Werewolf Werewolf Extreme ; GAME FINSHED


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
I smell an elaborate spin comming on,
and if I go down so be it, but I'm damned well not gonna do it lying down.

so please tell me, how did i lie ???


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Atm i'm damned sure of this much,
one of these are a wolf if not two
mabs, toht or ch3t

now ch3t might just be going on some hunch,
as for toht..who knows,

mabs's vote came flying in with not much of an argumentation


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Seriously did you not read my first post in this thread after going on about me ignoring Toht?

You lied about what I said, and put it in quote boxes to make it look authentic.

Now you may very well not be a wolf, but a villager has no reason to try and set people up like that.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
honestly mabs, unless your a wolf, you might want to think about that,
is there an off chance I'm beeing setup here ? as the wolves dont want to see another nolynch ? and thus are getting more agressive ?

Actually it seems that only aggresive(read as: at all aggressive) people here have been me and Ch3tan.

You had no quarry with the people dying at night.
You've voted the safe vote each time.
You lied at your quote.

I don't know if ch3tan is a wolf or not still, but you claiming that everyone who voted for you is a wolf is desperate at best.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
oh for crying out load!
is THAT what your basing this on ?
thats weak!

Remember that if I die tonight
to me translated into
if I die that prooves it

I did not mark it as a direct quote,
"had i done so and tryed to make it look as such then, sure,
as such
if I die that prooves it

rather I deliberatly left out the QUOTE=Ch3tan;3634442]

what i did was take you comment, and exagurate it to make a bloody point


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Actually it seems that only aggresive(read as: at all aggressive) people here have been me and Ch3tan.

You had no quarry with the people dying at night.
You've voted the safe vote each time.
You lied at your quote.

I don't know if ch3tan is a wolf or not still, but you claiming that everyone who voted for you is a wolf is desperate at best.

so your the only innocent ones, ?

also your claim isnt exactly true is it ?

I've put my self out there, and look what i get for it..
I had a theory about thorwyn, I've even explained it in detail.
I've quetioned you, I called ch3t on his if I die tonight quote,
other have just voted and silently walked away..

atm all i can hope for is that 1 or 2 of you three that have vote are indeed wolves, or I'm toast as soon as they get in town...

with three already on me, ect


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I'm going to unvote olga for now, as I want to wait for what others have to say rather than a very quick lynch on him.

I am aware Olga, that if you are innocent that the wolves have a very easy task with 50% of the vote power.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
well, that settels my nerves abit,
unvote: ch3tan

Now you may very well not be a wolf, but a villager has no reason to try and set people up like that.

One thing's still bugging me here, how exactly was I setting you up ?
if for no other reason then simply for the sake of my sanity explain it,

I know it's hard to convay tone in writing, but look at
what I'm saying and, how, it's very blunt, direct and exagurated
hardly suttle mass-murdere carnivoriose tactics is it ?

I got annoyed beacuse I find you usefull, and i therfore reacted to
what i saw as a bad move..get it ?

I tell you that i think what your doing is a bad idea,
that can be abused by wolves, in both senarios, live or die..
and looky where we are now ?
you preaty much put your self in a bad position by saying that,
and now you try to pin that on me ?

also if I was going to lie about something, it's sure as hell not going to be something that just anyone can shuffel back and disproove with a few clicks now am I ?

/scratched head

So yes, I'll preaty much always comment/call on those
If I die then such and such...

so anyway, this is preay honest post, and well i guess open to spin by those that would wish that...but as I said earlier, If I go down, at least let it be for something that can be defined as actual meliciose intent.

Now Toht goes on about those arguing most strongly for thorw's death are the most likely wolves also confuses me. alot!!

Why should a wolf care ?
death by mynching or death by default still equals dead.
And if alive come morning? = a likely prooven nurse...time to chaw down come nightfall...

no ?

So yeah Toht and Mabs are definatly in my radar atm


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Toht's on the right track though. Thorwyn was innocent, the wolves would have known that. It was safe to target him or jump that vote. Thus those that voted for him must be looked at as possible furries.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
well duh,
that logic can be applied to anyone the wolves target,
only in this case they didnt have to do anything to reach that goal
so why bother advocating it...

So no I'm sorry that dosent make sence to me.
I would much rather look at those that, jumped on the vote, or
stayed well clear...

again from a wolf perspective there was no reason what so ever to get involved.
as thorw was dead either way "exept if he turned out to be a nurse...
wich again would have been benifical for them to know come daylight had he survived the least sugnificant deadline death.

so I ask again,
how in gods name would the wolves benifit from advocating the death of something thats already dead either way.. for the wolves it was a win/win.
by getting involved all they would have been doing is needlessly implicating them selves..

I'm sticking with Toht/Mabs for now.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
so your the only innocent ones, ?

also your claim isnt exactly true is it ?

I've put my self out there, and look what i get for it..
I had a theory about thorwyn, I've even explained it in detail.
I've quetioned you, I called ch3t on his if I die tonight quote,
other have just voted and silently walked away..

No, we're not the only innocent ones.

I still have ch3t on my list as said.

I questioned you -and- answered you, yet you don't seem to care about my claims and throw platitudes at them.

Now you just did one thing that peeks my interest, will did the same thing yesterday;

Remove vote to seem friendly.

The moment ch3t removes your vote, you turn buddybud with ch3tan.

Will did the same thing, going from super defensive to "let's be friends".

It all smells of buddy-fishing and that's fishy in both counts.

One main reason for your vote staying on you is this;

You keep using the "You're letting wolves play you" card, trying to guilt-trip votes and suspicion off you.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I would much rather look at those that, jumped on the vote, or
stayed well clear...

So everyone? Look at those that voted or didn't :p

so I ask again,
how in gods name would the wolves benifit from advocating the death of something thats already dead either way.. for the wolves it was a win/win.
by getting involved all they would have been doing is needlessly implicating them selves..

Because voting Thorwyn was the most popular option. Picking that will make you more positive among the villagers, then going against them.

Glad to see you enforce the "let's forget aout my prime suspect ch3tan for now" you do. Handy to drop the one who agrees with you.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
trying to turn the attention back to me thus avoiding my said points ?
wont work!

your logic about those that voted for thorw is flawed
Your avoiding the issue, you havent answered the poitns made as to why you'd be wrong, infact I could say your continuosly grasping a whims and trying to spin it into guilt..

people change votes all the time, it's part of the game, this is an old road well travelled and I have thus to see it mean didly squat.

and defending my innocence is guilt tripping...? ok
you keep doing this and it always leads to more confusion than clarity.

I'm still trying to make up my mind about ch3t, but I also have to defend myself
voting for your accuser is one way to do so. but where I belive Ch3tans accusations of rooting in a missunderstood incidant...yours seem far more maliciouse, and mabs seemed preaty quick on the trigger and has bolted back into the bushes, this makes hin suspeciouse to me.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I'm not turning attention anywhere, it's been on you all the time.

I never said anything about vote switching, i said you safe-vote to gain popularity(useless to vote thorwyn, but seems "akin to others").

Defending is not the guilt-trip, saying people are wolves or that doing x will play to the wolves is.

And again, your vote on ch3tan had nothing to do with defending initially, you stated very clearly your suspicion on ch3t, which now(that ch3t retracted vote) has disappeared more or less.

If you want me to answer some finer points, ask, i'll gladly do so.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
So everyone? Look at those that voted or didn't :p

Because voting Thorwyn was the most popular option. Picking that will make you more positive among the villagers, then going against them.

what nonsence!

and going against them ?
by your own logic than I'm the villager, as I was the first to point out his
absence, and i stuck to it...even in opposition.

mhm..you making alot of sence.!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
what nonsence!

and going against them ?
by your own logic than I'm the villager, as I was the first to point out his
absence, and i stuck to it...even in opposition.

mhm..you making alot of sence.!

No, by my very clear logic, you're safe-voting for a popular choice.

You've done this along the game, staying out of contradiction and voting for the safe bet.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Now Toht goes on about those arguing most strongly for thorw's death are the most likely wolves also confuses me. alot!!

By the way, that's not what i was saying.

Ch3t gave the initial "most likely wolves would vote for thorwyn", i said it's -part- of your list.

I've listed other points of your behaviour too and how you seem.

My vote stays on olga and there's little from you that will change it, if others have alternate theories, willing to listen.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
And again, your vote on ch3tan had nothing to do with defending initially, you stated very clearly your suspicion on ch3t, which now(that ch3t retracted vote) has disappeared more or less.

oh look, someone did something and then changed his mind as the discussion progressed...devil!!!

you want to know why I've eased up on ch3t ?
because he explain that his main reason for suspecting me was the quote, and depending on his future actions I'll keep revising that oppinion.
and he was willing to reconcider, so why shouldnt I ? thats part of the game.
I'm not going to stick to it just to proove a point or avaiod exactly what your doing just now.

His actions can be put down to a missunderstanding, yours cant.
infact yours seem deliberatly trying to incriminate anyone by any means nessersary..even if it has no logic or thruth to it, when you then are confronted with that, you respond with an attack,

I at least nother to expalin "in detail" my actions, my reasons, and any missunderstanding....


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well, for one i've explained in detail my reasons for you. You ignore them and laim "nonsense" or other generic word.

Second; if you do as you claim, defend by tittat-voting, why is your vote not on me?

Third; if you have some claims towards me, or questions on my behaviour, ask. You've yet to do so outside "you have no logic" or "You jsut attack anyone", which is a sweeping nonsensical claim.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
so by tohts logic...

you take the popular vote your guilty,
you change your mind your guilty
have an oppinion and you'll be wrong..oh and guilty

Again, you refuse to adress, that the safe vote on the thorw would have been to not vote at all, or at least bloody well not go publicly advocating it "like I did...
I could even see how advocating his innocence would have been benificail from a wolfs pov.

but mr. Toht would have you igmore all that.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Well, for one i've explained in detail my reasons for you. You ignore them and laim "nonsense" or other generic word.

yes my xx pages and post, show that i dont bother to explain or respond and ignore..

Third; if you have some claims towards me, or questions on my behaviour, ask. You've yet to do so outside "you have no logic" or "You jsut attack anyone", which is a sweeping nonsensical claim.

I've done so clearly, and yes, my claims are based on your seeming lack of logic, wich can also be seem as attempted missdirection, and a very keen sence of drowning out other peoples points, but rather taking tips and bits of out of cunstructed arguments, to serve as evidance for indifference and neglegiance...

sadly, I cant help feel this is the xxxx time we've been down this road


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
can you both please stop for a little while? You are going nowhere fast, just arguing in circles making the same points.

If anything you are distracting everyone else from what is going on, and you may just both be voted on to shut you the hell up.

Let someone else speak, we've got a fair few hours of this day left.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
so by tohts logic...

you take the popular vote your guilty,
you change your mind your guilty
have an oppinion and you'll be wrong..oh and guilty

Again, you refuse to adress, that the safe vote on the thorw would have been to not vote at all, or at least bloody well not go publicly advocating it "like I did...
I could even see how advocating his innocence would have been benificail from a wolfs pov.

but mr. Toht would have you igmore all that.

Ignored my last posts and claimed things i didn't say, good for you.

People can check themselves if i said that, no need to repeat myself.

Good question, your definatly getting there, but I still find mabs action more suspeciouse than you, since you could still very much just be you being you.

Then why not vote for mabs?

You seemed eager to vote for ch3tan, yet now you're waiting for some epiphany?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ch3t, that's the final post from me on the matter. I keep vote on olga, let others speak.

Jsut seems no one is speaking and we'll get another activity kill.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
I've explained why i voted for ch3tan and why removed it again so stop trying to make something of it thats it's not!

hopping people will just jump to the lastest page are we ?
no ? your posts sure do smell of it!


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
WOAH there folks! WTF was all that? :confused:

Gut instinct for me says Toht stuck his vote in against Ch3t and left it which reduces my suspicion of them being a pair, but I think one or other of them may be wolfie. Olga seems extremely defensive, but then he is getting a slating and yet I'm not sure he is wolfie, personally. Mabs is a furry suspect for me right now to some extent, but generally I'm a bit lost and will need to look at it all in more detail, I think.


Dec 17, 2003
I'm of the opinion that one of Ch3t and Toht is a wolf. I'm tending more towards Toht for it, because of

By the way, Ch3tans outburst alst night was quite a nice one.

By claiming Will, Olga and Aph3x are wolves, he must've hit a nerve as he wasn't munched on last night.

Olga again was quick to defend against the theory.

Olgas been playing silent running for the game, but a few slip ups last night causes him to pop out from the ranks.

My vote order for today would be;


Olga for reasons posted, Will for reasons before and Ch3t because i'm on the fence about him, but last nights actions smell more of townie then wolf.

He takes something Ch3t has said, and uses to turn an accusation round onto three people, but somehow still includes Ch3tan, and misses Aph3x out. I find that mighty suspicious. Combine that with Aph3x being really quiet, and Toht being really talky, and I think they are a pair. Its tenuous, but its all I've got.

vote : Toht


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
He takes something Ch3t has said, and uses to turn an accusation round onto three people, but somehow still includes Ch3tan, and misses Aph3x out. I find that mighty suspicious. Combine that with Aph3x being really quiet, and Toht being really talky, and I think they are a pair. Its tenuous, but its all I've got.

I didn't -turn- my accusation anywhere, simpyl included Olga and today has shown him as a prime.

You, Ch3t and Olga all i've given reasons, but why let something like that go in the way of claiming things i never said.

I said he must've hit a nerve by naming three people, two of which are on my suspicion list, aph3x is not.

Once again; i didn't turn anything around, you were always on the list, so was ch3tan, but ch3tans suspicion dropped heavily with the post he made.

It's -all- you've got 'cause you got nothing and try to get yourself a villager killed so you can munch away during night.

Olga and Will wolfies, olga vote stays.

And since that's ytour logic; olga has been reslly talky anc will has been really quiet! Omg! Wolves!


Part of the furniture
Dec 28, 2003
Sorry for my silence, I havent had as much time as I thought I would to participate in this, work is screwing me around sending me all over the South West of England to cover for useless fuckers who cant be arsed with coming into work. As it happens Im off to Exmouth tonight for another night in a B&B so again I will not be able to say alot and join in. Its a royal pain in the arse as I've been looking forward to a fast paced interesting Wolf game for a while and this is getting very very interesting.

My thoughts and another one post vote ( I know Ch3t I look dodgy but im not so your either going to have to trust me or kill a villager).

Toht and Olga have been at eachothers throats for most of the day by the looks of things, could be a very public spat to throw us off the scent. Could be they just dont like eachother, I'm leaning to the former.

Olga for me and by other peoples reasoning, has attempted to lie, I say attempted because he was found out and it wasnt a very sucessfull one, so by that

Vote Olgaline

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