What class should i be and why?



well, this is basicly a thread for me (and other noobs) to find out from the players of them what the class plays like, is like at RvR and so on. if this has already been done sorry, but i have not found a char i am totaly hooked on yet, and this might help.


tell us what you like doing and we'll give you more info.
(eg tank, support class, magic user,...)
stating all the pro's and cons of all classes is really to much typing work for your's truly .


weeellll. i would like to get a group easy, do ok solo, and not be a healer. any ideas?



Originally posted by Mousey
Thane or Skald

I just love my thane and with a few skald and a healer we will stand against most threats, with all new resist...

Hmmm, maybe not all the time... :)


alb : i'd say minstrel (groupfriendly rvr-machine, rule in pve != suck in pvp) or theurg (super solo abilities, pbt for easy groups at higher level but less solo rvr viability)

mid : skald (super solo abilities, rather high rvr viability, good group possibilities) , runemaster (pbt for groups , decent solo),

hib : enchanter ? ( solo is ok with pet and speccing right will get you in pbae groups) , tbh i don't have too much experience in hib


i would like to get a group easy, do ok solo, and not be a healer.

Hmmm plate tanks (armsman and paladin) get groups easely, but pally is rather gimpy at RvR. From the mages (earth) theurgists and (mind) sorcs get groups easiest, and especially sorcerer is a valid RvR char, though as a sorc you'll only get easy groups at higher lvls. From the rogue classes only minstrel should be an option.

So I guess : armsman, (earth) theurgist or minstrel, though the last one isn't the greatest soloer around.


hee hee,

Can open.....

Worms, everywhere....


the question you ask is WAY to open. It's kinda like saying 'what films do you like' to the enitre population of the world.

My answer to you is, read the manual, and decide what type of character suits how you play/personality best.

Start with the basics - do you wanna be a fighter, a mage, etc...

Then narrow it down - eg: I wanna be a fighter... OK, do you wanna be an out out and heavy hitter? someone who can handle 3/4/5/6 mobs on him to save the group?

From this point, I would suggest going to Google and searching for "DAoC <character type>" and having a read up on the advantages and disadvantages. I recommend reading OFFICIAL stuff first to get knowledge, and ONLY THEN, read peoples opinions.

I have found, if you read players opions first, people will then automatically NOT choose a character because someone has slagged it off. (Human nature - you will avoid something if told to you by enough people)

ALWAYS look for the positive sides to the character - there are many arguments for and against EVERY type of character.

I shall stop the advice there, and post my *personal* opinions of what I have played below - and remember, don't listen to me, until you have sought official material (thats the stuff that will make you go "hmmm...I like the sound of that"

All characters are Albion characters -

Armsman aka Tank (Fighter) - love him!!! Advantages are that you can really help the group out by pulling the aggro off pretty much ANYTHING (so long as you play him right). And if you like getting toe to toe with the enemy. Hit points galore, a big sword, and SPANK!!! Disadvantages - hmm... very little damage compared to mage spells (I generally hit for about 10 to 20% of a yellow mobs HP per hit, and a mage will do maybe 1/3rd to a half a bar of HP) getting mezzed in RvR (man what a pain!!)

I personally like this best as I like to get up front and personal with the enemy!!

Scout (Rogue) - I am SO enjoying this atm. Advantages - taking things out from a distance!! ACE!! you can pull faces and swear at the enemy and it'll be dead before it gets to you!! Stealth, I am loving this!!! running through mobs without them aggroing you, thanks to stealth, I have MANY more shortcuts across the realm... Disadvanges - not enough HP, a couple of hits, and BLAMMO, you is one dead scout. (for reference, see hidden ISN'T a disadvantage, it is another players ADvantage) also when stealthed, you run slower than a slow thing who comes from the world of slow.

Cleric (Acolyte) - hmmm..still undecided - Advantages - you can BUFF everyone!!! you HEAL them!!! what more do you want??? Disadvantages - (remember, personal opinion) BORING!!!! I wanna FIGHT, I get bored to easy, thus a support class like this isn't really my thing.. but it make a change now and again to play him

Theurgist (Elementalist?? cant remember off hand) - Make a nice change - Advantages well, a superb soloer if you like time to yourself now and again, summoning is ace (i love summoning pets in D&D too!!) and can pretty much do it all himself. Disadvantages - waiting for mana to regen...again, BORING!!! and as a caster, cloth armour please, which mean low HP and a couple of hits... time for /release

Anyway, those are the things I have played/am playing and my opinions.

Good luck to you Keoess and to all the newbies that come to the game, good hunting and remember, don't go for the hardest hitting most uber character there is... go for something that sparks a bit of imagination, and a bit of fun... and most important, something you ENJOY!!!!

Thanks for listening!



Thanks man, i made a minstrel armsman and cleric all to lvl 6, and i must say i still cant decide. minstral for grps is ok but i dunno what it would be like at RvR (just found out bout low lvl battle grounds :p) and arms man..humm dunno bout RvR, if i go sword and sheild will it be ok? cleric...nice smite and ok heal...i agree is boring for some reasone tho. ok, anymore ideas would be appreciated


if I were you I would go for polearm on the armsman. Sure, it might not be that fantastic in PvE but in RvR it's nice as hell. You do ALOT of damage with this.


Originally posted by klavrynd
alb : i'd say minstrel (groupfriendly rvr-machine, rule in pve != suck in pvp)
Why have I read all those "nerf minstrels" threads then... they have seemed to be very good solo RvR'ers and thus good in PvP.


My minstrel guildbuddy (levelish 47 or so) suck at PvE. He doesn't use charm at all tho so all saying that minstrels 'rule' in PvE must be using that ... or they are just plain wrong. HE can't take a blue-con mob without using instas and risking death every time. BUT, minstrels never really need to solo since they are very group-friendly :)


Well yeah... group-friendly indeed... especially pre-1.48 at the gobbos. Now I don't know since I have been busy in the battlegrounds.
Still, minstrels are quite good at RvR?


Elf rangers can't fight, can't nuke, can't run and can't get groups, but we are the sexiest.

Alrindel Arrowsong, 40+ Elf Cosantoir of Love

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Alrindel
Elf rangers can't fight, can't nuke, can't run and can't get groups, but we are the sexiest.

Alrindel Arrowsong, 40+ Elf Cosantoir of Love

Alrindel... always good for a joke. We all know that Kobold Hunters are the sexiest creatures in DAoC (not speaking about troll women... :))
5 feet of pure, lava-like love:


Elves look like something dead and fishy :)
[EDIT] And what is a cosantoir? Sounds like something you eat for breakfast?

Yours croissantoir eating,




Damn that kobold looks dumb, like some... blue lollypop.


The only thing that looks funnier than a kobold is a kobold with an arrow sticking out of each eye socket.

Smurfs aren't sexy.


Bahahha.... smurfs.... lurikeens are like stickmen... small and a huge head.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Bah!:) I have one word for you guys: jealousy.
And if there is one realm with the ugliest and plainest looking skins.. then it's Albion.

/decides to use killrobot on SFXMAN and Alrindel

Keep it up SFX.. and I will put you in the Pokeball again...

Yours Pokèmaster,



Can only post from my personal point of view.

Healers - kick ass class....Cant solo for nothing but who cares people 10 levels above you will want you in their group. The crowd control, combined with chain armour make these guys crowd control maesters. RVR - you are limited to doing basics like rezzing and aoe mezzing/stuns. It gets dull as dishwater in rvr. If you want some offensive capabilities i believe a pure smite cleric is quite (erm whats the words you kids use again....) Uber.

Shadowblades - My sb truly came to life with the introduction of the battlegrounds. He is only level 28 but he has had a right laugh so far. Finding groups to PVE is tuff unless you start them yourself. The nerves really jangle when you are in the middle of enemy lines trying to find the best target for that big perferate artery first hit - TOP Laugh. If you insist on alb then the infi is just as good with the extra spec points but the use of a two handed weapon for a crit strike is a big bonus- at the moment!!

I am considering starting a full stealth full bow scout on excalibur just for the battlegrounds myself - im sure sfxman would like to comment (he usually does :) ).

BTW anyone got a friar or have any opinions on Friars - i like the sound of bokking people with a big stick.


Yup, I have a friar... GREAT class to play. Been very good in the BG so far.... today some 2h norse with stun came along and I was VERY close to killing him but I fumbled around with my fingers and pressed the wrong button thus not getting my counter evade+stun combo in, that would've settled it.
Hunters, I can out-damage a hunter spear, fairly nice... killed some yellow fighter class troll one time aswell so yeah... the friar is quite nice. Plus I think the moves are the coolest in the game! :D


Originally posted by Keoess
Thanks man, i made a minstrel armsman and cleric all to lvl 6, and i must say i still cant decide. minstral for grps is ok but i dunno what it would be like at RvR (just found out bout low lvl battle grounds :p) and arms man..humm dunno bout RvR, if i go sword and sheild will it be ok? cleric...nice smite and ok heal...i agree is boring for some reasone tho. ok, anymore ideas would be appreciated

The Cleric is more fun as ur smite get higher and the groups your in start to include a BT thurg cause you do less healing and more smite/stun/mez etc.

Minstrel is gr8 RvR. You have stealth so you can solo if you want and cause you have speed you're always wanted in groups. It's not bad solo v's mobs either I got mine to 28 without really grouping at all you just need to find mobs that r weak 2 ur attacks.

Armsman is ok as sword and sheild RvR but think u'd be better off with a pole.

If you want to try another char try a Sorc or a Thurg both usefull RvR and PvE (you might struggle for grps a bit early on though)


Tip: pick a class because it sounds cool :) don't pick a class because people say it's uber at XX.

Pick something you like doing - if you don't wanna heal, don't go a cleric (or if you do, go a smite cleric and be despised for not healing ;))

People who pick a class because it's the best out there often get dissilusioned because either it's not as good as people say it is (or they expect it is after reading what people say) or it IS too powerful and gets nerfed.

Then again I'm weird ;) I went for merc/earth wiz/cabalist and finally a sorceror :) (tempted to go matter sorceror since matter is the crap sorc line ;))


Fingoniel nice post... although the scout is very good I picked it because I have ALWAYS loved sniping in any game I have played... it feels so natural.
The friar I picked because he was cool... and I LOVE the class! Same with my CRUSH merc... much cooler than the usual tank or even usual merc... v.good choice imho. Last but not least my 2h Crush Paladin called Cannabis... wonder if I was under the influence of the similar named substance when I made him because although he is great fun he aint too good.


Yeah I wish I'd gone crush with Fing at the start... if everyone wasn't threatening to respec crush I might do it meself :)

Nowt wrong with going a scout SFXMan... just the people that start alt scouts expecting the moon on a stick (which they get for a while still...) will be disappointed later.


Right, these battle grounds sound gr8 fun, so meis gonna be making a inf, as they sound cool. hope to see you on the battle ground ;).


Be a paladin because we are warriors of God, the spreaders of light and all that is good in the world. Wherever there is sadness we bring joy, wherever there is suffering we bring hope.

We are honour incarnate!

But we cant pull shit.

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