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FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
yay noisia yay :D

Honestly, don't even get me started. They send me spastic.

You Dutchies make some great DnB. A load of fantastic producers from there.

We should move England to the coast of Holland and merge countries tbh. Then we get your hot wimmens, drugs and liberalism and you get some fucking scenery. And better food.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
We should move England to the coast of Holland and merge countries tbh. Then we get your hot wimmens, drugs and liberalism and you get some fucking scenery. And better food.

Dutch girls aren't particularly hot tbh. Drugs is a thing of the past: I see more open drucks uuuuse when I go to exotic foreign places like London than I do standing outside a coffee shop tbh. Dutch liberalism is just a facade for state run fascism tbh. For scenery I go to Scotland. And dude, seriously, English food sucks goat balls. It probably IS goat balls.

Damn I'm a negative, whiny bitch these days!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Have you actually been to a good British/English restaurant? I'm talking proper food here, foo'. Our food is fantastic.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Have you actually been to a good British/English restaurant? I'm talking proper food here, foo'. Our food is fantastic.
What 'good' food do we have that we didn't steal in some way? If you're going to have a 'good British meal' you go to some grimy pub with a proper 'lad' atmosphere, or sit on the beach in the pouring rain with some chips in a bag.

No sarcasm intended.

It's like I was chatting to a bunch of indian lads the other night who I went out with, was talking about food, as you do, and they all agreed the best Indian was in some grotty shit hole of a ex-working mans club, that used to have strippers, and advised not to take your family.

But on a whole, I'm so god damn impressed with 'British' Food - Even though it's not technically ours, we have a fantastic array of foods and restaurants, the joys of multiculturalism, and you don't really get better than Leicester where the Whites are or are becoming a minority, seriously, it's great.

I mean, when you go to Crete, and you go to the 'Best Pizza place on Crete' (Yes, you shouldn't but it was near the airport, and we were going home, just needed something to eat quickly and it was suggested to us by a number of locals etc, probably trolling) and it's pretty much a microwaved pizza, solid base, no taste etc, it makes you feel a bit more grateful of Britain :)
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Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
the only thing I tend to like about British food is that they don't fuck up their portions like the Dutch do:

Dutch meal:


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
the only thing I tend to like about British food is that they don't fuck up their portions like the Dutch do:

Dutch meal:
Probably said this before, best curry I ever had, was around a mates house - veg curry, was amazing.

Meat gets over-rated more ingredients you find ;)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
It's like I was chatting to a bunch of indian lads the other night who I went out with, was talking about food, as you do, and they all agreed the best Indian was in some grotty shit hole of a ex-working mans club, that used to have strippers, and advised not to take your family.

last time I was in London on business, the trip had actually spawned from the curry craving that a programming mate and I had. we flew over for a curry, but left things too late boozing up with our counterparts in LDN and were forced to visit Brick Lane after said 'parts wussed out and went home. First we walked about a bit. Then we got several gentlemen to almost have a fight by comparing their Restaurant's business cards against each other and fled across the street only to be sucked in to a fairly busy but otherwise unremarkable place by an extremely competent door man who took one look at us, assesed the situation correctly and had us inside and tucking in to onion baaji's and papadums in no time at all. also, he promised us free drinks for the duration of the meal which proved how good he was since it was boiling hot inside and we insta-switched to light beers, soft drinks and water. bunch of pussies we were too. doorman's assessment proved 100% correct.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
last time I was in London on business, the trip had actually spawned from the curry craving that a programming mate and I had. we flew over for a curry, but left things too late boozing up with our counterparts in LDN and were forced to visit Brick Lane after said 'parts wussed out and went home. First we walked about a bit. Then we got several gentlemen to almost have a fight by comparing their Restaurant's business cards against each other and fled across the street only to be sucked in to a fairly busy but otherwise unremarkable place by an extremely competent door man who took one look at us, assesed the situation correctly and had us inside and tucking in to onion baaji's and papadums in no time at all. also, he promised us free drinks for the duration of the meal which proved how good he was since it was boiling hot inside and we insta-switched to light beers, soft drinks and water. bunch of pussies we were too. doorman's assessment proved 100% correct.

Yeah, that's it, it's great, when you go to a restaurant, it's clear that they're there to make the money, and not for the service, which sucks, after talking to these lads, I basically found out the reason the shitter places are, usually better the food was because it was due to illegal immigrants coming, going to places like that, being able to take all the money from the food they sold, (since drink was the main reason going to the place at the time) so the owners were like yeah, sure, what ever, word spread, then they were loaded, went back home rich peeps :p


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
You need to go to better restaurants/not be such a pussy.
I ask you again, what good 'British' restaurants are out there, are you just on about restaurants in Britain? :p

If you want to a good pizza, there could be a San Carlos in London town, there's rumours it's ran by a mafia family ;)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
It makes me sad that so many people have no clue about how excellent the produce and food we produce actually are.

Why do you think we have such a high amount of fine dining and Michelen star restaurants in the country for our size? We're one of the world leaders in excellent food and yet people still cling on to ancient notions of pie and mash (while yummy) and fish and chips (also yummy), refusing to actually LOOK and EAT at places that do excellent stuff.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Why do you think we have such a high amount of fine dining and Michelen star restaurants in the country for our size?

because there are loads of french, asian and italian resto's in the UK run by foreign chefs?

just kidding. if you can recommend me a good, decently priced "British" restaurant in London, I vow to try it next time I'm there.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I know we do brilliant food, but I'm saying most of it does not originate from the UK, most of those restaurants have like italian, indian etc influences.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Fucking hell stop talking about foreign food. I'm not fucking discussing foreign food. STOP BRINGING IT UP.

"Most of those restaurants" - really? Did you count? Have you looked at their menus? Or are you talking LIQUID ARSE JUICE AS NORMAL?


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Fucking hell stop talking about foreign food. I'm not fucking discussing foreign food. STOP BRINGING IT UP.

"Most of those restaurants" - really? Did you count? Have you looked at their menus? Or are you talking LIQUID ARSE JUICE AS NORMAL?

Yeah, I looked at a few of their pages actually, and yes, most of them did note they had numerous influences from abroad, and from what TDC was saying, he was referring to actual British food, which 'originates' from the UK, which is your Sunday roast, fish 'n' chips etc.

You can't serve a pizza in a restaurant in the UK and say, look, brilliant food from the UK, when it's not.

If you look at most of the chefs training etc, most of them would have been from abroad, not in the UK.

You really are a miserable sod.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not miserable it's just clear as fucking day you've never actually been to a British restaurant that serves British food because you don't seem to know what it actually is.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I'm not miserable it's just clear as fucking day you've never actually been to a British restaurant that serves British food because you don't seem to know what it actually is.

Examples then?

Maybe your crusade to make yourself look superior could stop for a minute to give them? :)

Oh, and you are miserable, always have been

I was asking a question; I didn't think there was any proper British restaurant quality food that do not have major influences from abroad, and you just answered by flaming, standard.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Rather miserable than be a completely ignorant little prickshit that doesn't even understand the country they live in. I don't have time to educate you on this, since it would clearly take a fucking age due to the fact you a) don't want to believe we have a great culture of great food and b) only ever apply your narrow, inexperience world viewpoint into everything, not realising how much there is out there.

At times it's really, really evident by your posting that you're a youngun. That in itself is no bad thing, but when you're acting like you actually know shit and all you ever do is try and shoehorn your own experiences into things that aren't actually relevant it's a little saddening.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I live in a City, quite a large City, I've been a lot of the restaurants in this City, and the surrounding towns & villages, I've been to a few multiple course meals, not once have I seen high quality food which has not got foreign influence, that is what I'm asking, is there any foods out there with no foreign influence that can truly be called British food, but you clearly don't want to answer my question for some odd reason, you just have to flip it around as a insult, but if you wish to continue to believe that you're putting me down by coming back with the same thing over and over again, I'll entertain that, since I'll make someone happy.

Not the first time I've noticed this, that I put an opinion, a few times agreeing with someones point of view, and you responding with abuse and swearing, as I said, it's standard stuff, I tend to believe it's because I am younger, so therefore you don't need to respect me, but you need to respect those your own age, yet, I'm not disrespecting anyone, Funny world.

Anyway, back to music;

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FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Can a mod delete the last few posts, really what the fuck does this have to do with music.



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
That's completely unreadable.

If you want to be educated on good British food you can't just ask someone to tell you about it. What are you hoping for, a spoonfed powerpoint presentation? There is no substitute for going to a good restaurant that serves seasonal and local food and seeing what it's about yourself. If you don't do that then you don't EVER stand a hope in understanding our food culture and what it is.

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