honestly mabs, unless your a wolf, you might want to think about that,
is there an off chance I'm beeing setup here ? as the wolves dont want to see another nolynch ? and thus are getting more agressive ?
to me translated intoRemember that if I die tonight
if I die that prooves it
if I die that prooves it
Actually it seems that only aggresive(read as: at all aggressive) people here have been me and Ch3tan.
You had no quarry with the people dying at night.
You've voted the safe vote each time.
You lied at your quote.
I don't know if ch3tan is a wolf or not still, but you claiming that everyone who voted for you is a wolf is desperate at best.
Now you may very well not be a wolf, but a villager has no reason to try and set people up like that.
so your the only innocent ones, ?
also your claim isnt exactly true is it ?
I've put my self out there, and look what i get for it..
I had a theory about thorwyn, I've even explained it in detail.
I've quetioned you, I called ch3t on his if I die tonight quote,
other have just voted and silently walked away..
I would much rather look at those that, jumped on the vote, or
stayed well clear...
so I ask again,
how in gods name would the wolves benifit from advocating the death of something thats already dead either way.. for the wolves it was a win/win.
by getting involved all they would have been doing is needlessly implicating them selves..
So everyone? Look at those that voted or didn't
Because voting Thorwyn was the most popular option. Picking that will make you more positive among the villagers, then going against them.
what nonsence!
and going against them ?
by your own logic than I'm the villager, as I was the first to point out his
absence, and i stuck to it...even in opposition.
mhm..you making alot of sence.!
Now Toht goes on about those arguing most strongly for thorw's death are the most likely wolves also confuses me. alot!!
And again, your vote on ch3tan had nothing to do with defending initially, you stated very clearly your suspicion on ch3t, which now(that ch3t retracted vote) has disappeared more or less.
why is your vote not on me?
Well, for one i've explained in detail my reasons for you. You ignore them and laim "nonsense" or other generic word.
Third; if you have some claims towards me, or questions on my behaviour, ask. You've yet to do so outside "you have no logic" or "You jsut attack anyone", which is a sweeping nonsensical claim.
so by tohts logic...
you take the popular vote your guilty,
you change your mind your guilty
have an oppinion and you'll be wrong..oh and guilty
Again, you refuse to adress, that the safe vote on the thorw would have been to not vote at all, or at least bloody well not go publicly advocating it "like I did...
I could even see how advocating his innocence would have been benificail from a wolfs pov.
but mr. Toht would have you igmore all that.
Good question, your definatly getting there, but I still find mabs action more suspeciouse than you, since you could still very much just be you being you.
By the way, Ch3tans outburst alst night was quite a nice one.
By claiming Will, Olga and Aph3x are wolves, he must've hit a nerve as he wasn't munched on last night.
Olga again was quick to defend against the theory.
Olgas been playing silent running for the game, but a few slip ups last night causes him to pop out from the ranks.
My vote order for today would be;
Olga for reasons posted, Will for reasons before and Ch3t because i'm on the fence about him, but last nights actions smell more of townie then wolf.
He takes something Ch3t has said, and uses to turn an accusation round onto three people, but somehow still includes Ch3tan, and misses Aph3x out. I find that mighty suspicious. Combine that with Aph3x being really quiet, and Toht being really talky, and I think they are a pair. Its tenuous, but its all I've got.