What class is Veeshan?



I have plenty of screenshots... but no server and no proper programs to fix them to more useful format...


ummmmmmm i am really sick of this cheating whining now - plz stop it - ok ive witnessed some wallbuggers too and ?
some ppl prefer to play and they do it pretty good and some
ppl prefer whining in forums or on irc - that truly s00ks guys
:puke: :puke: :puke:

play the game - have fun or stop it its that easy.
to be honest i would be tempted to try all possibilites from where to ae mezz too if i got a highlvl mezzing class like sorc - well i know tons of bugs how to go in/onto walls etc but luckily i cant abuse it with my melee zerker ;)


Drop dead Kithara m´kay? I didn´t waste my time to lvl character to lvl 50 and then see game ruined by cheaters...

So you would cheat if possible... intresting... in FPS games you use aimbot etc.? And its ok to you because-? Spying must your idea of fair game too... to know everything in advance and that sort of stuff.... main idea is that you "rule"? As long as i see cheaters i will whine of them as much as i want to... many good games have been ruined by such people.

And i want no credit given to those kind of people. Just flame me all you want to.


Veeshan abused the xploit once, and got flamed like a roasten pig. Especially from hibs! Ive been wall-hacked from so damn many hibs now, so just stfu and fix ur own ppl thanks!


No... my ppl lag through because albzerks and eh... im not accusing just albs... but if i see a hib doing this... i will take nice screenshot and report it vía rightnow as well... cheating should not be encouraged by defending ppl of own realm.


Agree Uncle Sam, cheating will ruin it for everyone in the long run. I think Veeshan has been reported for this, and will probably be temp-banned for this - just like Nolbypridez was.

But these "who gives a shit about his rank, he's been cheating" its not the right way to flame ppl. Veeshan is very active in RvR and as a good player and mezzer, u gain rps fast if u can play it right. So please, report cheating instead of bringing it up here, it only ruins the community more


As I said, until I myself see any proof of a cheater I keep my mouth shut. If I see anything, I`ll ss it and post it both here and send goa a notification.


l000sers, and whiners
wallbug - was payback for hibbs exploiters, used 1 time to show u our perfomance, and we werent banned for that
Veeshan got his RR5.X without any exploit, only with perfect playing

to Uncle Sal: lol i 1st time see u guy, u whining so a lot, that means u sucker at RvR... i never seen any *whine* threads from elite hibbs and midds, go lvl n00b, when u have group of 45+th hibbs u can own Veeshan and post there screenshot, till u do it - STFU and GFY...

whining - ability of loosers - remember it

3L5 Albion Cleric [stopped playing for 2 months, vacation]


Nice one Torquemada.. would expect you to use such language and defend cheaters. Fine im a "n00b". I am gimped Enchanter lvl 50 with no aoe damage/mez whatsoever... and im also RR3 L5 or L6 if i remember correctly... and i easily own any single target i can target...

You did it because we did it first... *yawn*... grow up ok? I still didnt do it after i had 10 walks to Dun Ailinne... and if you didnt get banned GOA is way too soft since they are propably afraid of loosing more and more paying customers they will loose anyway if they cant give us GM´s...


well tbh

hibs did it lots to us

didnt get banned


ergo is very tepmting to do it back isnt it...

old.Machiavelli npv

There's plenty of proof of Veeshan using wall bugs. I have 2 screen shots of Veeshan coming out of the wall at Ailienne.

One is in front of a closed gate after the keep has been taken on the inside and fighting players inside, so it clearly isn't lag. I guess Veeshan must have used his infiltrator ability to climb the wall and stealth until just the right moment.

Whats the point of posting screenshots when they will just be met with excuses like: oh he could have run through the door at the last moment or parachuted in SAS style ...

This hibs did/albs did so we can do it is tiresome. No, hibs or albs didn't do it. A number of players from those realms perhaps did.

The issue is whether GOA are going to take this seriously and institute perma bans.


Machiavelli - Level 50 Eldritch

(npv = Non Plagiarised Version.)

*Na Fianna* Hibernia , Excalibur.


Originally posted by Saborion
As far as I know the quickcast is non-interuptable...

Its interuptable in 3 or more ways.

1. the enemy gets out of range and/or sight.

2. You get mezed/stunned

3. something your group is fighting dies during the cast and the spell is "canceled"... Its a new feature in 1.45 to "save power" when xping so not to waste power.. you can test it by duing 2 pbae chanters and masskiling yellows... quickcast gets interupted every other time because of this "feature".. sucks.

Edit: btw you guys.. want a tip? do like me.. get capped energy resists ;) you won't regret it :D


I was replying to Subbiz post about thanes insta-spells to interupt the mez with. A thane can not interupt a qc.


I am getting very tired of accusations of bugexploits and cheats without evidence.

Sal and Mach:
If u have all those screenies, send them to me at claudi@aclaudi.dk and I will put them up for u.
If not : STFU

Another thing, instead of whining, u should report it on RightNow with screenies included - and then gloat like hell when Veeshan gets banned.

old.Machiavelli npv

Well actually the statement of a person who witnessed the event is evidence. :p

Screenshots are not hard evidence (for the reasons outlined above).

FYI the matter was reported via Right Now and is being investigated by GOA.


Machiavelli - Level 50 Eldritch

(npv = Non Plagiarised Version.)

*Na Fianna* Hibernia , Excalibur.



Statements from unwilling observers can be taken into account, but is not immediately to be considered evidence.

I doubt anyone participating in this game could claim unwillingness and objectivity, hence its not evidence.

What u are saying would mean that if I proclaimed I had seen u use bug XX, then it is to be considered evidence and u should be punished.



how missed this Post!
Time to answer :
1. to this thane who " killed " me
yea bro you did well with 10 spreaded green/gray adds i wasnt able to mez all and got interrupted by they low damage but still hits . dont tell plz they are lvl 15 ;) most were green and that about 33-36lvls or so.
Salazar you feed me up with your stupidy lol
i used wall-bug i got reported i got suspensed for 3 days
sure thing i never used it again b/c i dont want to get Bann
here is Ctrl-V ed mail from GoA "
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Response (CS) - 06/11/2002 04:08 PM
> Greetings Ilia.
> We have recieved numerous reports about you exploiting the keep wall bug the
5-6-02. We have investigated the issue and found that you have breached the
Code of Conduct which you agreed to when you first started Dark Age of Camelot.
> Your account will be suspended for 3 days. If you repeatedly break the CoC
your account will be permanently banned. Consider this your only warning.
> If you have anything to say regarding this incident, follow up to this
message in RightNow.
> Regards,
> ---------------------------------------------
> European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support
3. yo Darkelf : maybe you want a duel ?


And the odd part is, I was supposed to live inside the walls but no one has a screenshot of it, or even any else proof than Veeshan saying "I KNOW YOU DID IT!", and I havent gotten any warning mails or suspensions :p


To Elessias

did you seen SS of me being in wall??
i didnt see em too ;/
but suspension happened anyway:)
so lets dont argue about it:)
also yes i know you was in wall and sure thing nobody could SS you b/c you was one of first ( or even first ) who did it
when it became famous you stopped to do it and Mallus screenshoted others sadly not you ;/
means you arent stupid like most of hib-flamers who like to post here :)


I've seen a SS of you in the wall and the rest .... well obviously since you say so.


I was Dumb and wasnt first :)
you wasnt Dumb and was first :)
that is it

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