender EBony Sorc Staff from barrows that procs while bashing with it). So we do a bit more than just mezz mezz mezz :)

Any other classes wanna say what you have to offer to a group to educate some of these people who dont realize the power some classes have?

Wyleia Mythweaver
50th Sorc of The 30


hmm, my scout could guard the main tank as well


Infils. hm. well, we can leech and waste mana?



Mezzer at your service

Well said Wyleia. But I love my role as mezzer.. And all that you talked about is not much need in RvR.. But still we got speed :)


cleric & cabalist, damage shield aoe dot camped mobs :) add second cleric and minstrel for harder mobs/less downtime!

<felicity humps weebl>


Scouts can pull.
Scouts can pull from a very long range, allowing them to head back to the safety of the group before having their arse gnawed at by the pulled mob. Let an armsman pull and you will have to heal him before he reach the group.
They can Guard well, and if needed Slam the mob biting the Cleric/Friar/Caster, allowing more time to build up aggro before aforementioned victim is dead.

Infils cant take damage.
True, they deal it.
And lots.
And fast.
If well played and Guarded, he wont drain any clerics mana.
If you have an Infil in the team and you're a Tank, start off with 2 Taunting styles (or 3).
They can Debuff the mob with nasty poisons, making it easier to kill.

Cabbys cant do anything.
Cabbys can Debuff Str/Dex, making the mob hit not as hard, not as often.
They can transfer their own HP onto the poor Cleric who just had to use his Instaheal and thus got waaaay up on the aggro list.
After that they grab some HP off of the mob you are fighting and do not need any heals.
They can, with their baseline root, act as secondary CC (or primary, I've been in a Treegroup in Lyonesse with a Cabby as Primiary CCer. Worked like a charm).

Paladins are gimps.
Paladins got Healchant, combine with a fast swinging sword and you have the best Peeler around.
Paladins got Damchant, which is something all melee'ers out there love.
Paladins are most often specced S/S, something the poor armsman wielding a Pole love (PallyX blocked BigBadMonsters attack against you.).
Paladins have Healchant (again). Whip out the Crossbow and the Healchant kicks in, lowering downtime in a healerless group.

That was the "Whineclasses", now onto the Polearmsman, which I play...

We dont hit a lot of times, but we hit bloody 'ard!
We take lots of hits and laugh while still standing.
But we cant protect ourselves, so we need someone to Guard us (S/S Pally this way please. Damchant please. I love you Mr. pally, thank you. Oh.. downtime. Healchant please. Thank you.).


1) i hit things
2) i hit things hard
3) i parry alot
4) i throw mud in yer eyes if you piss me off
and finally:-
5) i hit things

erm that about covers it 4 me :m00:

SoulFly Amarok

Paladin's are far from being gimped. <- = .


I can offer hot choco and crispy vanilla cookies, no healer will EVER get in a group faster than me!!


I can get several groups lost in Yggdra!




And all that you talked about is not much need in RvR..

Oh Terron, you must be kidding!

Amnesia! It has a long a range as nearsight and, if you spam it, can effectively shut down the casters and archers in the enemy ranks by constantly interrupting them so they can't cast or shoot.

Debuffs.....if used together they can effectively root an opponent, particularly if they are carrying seige gear.

Oh... and no-one mentioned the cabbies nearsight.......


Wizies are the best at this, Im only second rate but I die well to sb's. If I had started a wiz I would die quicker, Im seriously thinking about a re-roll.


I guess my main point was to get people to explain their characters more for xp groups than for RvR. Xp groups tend to be more selective than RvR groups. High level people are usually always accepted into groups if they group has the room, but a similiar level asking an xp group for room might get turned down.. And i think it mainly due to ignorance. Yes in RvR i sit there and cc til im blue in the face (ie dead) or until i get as many mezzed as possible.... but in xp groups my role isnt quite like that..

F.ex an infil recently got turned down from a DF group i was in because the leader of the group was looking for a nuker instead... (am i wrong, or cant infils do as much damage, if not close to, nukers? they arent a bad substitute)
So was hoping to get some of the lesser known and lesser able to get groups classes to post what their abilities are in xp groups. How they can benefit the group, how much damage they actually do do.

Wyleia Mythweaver
50th Sorc of The 30


My Cabby is only level 29, but I've already come to appreciate it's versatility.

I can pull long range with Nearsight. This has the added bonus of forcing caster mobs closer before they can let loose.

I can debuff pretty good.

I can cast a pretty good DoT.

I can transfer health to fellow players in an emergency.

My pet can be used to intercept mezz resistant mobs. It can also be used for healer/caster protection.

Playing solo, I have a number of helpful tools:

I can steal health from any mob to top up my own (passing greys are a favourite).

My pets damage shield is awesome. I can send it into a crowd of mobs, and watch them kill themselves.

I can kill my pet if I REALLY need power quick (plus there's the old Amber pet create/kill tip for quick power top-up.

If things get really tough, I can leg it and leave my faithful pet to fight to the death :)

Of course the fact that a cabby can be useful in a group doesn't seem to register with a lot of players. If Warcry et al say it's gimped, they don't want one in their group. But I don't care.... with my pet I am a mini group all by myself.

As for RvR... A pet isn't really required, though a poison proc one could be useful for preventing stealthers from hiding. Nearsight is a good tool, and the debuffs/DoT apply just as well as PvE.

I've only been refused entry into a group on a couple of occasions, and both times I've been rather glad. I don't really want to play with people who are led by the opinions of others, rather than by their own experiences and common sense.

Now my Wizard... he gets major Lurve from the masses, but that's only because they WANT something from him :)


I can break mezzes, but this isn't really a class thing; more of a Vincible thing.

Oh, and this one time, at treecamp, I was crowdcontrol with my SHIELD! That's right, with my.. shield! Rar!


Caessa isnt really sure what she brings to groups and what she has to offer..apart from once, going from 20-24 in one day, <Jadow come back i miss you already> she never once grouped. Ever.

But hey, thats scouts for you. Actually...wait...thats my job!

I'm Caessa. I'm a scout. I make everyone else look good.



You meant PvE, and here i was thinking you were on about RvR

okay, here goes...

Gal blows shit up in PvE too :D



I'm a scout. I make everyone else look good.


Haha, quote of the day ;D


one of the major upside to the caba is that no one really know what they do, so you are not expected to take a certain role in the group.

I can't talk for the matter cabas, but my role in a group can be extreemly big or very small depending on the size and classes in the group.

IMO, the body caba works best in small, or unbalanzed groups.

In these groups I will heal, CC, let my pet tank, debuff or nuke depending on what type of char is needed.

It is not that dificult to transfer life without getting killed, you just have to know what you are doing!

In bigger groups, my pet will most often work at protection for me or extra CC if needed. My role there will be to mainly nuke and debuff, but also I have often commited suicide to save the group. It is very true that chain "healing" will give you a crazy ammount of aggro, but sometimes that is needed to save the cleric. Keep in mind that the cleric can't chain-insta. I have saved the cleric (and thereby the group) many times by doing this.

The caba is THE char for small groups, it is sort of an all-in-one char and if the player knows how to do it right, it will make you feel at least 2 man stronger.

My damage is not nearly as good as the elementalist's, but with my body-resist debuff, i can add about 100dmg + i can cast my DoT which gives around 60-80 if im not mistaken.

I think the caba is one of the best chars you can ever have in a small or unbalanzed group. In well-balanzed groups we dont have much to do, but hey! How often do you find one of those?

Most of what I have said here has already been told, but it is very important that you keep in mind that I have been talking about the body caba.

/Ziera - lvl 50 body/spirit caba


Debuffs = Useless in PvE.
At least these shitty post-1.36 debuffs.

Infs can tank with 300 Qui 300 Dex, Dodger 5 and 6s PBT and a 42shield Scout guarding.


Originally posted by kr0n
Debuffs = Useless in PvE.
At least these shitty post-1.36 debuffs.

Really? Odd that. If I attack-speed debuff a telamon, I can tank it solo with my staff. Strange that "useless debuff".

Not much discussion of Theurgists, we are more than PBT .. honest! This is my take on the class benefits given my own spec (points in all lines). A side note too - I _hate_ passive Theurgists!


- Group BT spammed gives you a 4 second bladeturn in

- attack speed debuff for pulling and keeps slow mobs hitting over the 8 sec pbt

- arms buff

- Pets for pulling. An Earthen pet is wonderful for pulling BAF mobs into tight groups for wizards Aoe DDs. Their range is 1850 too. 3 Armsbuffed Earthen pets will take down most yellow cons (and they don't argue about loot splits)

- Ice Pets interrupt caster mobs

- 3-4 Air pets will often stun mobs and keep them docile

- Root pulls are one of the safest pro-active forms of CC.

- Aoe Root

- AoE mezz (not to be underestimated, a lifesaver in DF for instance)

- gimp-speed

- Nukes : Between Air and Ice, there are few mobs resistant

- Finally and most importantly, Tanking! We are _uber_ tanks :)


Originally posted by LunarDarkShadow
Amnesia! It has a long a range as nearsight and, if you spam it, can effectively shut down the casters and archers in the enemy ranks by constantly interrupting them so they can't cast or shoot.
Not really. I got chain spammed with this by a sorc on my alt and just stood and cast nearsight on her (no quickcast needed). :p
nearsight > amnesia. :)

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