What are the fixed groups left?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 10, 2004
Most good fixed groups/players already left daoc, Public Enemies, Eclipse, Maelstrom, Midget Mafia (was loong ago) from prydwen. Think the standard on players/skill is much lower now then before.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Well your group is kinda KoS ever since those little 'accidents' :rolleyes:
No offence but when we are fighting near the graveyard if your group is passing you add 100% of the time so you had this comming.

Little accidents? Are you refering to when you broke the no add truce ? Stated in my post that its fine by me if you want to play like morons, but just dont come here claiming to do stuff you dont. A bit amusing that you never add on anyone and yet there are others than me who obviously have experienced different. Must be a conspiracy then I guess!

Sorry if I am mistaken but have you not recently just joined AoD as well?


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
pjuppe said:
the usual grp (purple zergers or what you called yourselves:)) or a new one?
Used to call ourselves that aye - the new name is a running joke from our TS - private joke. Mostly the same faces with some on different chars (three people fiddling with which alt to RP pl next)


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Steveh said:
saw some random albs and decided to add. after then i saw everyone in the same guild . damn guys get some proper collor if you runing coz your collors sux ,sorry for the adding its not happen anymore.

and hiu2 to the kids who spamed ffs retards before we cast anything

i haven't been active enough to get a taste of AoD yet, so i don't know much about the grp other than you're quite high RR and you seem to have an adding reputation. you seem like nice ppl that try to play ''fair'' (bad choise of words but i hope the meaning get's through) and i think that's why this post puzzels me.

you saw some ''random'' albs and decided to add? well, in my oppion either you add or you don't add. doesn't matter if it's a fixed grp or not. accidents happen but to add just because their are random?

the argument that most random albgrps add on you so you returned the favor doesn't really work either, i think, since you mostly destroy the fight for the mids/hibs than the albs who you're trying to get back on.

or maybe just try to be the bigger man. the game would be alot better if more ppl tried that approach.

TheBinarySurfer said:
Used to call ourselves that aye - the new name is a running joke from our TS - private joke. Mostly the same faces with some on different chars (three people fiddling with which alt to RP pl next)

see you out in the frontiers then in some shape :)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Coldbeard said:
Little accidents? Are you refering to when you broke the no add truce ? Stated in my post that its fine by me if you want to play like morons, but just dont come here claiming to do stuff you dont. A bit amusing that you never add on anyone and yet there are others than me who obviously have experienced different. Must be a conspiracy then I guess!

Sorry if I am mistaken but have you not recently just joined AoD as well?

Well I am tired of this chicken and the egg discussion, fact is (even when I wasn't in AoD yet) we tried to not add on anyone but if groups from Mid/Hib don't care about that then it's open season on them and that's fine by me.
And when we were fighting your group near Crauchon tower I didn't saw anyone from your group back off when another group of Hibs came from behind, quite the opposit actually as most of you were running towards the tower and ran strait back when the other Hibs came from behind.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Coldbeard said:
Little accidents? Are you refering to when you broke the no add truce ? Stated in my post that its fine by me if you want to play like morons, but just dont come here claiming to do stuff you dont. A bit amusing that you never add on anyone and yet there are others than me who obviously have experienced different. Must be a conspiracy then I guess!

Sorry if I am mistaken but have you not recently just joined AoD as well?

I ran with Casuals group alot in past and Severance group added on us multiple times when fighting against hibs, Gamah's reply most the time was "when did i say i dont add?"

So how can your group now complain if someone does it back?

I hate people adding into good group fights.. or solo fights for that matter. When i played guild and group chat and also alliance chat was full of my foul language cursing the adding c***'s but against groups with Gamah in i see it as fair game. When running solo around agramon if i saw gamah group fighting someone i would go along and just spam pets on him before running off simply for that reason :p

So before you go arguing with people about adding you should sort out your own groups attitude maybe so that they dont piss people off and get you added on. Another person that was prone to pissing people off was Niko, and in return he got his GG added on by others. He argued a non adding policy and yet he would constantly add on every fight when he wasnt in a GG.


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Adding posts are sooooo zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Corran said:
I ran with Casuals group alot in past and Severance group added on us multiple times when fighting against hibs, Gamah's reply most the time was "when did i say i dont add?"

So how can your group now complain if someone does it back?

I hate people adding into good group fights.. or solo fights for that matter. When i played guild and group chat and also alliance chat was full of my foul language cursing the adding c***'s but against groups with Gamah in i see it as fair game. When running solo around agramon if i saw gamah group fighting someone i would go along and just spam pets on him before running off simply for that reason :p

So before you go arguing with people about adding you should sort out your own groups attitude maybe so that they dont piss people off and get you added on. Another person that was prone to pissing people off was Niko, and in return he got his GG added on by others. He argued a non adding policy and yet he would constantly add on every fight when he wasnt in a GG.

doublestandards rox


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
toxii said:
was 2 bards 5 casters 3 druids 3 bms visible that fight, rure's pulled out initially, came b to wipe the floor ;p

damn good fights last night, gif back tuesday action tho :'(

ps: duact m8, less "/y thanks for adding tards" when we just passing next to fight and actually not even stopping to see who's fighting thanks
was blatantly chimp's fault there, he just had to go thru fight !!!!111

generally got useful experiences last night, finally found out what i was doin in my black-outs at noon, that is zerging staj over and over again, and also finding out that albs are zerg-on-sight, since they have 3 relics
too bad i didnt bother to save irc logs :(
its a bit sad tho, that this kind of attitude comes from player who has had our respect in most fg fights for months, and noone else except him and brehon squad shares his opinions :(

well if you group with zerging/adding people, maybe dont whine about adds and reconcider who you invite to your group..


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Corran said:
I ran with Casuals group alot in past and Severance group added on us multiple times when fighting against hibs, Gamah's reply most the time was "when did i say i dont add?"

So how can your group now complain if someone does it back?

I hate people adding into good group fights.. or solo fights for that matter. When i played guild and group chat and also alliance chat was full of my foul language cursing the adding c***'s but against groups with Gamah in i see it as fair game. When running solo around agramon if i saw gamah group fighting someone i would go along and just spam pets on him before running off simply for that reason :p

So before you go arguing with people about adding you should sort out your own groups attitude maybe so that they dont piss people off and get you added on. Another person that was prone to pissing people off was Niko, and in return he got his GG added on by others. He argued a non adding policy and yet he would constantly add on every fight when he wasnt in a GG.

Sigh, thought I made it quite clear in my post that they could add or play how ever they want but just dont come here and claim something else. Please take more time to read the posts before commenting please. This is such old stuff.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Coldbeard said:
Sigh, thought I made it quite clear in my post that they could add or play how ever they want but just dont come here and claim something else. Please take more time to read the posts before commenting please. This is such old stuff.

But arent you complaining about adding and calling the "We dont add on anyone but you" card as well? :p

Maybe it just the way im reading it but that how it seems to be too me.... but you know me :D

Maybe see you in game tonight, thinking of coming back a bit earlier then planned as im bored and depressed... so game cant make me worse... maybe just angry :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Haggus said:
Nah it's all skill xD

Hehe... nah I would like relics to be reset as they obveously give a strong advantage in rvr. Which.... imo is already unbalanced with bainshees and what not. Would like some fights with no relics with your guys. We had some intresting fights.

Though two bainshees in grp is overkill :(

Only had one bainshee last night :<


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
Stallion said:
well if you group with zerging/adding people, maybe dont whine about adds and reconcider who you invite to your group..

like who ? Oo

never thought that was a reason to add on any grp


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Stallion said:
well if you group with zerging/adding people, maybe dont whine about adds and reconcider who you invite to your group..
Who would those people be? You seemed to do a great job at adding in return, surely you're not new to it?


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 10, 2004
groups that plays now suxs, cant compare to le old PE,, MM, EC, Mael ppl. Most good players quit playing this game long ago...


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
tribute said:
groups that plays now suxs, cant compare to le old PE,, MM, EC, Mael ppl. Most good players quit playing this game long ago...

shhh it lets skilless a player like me get some rps.

Shame most of you prydwen'ers never had the joy of meeting Outlaw and Zoyster :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Straef said:
Who would those people be? You seemed to do a great job at adding in return, surely you're not new to it?

I do return favors, yes?


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Stallion said:
I do return favors, yes?

So you were getting revenge.

Well it must have been cloudz who added on you. As you seemed to kill him, then you starting nuking me down (I havn't been on in a few weeks. I don't see how I could of zerged you) so care to explain ? :(a


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Stallion said:
I do return favors, yes?
I guess you're not really fit for soloing, if getting rolled once (tho I can't even recall doing so, but I guess we did) makes you add the way you did ;x

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